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  1. Prestashop Module Shop Reviews + Avatars and Rich Snippets from a satisfied customer is the most persuasive means that you have at your disposal to convince a customer that you are legitimate and that you have a track record for success. A website is an online business card and it is astounding h...
  2. Easy to use and start bargaining environment on your shop, customers just need an option to offer price which suites their wallet and the final decision will be yours to accept/reject or make a counter offer. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/price-management/19507-make-an-offer.html
  3. J'utilise Prestashop thème Classic, et je constate qu'il y a un problème de calcul au niveau des remises affichées dans l'email de confirmation de commande. La valeur de {total_discount} est calculée en tenant compte de la TVA du pays du client alors que la valeur 'voucher_reduction' es...
  4. Hi everyone, I don't found a module for my need, and I would like make a custom modify. I don't know how to do, please anyone can help me, I do a discounts with voucher on cart rules. I make vouchers with percentage discount for some products, for X minimal total cart value. Example: Product A...
  5. How do I limit a cart rule to the number of customer's orders? In other words, how do I create a voucher code for customers who have no orders yet? I am thinking like this: 1. create a module which adds a check mark to cart rule form with the title of "usable for first orders only" 2. fi...
  6. Good morning, I'm having trouble showing the amount discounted on each product after using a discount code / voucher in the checkout of my store, i've been checking and dumping $vouchers , $subtotals, $product, $totals and have got no luck with it.
  7. Hello, I'm using Prestashop I am trying to display the minimum amount to reach in the cart to benefit from a voucher code. By default, when you indicate a promo code, the following text is displayed "Your order does not reach the amount...". Is there a smarty variable th...
  8. Hey devs, Is there is any way to get CartRule (voucher) restrictions listed in PHP? I wan't to see for example for which manufacturers code is available or maybe for which categories it is active only. How to get this informations in PHP? I tried with CartRule::getCartsRuleByCode('CODE') but it j...
  9. Does anyone have any ideas of how to display available vouchers on product.tpl? To be more specific, only show vouchers that are available for this specific product or the category its in. I'm thinking something of the line of: {if $voucherAvailable} {foreach from=$displayVouchers item=vouche...
  10. Hi! I'm having a problem with PS that is making me totally messed up! Everything worked fine until I enabled a voucher. If a voucher is enabled (doesn't matter if it's for free shipping or discounted price) I get the message that no carrier is available for the payment method....
  11. Hi! I downloaded and installed the module "Prestashop Unique voucher for newsletter signup" but i have some problem If i register a new user from the registration form, it works But if i use the ps_emailsubscription module it doesen't work beacuse after the 2.6.0 update the module uses aja...
  12. We have a problem when a order that was sold with a 10% voucher is returned back from a customer. For example: https://gyazo.com/5c1759239e87ef204a0b8095734b7a3f When a customer retunr the first Article code: A0326 that cost 35,00€ there is no way to choose to discount the origianl...
  13. Hey there, Here's the issue i'm facing. In the atteched screenshot you can see that when selecting the percentage discount action a *selected products* option exists. However this option does not exist for when you want to apply a discount via an amount. Meaning that when i have a voucher...
  14. Hi, I can't find how to translate messages related to voucher usage, like "You cannot use this voucher on products on sale" Where could i find it?
  15. Ciao a tutti, ho un problema con l'utilizzo della gift card attivando la modalità uso parziale (modulo terzo). Quando un cliente effettua un acquisto di un importo inferiore al taglio della gift card, utilizzando il codice ricevuto, viene generato un voucher della rimanenza con un i...
  16. Salve a tutti! Nel mio e-shop vendo tra gli altri anche alcuni marchi che, per precedenti accordi commerciali, non posso vendere al di sotto del loro prezzo di listino. Quindi per i prodotti di questi brand non dovrebbe essere mai applicabile uno sconto. Tutto facile con le Regole Catalogo...
  17. Buona sera, mi trovo in difficoltà nella gestione dei nuovi clienti che si iscrivono alla newsletter in fase di creazione di un nuovo account. Spuntando il flag "iscriviti alla newsletter" nel form di registrazione utente, il cliente viene correttamente inserito nella lista di coloro che s...
  18. Hello dear community, as far as i know there is no way to pay the shipping costs with a voucher in PrestaShop out of the box. For example: total of products is 10$, shipping costs 5$ and my voucher is 20$. In this case i would like the total value to be 0$ and create a new voucher with the rema...
  19. Hi can you help me, voucher code not multiplying to product quantity how to solve this
  20. Good morning, I've created many delivery methods in the store. Each has price rules related to the weight of the products. My problem is that I anticipate free delivery from a certain threshold and implement it using an automatic coupon. Some shippings are not included in the free delivery, so I cre...
  21. Hi there. I am using Prestashop 1.6 and I want a way for some customers to be able to access a specific category which is hidden to everyone else. I am thinking about a voucher because I need an expiration date. So I would like to create a voucher that would allow acces to a new category....
  22. Ciao a tutti! Ho un problema con l'applicazione del buono sconto (Prestashop vers. 1.7): quando creo la "Regola Carrello" impostando che questo buono non è valido per i prodotti già scontati. Ma nel momento in cui nel carrello inserisco un prodotto scontato e un prodotto a prezzo pieno mi appli...
  23. Module guarantees: - Help installation including: There is a detailed user guide with examples even for tiny addons. - Constant updates: Careful in-house testing ensures you get robust applications. Multiple stores support. Custom themes compatibility. All included. - Usability and perform...
  24. Hi Friends, I have a problem in my store. I added 100 different vouchers which is valid for one user. But the users started combining the vouchers which old vouchers and i face a critical situation as it will make loss for my side. I tried changing all vouchers to uncombined while creating a vou...
  25. Dzień dobry Panie... panowie... :-) Czy mi ktoś podpowie jak wyświetlić listę kodów rabatowych (ta lista co pojawia się w koszyku) na innej stronie niż koszyk. Np na home lub gdziekolwiek indziej... Pomocy! :-)
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