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[Module] Pack: Blog PRO, Social Connects, Product Reviews - 1.6 / 1.7


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"Blog PRO": The Blog for PrestaShop gives you a noteworthy opportunity to communicate with your regular customers and casual visitors. Multilingual & Multishop


"Social Connects 16 in 1 + Coupon for Login + Statistics": "Login with Facebook", Tw, G+1 etc. Connects 16 in 1 is a highly effective prestashop module for customer auto login, connect, register, create account in the store with social network accounts.


"Product, Shop Reviews, Reminder, Profile, Rich Snippets": Best "Conversion rates" module on prestashop awards 2019! Increase conversion, traffic, visibility in the Google search results: Highly flexible module include Google Product Review Feeds for Google Shopping.


SAVE MONEY by purchasing this:


1. "Blog PRO" - https://addons.prestashop.com/en/product.php?id_product=41015

2. "Product, Shop Reviews, Reminder, Profile, Rich Snippets" - https://addons.prestashop.com/en/product.php?id_product=41875

3. "Social Connects 16 in 1 + Coupon for Login + Statistics" - https://addons.prestashop.com/en/product.php?id_product=41014


modules pack!



VIEW MODULES PACKhttps://addons.prestashop.com/en/product.php?id_product=45006 

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