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  1. Static, Custom, HTML, Text, Multi blocks Create content blocks and place them everywhere you need on your website - now quickly and easily. Need a fast and efficient way to display a piece of content on your website (e.g. some important notice, marketing information, etc)? Prestashop...
  2. Onglets Produits (Multilingue, réactif, 12 styles) est un bon moyen de faire de votre magasin look moderne. Une fois installé, ce module produit onglets est une excellente façon de faire heureux vos clients, moteurs de recherche et vous! Les onglets produit (Multi-Language) pour Prestashop re...
  3. Statiques, Personnalisées, HTML, Texte, Multi blocs Créez des blocs de contenu et les placer partout sur votre site Web - c'est facile et rapide ! Cherchez un moyen rapide et efficace pour afficher un contenu sur votre site (par exemple, certains avis importants, l'information de mark...
  4. Ce module PrestaShop Popup Boîte Notifications permet d'afficher des notifications pop-up lorsqu'un utilisateur visite votre site Web. Cela permet de faire des annonces rapides et promouvoir les produits L'admin peut configurez le temps d'affichage des notifications pour les recevoir dan...
  5. Hello, PS Version: Currently I only have the WYSIMYG editor for editing the product descriptions. Can someone please tell me how to enable the WYSIWYG editor for the category descriptions?
  6. Hello, I have a problem with the WYSIWYG text editor of my prestashop 1.6. Indeed this one is present and works correctly on Windows but when I test on a Mac Os, it replaces the WYSIWYG by my text framed by HTML tag. After watching what happens in my console I realize that it returns the...
  7. I have a very strange problem. When i enter the short or long description of a product i can use text formatting inside the editor like bold or underlined etc. I can even see the result just fine while i am at it. But when i save the product and view it in the shop the formatting is not displayed. J...
  8. How I can add second WYSIWYG for categories, like description but additional in category.tpl display {$category->description} where can i make it for back office and show it like this: {$category->description_second}
  9. Hi, I have two problems: 1. When I want to add a picture in a product and then I click on "Add picture" nothing happens. 2. Wysiwyg editor does not display. It shows only text field with html code (see image bellow). HTML does not make me a problem, I'm proficient in it, but still laziness wi...
  10. Zdravím, mám takový problém. 1. Když chci přidat obrázek u produktu a kliknu na Přidat obrázek, tak se nic nestane. 2. Nezobrazuje se mi wysiwyg editor. Zobrazí se pouze obyčejné textové pole s html kódem. A to mi dnes ráno ještě vše fungovalo normálně. HTML mi problém nedělá, jsem v...
  11. I have installed v1.4.5.1 and starting to configure but I've noticed that the WYSIWYG toolbar options are missing above each description box. I have a second instance of prestashop installed running v (on a different server) and there are no problems with this. To my knowledge I have...
  12. Hi all, Upgraded some time ago to 1.6 and all seamed fine. Upgraded recently (v it looks like the WYSIWYG editor has disappeared. Upgraded to after that, but that didn't change a thing. Any help for where I could start looking to find this error. May thanks for any kin...
  13. I created a feature request at http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-5485 requesting that additional <a> attributes be whitelisted so that we could do things like create nav tabs using bootstrap from within the CMS content. Here is an example that was stripped away <ul class="nav nav-tabs">...
  14. Hi, I hope someone can help. I'm wondering why the tinyMCE editor in CMS pages is limited to only 2 lines of options (see attachment), rather than the 4 lines in the product editors. I'm specifically trying to add the selectformat option so my client can add headings without having to open t...
  15. Popup Box Notifications Este módulo prestashop trabaja para pop-up de notificación cuando cualquier usuario llega a su sitio web. Usted puede agregar una notificación de administración para el tiempo específico y cuando los visitantes vienen a su sitio web que recibirá est...
  16. Static, Custom, HTML, Text, Multi blocks Create content blocks and place them everywhere you need on your website - now quickly and easily. Need a fast and efficient way to display a piece of content on your website (e.g. some important notice, marketing information, etc)? Prestashop...
  17. Static, Custom, HTML, Text, Multi blocks Membuat blok konten dan menempatkan mereka di mana-mana yang Anda butuhkan di website Anda - sekarang cepat dan mudah. Fitur: - Admin dapat menambah blok baru - Admin dapat mengedit blok - Penyuntingan konten tab, menggunakan editor WYSIWYG - Ad...
  18. Static, Custom, HTML, Text, Multi blocks Inhalt erstellen Blöcke aus und platzieren sie überall Sie auf Ihrer Website - jetzt schnell und einfach. Features: - Admin kann neue Block - Admin bearbeiten Block - Bearbeiten Registerkarte Inhalt mit WYSIWYG-Editor - Admin löschen Block - A...
  19. Static, Custom, HTML, Text, Multi blocks Creare blocchi di contenuto e metterli ovunque vi serve sul vostro sito web - ora in modo rapido e semplice. Caratteristiche: - Admin può aggiungere nuovo blocco - Admin può modificare blocco - Modifica di contenuto sulla scheda, utilizzando edito...
  20. Static, Custom, HTML, Text, Multi blocks Crear bloques de contenido y colocarlos en todas partes que usted necesita en su sitio web - ahora de forma rápida y sencilla. Características: - El administrador puede añadir un nuevo bloque - El administrador puede editar bloque - Edición de con...
  21. Popup Box Notifications Questo modulo prestashop funziona per pop-up di notifica quando qualsiasi utente arriva al tuo sito web. Puoi aggiungere notifica da admin tempo specifico e quando i visitatori arriva al tuo sito web che otterrete questa notifica nella finestra pop-up....
  22. This prestashop module Popup Box Notifications works for pop up notification when any users comes to your website. It is helpful for any announcement of any deals and to promote your sales You can add notification from admin for specific time and when visitors comes to your website he wi...
  23. Hej Jeg er ved at lave nogle CMS-sider, som i editoren ser fine ud, men når jeg gemmer dem og vil se dem live på siden, så laves der ikke mellemrum mellem afsnitene? Hvordan kan det være? Se attachments.
  24. Dear Guys I know this question had been asked for ages, but for some reason i have not found my answer yet. So forgive my Question.. I am using Prestashop due to the template limitation that i bought. In the Product description long section i want to add WYSIWYG editor so it...
  25. Bonjour à tous et merci d'avance pour l'aide que vous êtes susceptible de m'apporter ! Je procède actuellement à des tests pour améliorer mon référencement avec Prestashop et je suis confronté au problème suivant : Je souhaiterais supprimer l'éditeur WYSIWYG appliqué au résumé d'un produit d...
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