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Found 13 results

  1. I am kinda new to Prestashop (v1.7.8.9) and I have a client that needs some things fixed during checkout of products. Here is the situation, I have 3 shipping addresses one based in Italy (base/home country), one based in Poland and one based in Afghanistan. All three addresses are using same...
  2. How can I get customers' VAT number displayed 1) on the invoices on customer information page in back office According to EU law, both seller's and buyer's VAT id must be on the invoice and both have to make the IntraStat where the VAT number is also needed - right now it doesn't show o...
  3. I would like to know how you solved this need which is common to all international stores about the application or exemption of vat taxes, in particular the application or not in EU for VIES registered companies. Case 1. Country of the store. Apply VAT. OK. Case 2. EU country. VIES valid. Do...
  4. Afer many hours fighting with my Prestashop i solved this problem. I installed this free vatnumber module: https://github.com/PrestaShop/vatnumber But you need change three files in Prestashop too if you want it to work (front, back and order pages). It's not a perfect solution, but it wor...
  5. Hi! I need information on how I can set a different tax for individuals and companies. The case is as follows: Poland - individuals and companies 23% EU - individuals 23% and companies 0% outside the EU - individuals and companies 0% I used the module: https://github....
  6. Cześć! Potrzebuję informacji w jaki sposób mogę ustawić inny podatek dla osób prywatnych oraz firm. Sprawa wygląda następująco: PL - os. fizyczne i firmy 23% EU - os. fizyczne 23% i firmy 0% poza EU - os. fizyczne i firmy 0% Użyłem modułu: https://github.com/PrestaSho...
  7. Hola, Dentro de mi checkout, tengo puesto como obligatorio el campo VAT Number, para que las empresas introduzcan su NIF o CIF obligatoriamente durante el proceso de pago y así tener todos los datos necesarios. Lo que ocurre es que introduciendo cualquier número o letra, por ejemplo: 1111111111...
  8. Quelqu'un utilise t'il (avec succès) le module de Prestashop "Numéro de TVA Européen" ? Le lien de validation sur le site de la CE européenne qu'il utilise ne semble plus être fonctionnel. Je n'ai pas non plus réussi à le faire fonctionner sur l'URL actuelle du validateur en ligne, que ce soit ave...
  9. Hello, I have this problem, that the module "European VAT number" is not working correctly. It does not check/validate any VAT number. I've tried to fix something in php code but it didn't help. So, maybe knows how to manage this problem? Thank you:)
  10. Hola a todos, estoy trabajando en la versión de prestashop He tenido el siguiente problema: Al editar el cliente las direcciones, cuando introduzco el vatnumber, o sea, nuestro CIF, me da error de la siguiente manera: 1. Poniendo el CIF, con o sin letra..(B976*****) Error 1...
  11. Bonjour à tous, J'obtiens un échec systématique de la vérification du numéro de tva avec le module vatnumber (Numéro de Tva Européen). Le message d'erreur lorsque j'essaie d'enregistrer une adresse avec un numéro de tva est : "VAT number validation service unavailable" Dans les logs apach...
  12. Hello, I need to validate VAT number in registration form. I made new function in Class/validate and in class/adress change in $fieldsValidate vat_number => isGenericName to =>myFunction. And nothing happend. What should I do? Anyone any help or advice? Thanks
  13. Poptávám úpravu modulu vatnumber. Aktuální funkčnost modulu: 1) při nastavení země modulu např. čr se následně skryje pole dič a ceny tak zůstanou pro zemi čr v pořádku - nicméně nelze vyplnit pole dič pro zvolenou zemi - to je špatně 2) pokud se žádná země nezvolí, pole dič se zobrazují pro...
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