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  1. Hi In Wishlist module version 3.0.2 Add to cart is missing and now there is "Customize" button for some reason instead? Have somebody noticed it? How with this version is possible to get Add to cart back? What would be good solution except to revert back to version 3.0.1 where Add to cart bu...
  2. Hello community i have an issue with my module blockwishlist the problem is that when i installed a module and it works but when i create a wishlist and i add a product on that wishlist it shows it twice in the wishlist i selected and i can't figure why do you have any tips to change this also...
  3. This module is basically a Favorite products module for customers. Customers can select products that they like and have a nice overview of their selected products. It automatically adds a button in the customer's account with an overview of the selected products. When a customer adds a produ...
  4. Actually I am here to take help from experts. As currently I have a store with Prestashop And the theme "Huge Sale" by template monsters I am using. but the theme don't have wishlist itself. I can see in modules section from FTP, there is a folder "blockwishlist". I want to know for w...
  5. i have an issue i want to change the position of a button of the blockwishlist module in prestashop and i didn't find the css file to change it, in the chrome debugger it says that it is in "..." that is generated in the html file but i cannot find where to change it. Thank you for help...
  6. Yesterday I downloaded the latest version and I started to play with the default theme. My problem is that I can't change the position of the Wishlist Button in the product lists (product miniature) - (I could do it with CSS but that's not the point). In the file: themes > classic > templ...
  7. Advance WishList Module Wishlist is one of the must-have features for the eCommerce stores. Wishlist allows the customers to save the products of their choice in their favorite list so that they can access these items later without wasting their time. The Wish List Module also allows the store...
  8. Hello. I have bunch of problems with a freshly installed prestashop. I started working on some modules developed by myself and the goal is to create a theme of my own. I have programing experience but still i am facing a lot of problems. First of all i haven't been able to find a good t...
  9. Problem when installing the wishlist module in Prestashop ver. the module is from https://github.com/PrestaShop/blockwishlist Download the zip file and extract and change the filename to without "-dev" Zip it again and upload via Prestashop Here's the error shown Attempted to lo...
  10. [MODULE] Advanced Wishlist|Favorite|Save for later|Buy later Pro Overview Add products to favorites (wishlist), customers can check the products they need to buy in the future,set favorite categories, promote and share favorite links, built-in customer favorite statistical behavior analys...
  11. Bonjour , Je travaille sur Prs Je cherche à déplacer le btn Wishlist dans la partie centrale de la fiche-produit , sous le btn 'Envoyer à un ami' ou 'Imprimer' Actuellement il est placé sous le btn 'Ajouter au Panier' dans la partie droite de la fiche. Je n'ai pas trouvé mais...
  12. Zdravím vespolek, nevíte jak bych mohl nastavit u modulu WB Feature, aby byl jen jeden wishlist? Ve výchozím nastavení je možné vytvářet seznamy, toho bych se potřeboval zbavit. Předem díky za nápady. Martin
  13. Hi guys, I'm having some trouble trying to find the compare button in the code on the server. I think I have removed all references to the compare button (as I have no use for it on my shop). But the button still remains there. Can anyone let me know where this can be located in the code s...
  14. Bonjour, Je bloque sur le problème suivant : J'ai activé la wishlist et elle fonctionne bien mais quand je clique sur "Envoyer cette liste" pour transmettre la wishlist à quelqu'un, il me ré-affiche le bouton "Envoyer cette liste" alors je reclique dessus et le bouton disparait ! Et il n'envo...
  15. Bonjour, Je suis sous Prestashop 1.6, j'ai le theme JMS_Cake. Site www.lasourisdesbois.com Lorsque je veux ajouter un produit dans ma liste de souhaits, il ne se passe ...rien (cf copie d'écran) Lorsque je vais dans le menu du compte client et que je clique sur wishlist, il essaie d'atte...
  16. Hallo, möchte den merkzettel vom kundenmenu entfernen, da er nicht eingesetzt werden soll. konnte den link nicht finden, weiss jemand wo das ist https://i.imgur.com/0hXkCJH.png ps: 1.7.x im Einsatz Danke
  17. Good afternoon. I have the Prestashop version installed. The wishlist function is not working. When the customer clicks on wishlist, no event occurs, that is, the article is not added to the list. I already uninstalled the module and reinstalled, but it did not work. Do you know how...
  18. Hello everybody! I have a problem with my wishlist. First question - stock theme in prestashop does support 2 or more wishlists? If it support - then there is a problem with add products to wishlists. If I click on button "wishlist" the product add is not the one I chose. Always ad...
  19. Hola a todos, necesito ayuda con el botón de favoritos. Me gustaría que al hacer click y añadir un producto a favoritos, se cambiara automáticamente a "eliminar de favoritos". He leído varias respuestas sobre el tema pero corresponden a versiones anteriores a la de Prestashop. Muc...
  20. Hello everyone! Please help me on how to display price in wishlist module when I click the wishlist that sent to me by a friend. Help me please. Thanks in advance!
  21. For more sees I attached the screenshot which I am in troubles. And my wishlist is not working.
  22. Bonjour je recherche un module gratuit ou payant permettant de créer une liste de mots clefs qui si ils se retrouvent sur le site dans un produit avertiront par mail le client en lui donnant les liens des produits concernés (même si ce produit n'avait jamais été sur le site) Merci
  23. Hola, Tengo la última versión de Prestashop con el tema default-bootstrap que estoy modificando y estoy trabajando en local. Estoy intentando configurar el módulo Bloque de wishlist, pero no consigo que funcione correctamente. Cuando le doy a añadir a la lista de deseos en la lista de produ...
  24. Hola Alguien sabe como funciona la lista de deseos? es decir cuando voy al panel del usuario veo los productos añadidos https://www.screencast.com/t/tdqDWukF pero cuando intento ingresar a ellos no aparecen con los atributos seleccionados y tampoco me da la opcion de comprarlo
  25. Bonjour, Il y a possibilité de créer plusieurs liste dans le blockwishlist, par contre je ne vois aucunement comment changer de liste ou transférer les produits d'une liste à l'autre. Est-ce un oubli dans le module ou est-ce que je manque quelque chose?? Quelqu'un sait?
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