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  1. XML, CSV and API integration for PrestaShop Automate the flow of your product catalog This module allow you integrate your PrestaShop store with any numbers of API, XML and CSV feeds. Module connect to local or remote XML and CSV files and APIs and read data from them. Select the data you wan...
  2. I have a code that firstly read the cart rules and check if there is any duplicate code and this part works fine. I can get from the "GET" service. However, when I move on to "POST", it keeps returning server status 200 to me. It seems it changed from POST to GET automatically. Is there any way t...
  3. Hi, I found out there is a method to do stock update on multiple product with only one request. Maybe some of you already now the way but I didnt found it when I was searsching for. Solution : 1) Create a web request to "http://your.shop.url/api/stock_availables/1&display=[id,qu...
  4. Witam, Mam problem dotyczący przetwarzania danych przez api, podczas gdy wywołuje : $webService->get(), a następnie wybieram dane które chcę zwrócić returnem, Api dodaje mi całość mojego rezultatu(HTTP REQUEST HEADER, HTTP RESPONSE HEADER, RETURN HTTP BODY). Przez co moje api zamiast potrzebny...
  5. Good morning, I currently have a query to download the fields I need to connect to my facebook store, it isn't perfect but it works so far. The problem is that I need to automate it, because I am short on time to take care of everything. Right now I think I have two options, but I have fai...
  6. I would like to know if someone has an idea how to configure or implement the proces stated below. All new orders via marketplaces like Amazon, Bol.com, etc are syncronised PrestaShop. When someone buys for example the Intex Cool Guy Island via Amazon, the order is synchronized to PrestaShop. I...
  7. Hello, I am looking for a module that can update the stock from a XML Feed to Prestashop 1.7. I do not want to update anything else in the products, only the stock. Is there any module for this? Max amount: € 100
  8. Hello, all! I am new to Prestashop, I used it 1 or 2 times before. Now I am going to install it in a new hosting and to use it for PCs and PC accessories store. I have two questions, please, help me. 1. I will use this hosting, probably Mini plan - is it enough to run Pres...
  9. Hi How can I send a PUT / POST HTTP request, without PHP? I have used PHP a heap, but now I writing for a smartphone. (Using Swift, Java and was C#). (If asked, I can show the swift code that I use.) GET is simple, you can also just put the URL in a web browser to get a response. I...
  10. Enjoy https://github.com/sanctusmob/Prestashop-Skroutz-Feed/
  11. Σε κάποιο update του gsitemap αφαίρεσαν!WTF$@!#$$! (https://github.com/PrestaShop/gsitemap/pull/53) τους Manufacturers(Brand) και Suppliers. Έχω κάνει pull request. Για όποιον θέλει να το επαναφέρει https://github.com/sanctusmob/gsitemap/tree/re-add-manufacturer-and-supplier
  12. Hi all, I started to play with Prestashop a few weeks ago, trying to integrate it via Webservice to a different database. It was quite complicated to understand the whole API with combinations and attribute_values and all, but I managed to crack it in the end. The products are being created wit...
  13. Buenos días, Estoy trabajando con las diferentes maneras que hay de cargar productos en PrestaShop. Estoy viendo que es posible añadir productos mediante WebService. Actualmente tengo un archivo .xml con los productos a añadir, pero no se como hacer para cargarlos a la WebService y qu...
  14. OK So I am using the rss feed block to show the three latest items from a wordpress blog that is on the same domain as the prestashop store (I have to use feedburner to do this as by default the blog can't be on the same domain for some weird reason). Anyway, after much faffing I was able to show t...
  15. Hey devs! I am developing a website with only the catalog function. The catalog update operation is daily, so I need a module that allows me to automate the upload of a new catalog from a file hosted in a specific directory on a daily basis. The catalog is presented to me in XML, so I'll have t...
  16. Hi All, I'm looking for a way to import a stock.xml file from a supplier into my online store. Is there an easy way of doing this? Thanks! Samia
  17. Hi, There is a lot of module to import XML product files, but not work correctly in my, then i ask for a personalized module. My XML have a lot of fields, but i need: EAN (if not 13 character then skip, if empty then skip) Reference Brand (with 2 rename function es. NIK...
  18. Καλημέρα, Δουλεύω σε presta 1.6.1. και έχω το παρακάτω ερώτημα σε MySQL με το οποίο το έχω βάλει σε μια μεταβλητή string σε αρχείο PHP και σε συνδυασμό με PHP προσπαθώ να ολοκληρώσω ένα XML για το skroutz σε γενικές γραμμές δουλεύουν όλα καλά, το πρόβλημά μου είναι πως θα μπορέσω να βγάλω σε...
  19. Cześć, jak można ustawić produkty danej kategorii jako Polecane. Ogólnie sklep https://www.swiatdekoracji.pl/ posiada moduł do integracji pliku XML. Producent udostępnia nam taki plik z produktami. Problem polega na tym, że podczas mapowania kategorii, daną kategorię powiążę z Polecanymi. Wszystko...
  20. Jeg har også problemer. Admin på den ene af mine sider viser bare en hvid side. Hvordan kan man løse det? PS Torben
  21. Hello, I was wondering who could send me in the right direction. I have a sql query that runs out the output I will... That works perfectly... Now I want to use the sql query in a php script to give a xml output everytime I trigger the php. This is the code i have now, but it runs o...
  22. Hej Pludselig fra i går sidst på dagen har jeg ikke kunnet logge ind på min adm.side til min webshop. Jeg har været inde flere gange i går, men pludselig kom følgende fejlmeddelelse, når jeg forsøger at logge ind: Der blev fundet en fejl: Couldn't find end of Start Tag pric line 1 i f...
  23. Hello there! I have a store running on Prestahop 1.7.3. I am looking for the best solution for importing csv and xml files. The thing is that I have to update everyday the stocks for some of my products through a remote csv file. I have to do the same thing with another xml file from...
  24. Hi, how can I add the entire tree of categories to an XML file as an example: <?php ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); include('../config/config.inc.php'); include('../config/settings.inc.php'); $shop_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $server = _D...
  25. Hello there! I have a store running on Prestahop 1.7.3. and I am looking for the best solution for importing csv and xml files. The thing is that I have to update everyday the stocks for some of my products through a remote csv file, bu I also have to do the same thing with another xml file fro...
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