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  1. Bonjour, Je possèdais prestashop et j'ai rajouter le paypal et quand j'effectue un achat j'ai cette errour dans le page de payemnt Error code: 0;Short message: Should equal sum of (unit_amount * quantity) across all items for a given purchase_unit; Avez vous une idée...
  2. Good day, I intend to add the number of items per item in the category menu of the store catalog view. (attached image "deseado.png" - black text) because is a requirement of my business. The facet search module has similar functionality but it doesn't the required behavior. I am work...
  3. Buen día, Pretendo añadir el número de artículos por ítem en él menú de categorías de la vista del catálogo de la tienda. (adjunto imagen "deseado.png" - texto en color negro) pues es un requerimiento de mi negocio. El módulo de búsqueda por facetas tiene un funcionalidad parecida pero lo...
  4. We bought a Facebook store module from mypresta.eu. The module is installed and works on the fb version of the computer while there is a problem on Facebook's mobile version. You can not see the shop tab at all. You can not tag a product in the post either. You can not select any of the products....
  5. Prestashop 1.6 Hey When Friendly URL is enabled, the pictures dosent show (link is not right) AND all categories and products url redirect to this error : NOT FOUND The request url /homez.194/paraluxe/ was not found on this server. I have tried many solutions in forums...
  6. Hello ! I want to delete Description tab anyone can help me ? 🙄 {** * 2007-2018 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also ava...
  7. Hi friends By mistake i have added a new product but with out name or photo. and now i can not delete this product because is not in the products catalog, although is in my shop.. how can i delete this ghost product? please help and advise Thank you in a...
  8. you have already solve this problem like $this->_assignSummaryInformations(); but i need to diplay in authentication.tpl page but in switch case there is not available , so please help me to solve this problem ,
  9. hello everyone and prestashop experts any one can help me to fix error in my first module i copy all things form pretsahop wiretransfer module i want to just show to filed one of text and second img filed but when when select paytm offline option 500 server error module file attached...
  10. Hi guys, hope you help me with this little thinghs. I have a prestashop site with a top horizontal menu with some categories. My issue is that I want to display this menu in all the pages except for the home page. My site is http://carniguglielmin.zeuslab.it/. Christian
  11. Wykryłem błąd w module 'Prestashop Free product reviews (comments)' ( https://mypresta.eu/modules/advertising-and-marketing/free-product-reviews-comments.html ) Myślałem ze coś namieszałem w plikach ale przeinstalowałem i to samo, na nowej kopij sklepu to samo wiec nie wiem czemu tak się dzieje...
  12. Hello , I bought the module Prestashop Gift Cards from mypresta.eu, but when I'm inserting in the email template {pdf_link} that is the code with which you can have a link in the email for downloading the pdf file, it doesn't work. I receive the email but when I click on the link it triggers 5...
  13. how to create notification "Product is already in cart" in this tutorial i show how to create a notifications that informs customer that product is already in cart. this message will appear on product pages only if customer will have product in cart. example of the message you can see below:
  14. Hi! I've just started working with Prestashop and I’ve been having some difficulty formatting the info on the product description. I'm new with all of this so I’ll try to explain the problems the best i can! 1. if I separate 2 paragraphs with 1 clear line, on preview this space dis...
  15. HELLO Guys, my prestashop website had crashed , so i was restoring my website from backup but i am unable to restore it while restoring i m getting this errors any suggestions , idea, solutions will be appreciated a lot. Require help from you guys Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler...
  16. Hello Guys, Need Your Help, Few Days Back i was restoring my website from Backup on my server the backup has restored but i am getting certain error's in front office and backoffice Can anyone has any idea about what is the meaning of following error's and what are the steps to be taken....
  17. Hi Guys, I need a little customization in my prestashop website, I am using prestashop version, I am using Agile Multiple Seller Module , One Page Checkout Module, and PrestaSMS module. I want to send a email to customer,vendor and admin when the order-status is changed to Canc...
  18. Hi Guys, I need a little customization in my prestashop website, I am using prestashop version, I am using Agile Multiple Seller Module , One Page Checkout Module, and PrestaSMS module. I want to send a email to customer,vendor and admin when the order-status is changed to Canc...
  19. Hi Guys, Suddenly my backoffice takes more time to load i don't understand why it takes more time as i am new to prestashop i cant even interpret what is wrong with it. Can anyone help me out with the understanding of this speed performance factors. It would be helpfull if u copy paste links...
  20. Hi Guys, I want to migrate my shop from server to localhost. The following things were performed by me. 1.Downloading all files from ftp client to xamp(by making a folder named as 'shop' htdocs directory). 2.Downloading the database from phpAdmin and importing the databse to local host....
  21. Hello, when upgrading to 1.6.1 it is impossible to define which elements to display in the left / right column, the list is too short and over 3/4 of the entries that should be there are missing. A few years back Vekia had posted a SQL query to run that did fix a similar error (redundant pos...
  22. Hello guise Long story short, I have to implement an affiliate tracking code on the Order Confirmation page. The issue is that I suck at PHP and I think I messed up functions in OrderConfirmationController.php Code template from developers is as follows (I have used codeshare for the codes...
  23. Hello guys My client asked me to help with the tracking code implementation for an affiliate program. The code template was: <iframe height='1' width='1' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' frameborder='0' src='//event.2parale.ro/events/salecheck?amount=__ADD_SALE_VALUE__&campaig...
  24. Witam Mam taki problem. Użyłem modułu vekia mid do wyświetlenia logo producenta na stronie / podstronie. W sklepie mam włączone filtry które w każdej kategorii są inne filtry cena, rozmiar itp. Filtry mi działają, wszystko gra. Jednak jak kliknę na logo producenta ten wyświetla mi wszystkie pro...
  25. Hi all, I was getting my store almost ready to go live, when i started encountering strange add to cart errors. i guess its something to do with ajax. Here is a short overview. 1. I am using a custom theme and i have edited few files for the theme to work the way i wanted. It was working fin...
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