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  1. Bonjour, Depuis maintenant un peu plus d'une semaine je n'arrive plus à acceder à mon menu "Modules et services" ainsi que "préférences". Je n'arrive plus à enregistrer de nouveaux produits sur mon back office, je recois le message suivant : "Cette page ne fonctionne pas...
  2. Hello all, this is a very simple module that I created from a need my company needed that currently isn't available in the paid apps that deal with product flags. This module does only 1 thing and that is to add a flag to all products that are Virtual Products. You are able to customize what the fla...
  3. Hola estoy buscando algún modulo que al momento de que el cliente me compre un producto, automáticamente lo reciba en su correo electrónico. También, tener la opción. de enviarle el producto en 24 horas a su correo, como dejarlo pendiente y una vez enviado el correo que quede en estado entregado....
  4. Hello All, I have couple of questions regarding Currency & Tax (i'm using version 1. Is there any way I can get the currency display to change automatically based on the customers location?. e.g. Somebody visits from the US the prices are displayed in USD, from EU display in EUR a...
  5. I want to disable cash on delivery payment for my virtual products 1%. Rest of 99% percent of my products are physical. Any ideas?
  6. Virtual Payment Terminal Module Many times it has been seen that the customer faces difficulty while making payment. The problem could be anything ranging from gateway issue to connection problem. This can not only trigger cart abandonment but might also make the customer leave the websi...
  7. Hey there, i'm assuming the prestashop addons store is using prestashop itselft (why not to believe in their own software?) and for that reason my question is this: - you can download free products directly from the addons store. No registration, no checkout process. Just direct dowload. It is pos...
  8. Hello everyone Is there any way to store the files related to virtual products on an external server other than the server where I have Prestashop? Basically it's due to server space issues, the virtual product files are too heavy and do not fit on my Prestashop server. I'm not interested...
  9. Bonjour, Je suis entrain de vivre la formidable aventure de l'intégration des mails et j'ai remarqué que dans le template de mail download-product il y avait une partie dynamique now available for download using the following link(s):<br /><br /> {virtualProducts} </span> </span></td> J...
  10. Hi all. There's any way to enable combinations in virtual products like in PS 1.6? I'm trying to figure how can I do this without succeed. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hello, I want to add attributes to a virtual product. Can you help me? Thanks
  12. Saludos, He creado una tienda de productos digitales, por lo que cada producto tiene asociado un archivo digital. lo curioso del asunto es que el sistema da acceso a este archivo aunque el comprador no realice el pago. alguna forma de que el producto digital solo se entregue cuando el pedi...
  13. Hi there. I have a weird question, but I try. I am afraid I made some bad manipulation for download files and I fear to lost some... So I ask my-self if you have a trick to check if each virtual product has indeed his associated file present n download folder? Thanks for your tim...
  14. Hello, I sell vouchers on my site (PS Prestashop disables shipping costs by default for virtual products. But I need to charge a small fee for each download and have changed 'shipping charge' to 'service charge'. Does anybody know what I should change in Cart.php in PS to make...
  15. Use this code to exclude specific categories from counting to the total necessary for free shipping. Part of this code can be also used to add to your cart a line with something like "Remaining amount in order to obtain free shipping:" Most of the code was taken from here, but also here. Works o...
  16. Is it possible to create a product which is both physical and virtual? For example: If you were selling a book, you may want the option of having a combination which allows a customer to select 'ebook' (only possible with physical products). In that case, they would be expecting a download link (onl...
  17. Hola Después de dar muchas vueltas buscando módulos para el TPV virtual de ING Direct de la tienda que estoy preparando, resulta que en el sitio de Redsys tienen un módulo para Prestashop (entre otros), así que, a priori "parece" que me voy a ahorrar unos euros. El caso es que lo he instalad...
  18. We have been looking into a online virtual configurator like they have in the nike store for there customized shoes. Doogma has a product you can add into all platforms, but they are quite pricy if you want to be able to have more than 5 products. Any one know of a module of any kind that can do...
  19. Hello, I'm having a small issue with the Virtual Products. Because is virtual I cannot have a shipping cost but I'm having the option of Cash on Delivery. I saw some posts on the forum that said to modify the code of the payment but still i have some questions. The solution that I'm thinking to...
  20. please am new to this feature. i have uploaded the product and set it up. i still have a problem, because i dont understand how it works. when i confirm delivering, is there a mail sent to the user containing the link to download it? i confirm a delivery and yet the mail wasnt received my...
  21. Buenas, antes de nada decir que el aporte no es mio, es de Razaro, pero como a mi me ha sido muy útil, lo comparto. Sirve para poner un boton de 'Descarga gratuita' en productos virtuales que tengan el precio 0. De esta forma se descarga directamente el archivo, sin tener que registrarse. En e...
  22. My products are instant digital downloads and need help for checkouts for free products using a voucher. My only payment method is PayPal. Do I need a module to do this? Help is greatly appreciated. PrestaShop FairyDreamLand.com
  23. Good day, dear friends! Trying to solve the problem for several weeks with the import of thousands of Microsoft Word documents at the REST API I have not found the section of virtual files (table ps_product_download). Also I was not able to save the form products through the curl, since I coul...
  24. Добрый день! Не могу найти в REST API раздела виртуальных/загружаемых файлов (из таблицы ps_product_download), чтобы импортировать туда скриптом свои (их несколько тысяч). Также не могу получить доступ к сохранению формы товара через curl к бэкофису из-за системы сессий, куки и токенов. Prestasho...
  25. When i try to add new virtual product to prestashop, i get some error, which i dont know how to fix. Error code: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/home/relectne/relect.net/html/shop/cache/smarty/cache/blocknewprodu...
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