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  1. Hola comunidad. Estamos instalando prestashop en su version 1.7.7 en un server centos, ya tenemos nuestra tienda publicada baja un domino site.domain.com/organics/ . El cual se visualiza sin problema y con un certificado SSL cargado en el apache (httpd) del servidor. Ahora bie...
  2. Hi, I found out there is a method to do stock update on multiple product with only one request. Maybe some of you already now the way but I didnt found it when I was searsching for. Solution : 1) Create a web request to "http://your.shop.url/api/stock_availables/1&display=[id,qu...
  3. Good morning. I am trying to update the stock of the product combinations using the Prestashop api. I've been seeing in forums that an addition is made in the "stock_available" section of the products xml. The problem I have is that the ID of the combination to modify the stock does not appear....
  4. Hi, I am struggling to get the shipping cost of a carrier while products are in a cart. I've looked at /carts, /carriers, and etc but it doesn't seem to have any field relating to it's shipping cost. I am using this API on a remote server, so I can't edit the prestashop files to retrieve i...
  5. Hi all, It seems strange, but as far as I see there is no way to set the carrier availability restriction for a product via web service of PS 1.6 (I am talking about what is stored in the ps_product_carrier table) It is not under api/products, not under api/carriers Any idea? Thank you,
  6. Hi all , This is my post in forum , i would like to know is there is any option to filter web service out put for category listing based on language id , below is my current xml out put. GET /itart/api/categories/4 HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic Host: Accept: */* RET...
  7. Hy, i have a problem. A have a problem, i find how to put a product into a cart but i dont know haw to put another product. $webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG); $xml = $webService->get(array('url' => PS_SHOP_PATH.'/api/carts?schema=blank'...
  8. Buenos dias, Queria decir que estoy sincronizando (post, put) productos en prestashop 1.7 y me sale un problema al añadir productos con combinaciones. Cuando añado un producto X con combinaciones X1, X2 en la pagina del webservice /api/products/... y tengo bien creadas las combinaciones X1, X2,...
  9. Buenos días. Estoy intentando actualizar el stock de las combinaciones de productos utilizando la api de Prestashop. He estado viendo en foros que se realiza una modificación en la sección "stock_available" del xml del producto. El problema que tengo es que no aparece el ID de la combinación pa...
  10. Hello! Please tell me how to filter products in the Web service according to combinations or characteristics? In a mobile application, you need to filter by color, how to do it through web services? Thanks!
  11. Bonjour, J'essaye de consommer le service web prestashop avec un logiciel type Curl. Le GET marche bien comme suis: GET ("https://domaine/api/customers/1?output_format=JSON", authenticate("FJ1T7FE6JVT8PHME5SK8D9A34RFDGT56","")) Par contre le POST ne marche pas:...
  12. Hi, how I could get the best sellers and more viewed product from Web Service? Actually, I'm getting all products from web service with this endpoint: https://xxxx.xx/api/products?display=full&ws_key=xxxxxxxx I can't see any field that tells me this The response is: "id": 2,...
  13. Hello, I´m trying to add a manufacturer image via WS but I receive this error: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <errors> <error> <code><![CDATA[66]]></code> <message><![CDATA[unable to save this image]]></message> </error> </e...
  14. I want to embed code to connect to a web service on the button where you can pay, could you share the route to make the changes in the code?
  15. i have made a custom payment gateway module now i have create a web service and a WSDL so that the gateway provider can update the payment status in case the payment is successful or not. There is no help around for creating webservice for PS 1.7.
  16. Hello, I am developing the Windows Desktop application (.NET) which uses PrestaShop API for adding new products (for example). When I add only few products, the adding is relatively fast, but when I add more products to the shop, for example 1000 - 5000 products, the adding goes always slo...
  17. Ciao a tutti, come faccio ad accedere alle API di prestashop? da backend sono andato in Advanced Parameters > Webservice , ne ho creato uno con la sua bella key ed ho dato qualche permesso di lettura e aggiornamento in products e stock_availables. navigando all'URL http://www.... /ap...
  18. I'm on Prestashop I need to update the shipping_number of an order. For that I'm using: PUT to http://SN...7C@localhost:8888/prestashop1616/api/orders If I send: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <order>...
  19. Bonjour à tous, J’aurai besoin de petits renseignements sur l’utilisation du web service sur Prestashop 1.6 et 1.7. Nous avons plusieurs boutiques physiques qui utilise des caisses enregistreuses (ERP & CRM) ces caisses gèrent nos produits, nos stocks, fichiers clients… Nous all...
  20. Bonjour, J'essaye d'interfacer mon ERP avec PrestaShop. J'arrive à envoyer les catégories (Famille d'article) ainsi que les produits. Quand j'envoie une modification d'article, tout se modifie bien sauf le prix ??? Y a t-il quelque chose de spéciale à faire pour mo...
  21. Hi, I try to devlop a very simple module to access my prestashop site in 1.6. My code is like this : require_once('PSWebServiceLibrary.php'); try { $webService = new PrestaShopWebservice('http://mysite/api/', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', false); $xml = $webService->g...
  22. Hello, a question : Can I consume an asp.net web service with my PrestaShop platform? thank you .
  23. How can I get the web service to return json instead of xml?
  24. Hi there, We are using two sites one is Prestashop and another one is an ASP.NET based site. Now we want to communicate Prestashop from ASP.NET site to add customers, products, list products and much more, We found a solution that Prestashop have inbuilt Webservices. We are currently host the pr...
  25. I'm trying to create a product on 1.6 web service but I'm getting this error. Anybody know how to fix it? $webService = new PrestaShopWebservice('http://presta.dev:8888', 'IJQ3F3EULJYS1EYSSDBB8EA4Y2K7RHSY', true); $opt = array('resource' => 'products'); $xml = $webService->get(array('url' => 'http...
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