Hey Folks,
I'm just setting up my shop with the classic theme of PS everything went well,
until I realized that the magnifying glass on the product images has disappeared and the Google+ button is missing, too.
When you click on the small magnifying glass you will get a broken popup frame with the procduct image in it.
Last thing I changed was the uppercase letter in product titels on the startpage:
themes.css -> text-transform:none
Edit History
Hey Folks,
I'm just setting up my shop with the classic theme of PS everything went well,
until I realized that the magnifying glass on the product images has disappeared and the Google+ button is missing, too.
When you click on the small magnifying glass you will get a broken popup frame with the procduct image in it.
Last thing I changed was the uppercase letter in product titels on the startpage:
themes.css -> text-transform:none
direct link:
Please check the screenshots below (first screenshot is mine, second from the demo ps site):
Hey Folks,
I'm just setting up my shop with the classic theme of PS everything went well,
until I realized that the magnifying glass on the product images has disappeared and the Google+ button is missing, too.
Last thing I changed was the uppercase letter in product titels on the startpage:
themes.css -> text-transform:none
direct link:
Please check the screenshots below (first screenshot is mine, second from the demo ps site):