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  1. Bonjour, Mes produits possèdent tous un fichier virtuel. Une fois le paiement accepté, le client reçoit le lien de téléchargement par mail. Je souhaiterais que les clients puissent également télécharger ces fichiers virtuels depuis leur compte client, ce qui, sauf erreur de ma part, n'est...
  2. Hello Community, I want to provide a virtual product free of charge, that can be ordered without paying and then downloaded through the "virtual product for download" e-mail. Everything appears to be working when I place an order. The e-mail is received and I can click on the file download...
  3. Hi! I sell normal products in my store, but i want to sell virtual products too. The problem is, with virtual product in cart, there are no delivery options. So one can't proceed from personal information to check out. Can someone help me please?
  4. Hi there. I am using Prestashop to sell virtual products. It works fine but on Chrome. When a customer receive the "The virtual product that you bought is available for download" message, the link to download the file does not work. It seems a new window is opening and immediatel...
  5. Check out our module - Multiple Files For Virtual Products If you are selling virtual products on your website, this module is perfect r that purpose because it lets you add more than one file to the product. Features: Easily add different file types so your customer can get...
  6. Any idea on how to enable virtual product combination in prestashop Free modules or tutorials?
  7. Hi, im newby and trying to configure my store 1.6 to sell virtual products, and would like to add extras features to the product, just like this image. Changing combinations change prices. But in my 1.6 says that virtual product can not have combinations, how to configure then ?
  8. Bonjour, Je dois faire un site e-commerce assez spécifique et je débute sur Prestashop, j'aurais donc quelques questions a vous poser, Le site ne propose qu'un seul et unique produit, qui est virtuel. J'aimerais créer un outil d'édition, ou le client pourrait ajouter un fond, du texte...
  9. Hi, Im using prestashop, Im trying to sell a virtual product. I have uploaded zip file to the prestashop. However when order is made and set to payment accepted, or to shipped or to any other state, I receive emails but they don include the download link 😕 Can anybody help me ? T...
  10. Hello I'm building a photography shop. I offer to my customers 3 category of products: 1. Physical product (Standard product) for example print on paper or canvas 2. Virtual product - download of RF product pictures (stock pictures) 3. Virtual product - booking for services (wedding, port...
  11. Salve, ho creato dei prodotti virtuali che consistono in cataloghi da scaricare. Vorrei però che il prodotto sia gratuito, quindi è possibile sostituire "aggiungi al carrello" con "download" direttamente senza passare dal carrello? Inoltre vorrei che questo prodotto sia visibile a tutti...
  12. Hey there, i'm assuming the prestashop addons store is using prestashop itselft (why not to believe in their own software?) and for that reason my question is this: - you can download free products directly from the addons store. No registration, no checkout process. Just direct dowload. It is pos...
  13. Hello folks, I think I found a major bug in the handling of Virtual Products in Prestashop 1.7. First off some background: A while ago, I asked for help with an issue I have about the total being incorrectly calculated when using discount vouchers: https://www.prestashop.com/foru...
  14. Hi , In Prestashop 1.7 , we only can have upload a single virtual product for 1 product . We can't upload "multiples virtual product" ( multiple files ) But Prestashop offers ( EDIT PRODUCT then , in Options ) possibility to have multiple files . The problem is que the...
  15. Hello! I have added a virtual product to my shop; I have seen that in mail folder, there is a download_products template. I have added the virtual product in my cart and paied for it but I did not receive the email with the link to download it. The link is only available in the customer area (wh...
  16. Hello, In PS I sell virtual product but the problem is that customers do not received an email confirmation with the download link included. I do not know if this matters, but I use Paypal and ingenico payment module. It is like the "download_product.html" email was not fired....
  17. Uploading a virtual product on InMotion hosting of over 100mb in size produces the following: "The uploaded file exceeds the "Maximum size for a downloadable product" set in preferences (999MB) or the post_max_size/ directive in php.ini (100MB). " My php.ini file is set as follows: error_l...
  18. Hello everyone. I need skip address step when only virtual product in card. Can someone provide a solution? Thanks Prestashop 1.7
  19. I would like to see the content of the emails send to customers in the Backoffice (I'm on prestashop 1.6) particularly the message that is "The virtual product that you bought is available for download" Is it possible to access that email somewhere?...
  20. Hello . I need allow customer to download 100-200MB file. But I can not upload file like this by standard prestashop function. Do any one knows a solution? module, codding ... anything. Or the max MB of upload file is just problem of hosting?
  21. Good day We are using Prestashop We are setting up an ebook store and need to add more than one file to a virtual product, let me explain: When selling ebooks, they can be ePub of PDF (for instance, there are others) and in order to sell both we now have to set up one product for ea...
  22. Hi guys, i am using prestashop 1.6.05 I am having difficulty with uploading the virtual products... I can't seem to add a file to the product. Once I have selected the file, and after the file uploads to prestashop, it doesn't seem to save it to the product. when it has finished up...
  23. I am adding virtual product in PrestaShop using API and I am using PSWebServiceLibrary. I have successfully added product and its images but when I am trying to add file to download for this product, I didn't find any method in above library and API. So, I need any method to add downloadable...
  24. Hi, There seems to be 64 Mb limit for downloadable products in Prestashop by default. Administration -> Preferences I found "Maximum file size for downloadable product" and was able to increase file to 64 Mb. If i try to increase the file size bigger comes red box with this text: "The limi...
  25. Hi, It seems that the filesize of downloadable products is limited to 25 Mb by default. Is there some way to increase that? Or do I need a module to sell bigger files? If I do, which modul(s) would you recommend? Jukka
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