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  1. Hello, some zip code, of the country where I sell, has been modified, I have inserted the new ones and modified some that no longer exist. On the registration page they are not ordered correctly. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for any reply.
  2. Hi Community, I'm currently working on a test case where we will hire a carrier which ships out products within a 100km radius with different rates. I have a list of all zip codes and the shipping fee, so what I would like to do is to: Create e.g. 5 different carriers (with different...
  3. Hi The Zip code is not relevant in my country and it is better that I disable it as an address field. However, some banks require a zip code in order for credit card payments to work. When the zip code is disabled the default value is set to "0" and is therefore rejected by the bank. I wish to...
  4. Hoy hemos actualizado a la versión y estamos chequeando su funcionamiento, lo primero que nos hemos dado cuenta es que en el formulario de registro cuando insertas el código postal (para España en este caso) aunque sea correcto siempre te muestra que hay un error en el campo (marco rojo y as...
  5. Hi all! yesterday I installed a new theme and updated prestashop to the newest version But now there is a problem with the zip code field when a customer want to register. For my country it is necessary to use a postcode. In the back office I checked: - Localization -> Countries -> Nether...
  6. Is there is a way to enable both USA zip code formats (5-digit and 9-digit) in PS In the Localization > Countries section in the BO I tried removing the default NNNNN ("No verification if undefined") for the USA hoping that might allow either format, but in testing this in the FO I got...
  7. Good evening, I need a support with my module that corresponding to the post office in brazil. The name of the module is FK correios. I don't know if my problema came from the module or from the prestashop dashboard. When my client try to buy my product, it doesn't matter what zip code that we p...
  8. i live in Mauritius and my zip code is a 6-digit code. The problem is that paypal accepts 5-digit zip code. How to i do to solve this problem??
  9. Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein Modul entwickelt, welches auf der Bestellseite die Lieferadresse gegen die hinterlegte (erlaubten) PLZ je Land vergleicht und falls es nicht übereinstimmt wird ein Dialog angezeigt, dass die Lieferung nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Dies kann z.B. für ein Pizza Lie...
  10. For PS1.4.7. I have one carrier that delivers only for certain zip-codes. All of them in the same state. Using default PS behaviour, a carrier is assigned for a zone... and the zone "is made" of states. We cannot divide states into smaller parts. So, just in case someone need this, I figured...
  11. I'm having an issue with a customer placing an order that lives in Dubai, UAE. They don't use postal codes there. Just P.O. boxes. They usually get their mail sent to their place of business so the Address 2 field would be good to have also. He was trying to put the P.O. Box in the postal field but...
  12. Hi community, I have some problems applying tax rules based on postal code. In Greece VAT standard rate is 23%. There are some areas that have reduced rate to 16% and this is based on postal code of the invoice address. So I leaved the built in standard rate (GR Standard Rate (23%)) as is and ad...
  13. I purchased this module and installed it just fine. But, during the configuration I find that a .csv file is needed for the zip codes and zones. It doesn't exist! I bought this module because it looked like you just had to install the .csv file you needed for your zone/s and away you go! Not the...
  14. Hi, It is possible set two syntaxes of zip code? I need "NNNNNN" and "NNN NN". Thank you!
  15. Dear Sir, could you tell mein which variable it stores postcode of user. I want to check user zip code before enabling the COD module like this in this i am checking cart total if ($params['cart']->getOrderTotal()<999) return ; similerly I want to check for user ZIP code,...
  16. Hi, There is no Zip/Postal code field when new customers register on my shop. It is needed, so they get this error message when they try to register "The Zip/Postal code you've entered is invalid. It must follow this format: 0000." I have enabled zip/postal code in the back office. Cust...
  17. Does any one know which MySql Table is used to store the merchants postal code. Is it `ps_address`? If yes I all I see is generic addresses from major companies in that table. I am from FreshSoftware.net/usps/ and I need this information to developer a USPS Domestic Rate Calculator form a client...
  18. Hi guys, I was just wondering if there was some module that enables customers to calculate shipping costs by entering their ZIP code? Or, solution that if they enter a ZIP code at a check out page the shipping cost is calculated automaticly at the end?
  19. Hi, I know this has probably been asked before and I did try one suggestion I found but it didn't work (to remove): if (!$this->checkZipcode($zipcode, $id_country)) $errors[] = $this->l('Depending on your country selection, please use a valid zip/postal code.'); from carriercompa...
  20. Regards I could help make a change in the form of my user info please PrestaShop store. I would change the mandatory field "Zip" by "Identity Card", and changed the name but when I enter I get "error" that has predisposed the "EC # # # # # #". My goal is to change the coordinates of "...
  21. Hi All, I am new to Prestashop. I have a site requirement to restrict delivery of orders to a specific set of Zip Codes. This is not based on order size or shipper, but a blanket restriction. The Zip Codes are all numeric and non-sequential. I ran a search against the forum but could not...
  22. Hi, I'm setting up a shop for the first time and having trouble with zip codes. I'm in Vermont (US) and need to use extended zip codes to specify certain tax regions in the state. Prestashop allows zip code ranges, such as 05641-05660. But this means I can't see how I'd input a range of extended zip...
  23. Salve a tutti, avrei bisogno di un piccolo aiuto circa un problema che sto incontrando su una installazione di prestashop (versione 1.4.9). Nel gestionale, sezione "Spedizione", sottosezione "Countries", sto cercando di aggiungere una nuova "Regione" alla quale associare determinati cap....
  24. Hi, When user creating account, allow users only in the particular zip / postal code that we are specified. Required: 1) Specify zip code residing only in Singapore in particular region only. 2) If user does not in the specified zip code, then he is not allowed to register. Thank you,
  25. Hello i'm having a small problem with the registration proccess in my website. I saw some examples which says to changed the class="text" to class="required text" in order to make a field to be required. I tested it and is not working. if you leave the fields empty then creates the account without t...
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