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  1. Buen día, Estoy trabajando en presashop 1.7.6 y tengo un pequeño problema con las URL´s de mi ecommerce. Primero aparecía al final del dominio /index.php. Lo quité activando las URL´s amigables desde tráfico y SEO, pero al hacer eso, dejaron de funcionar el resto de las páginas (error 404) cóm...
  2. Hola, os escribo por qué necesito ayuda, tengo un problema con la URL de los productos en el back office, cuando entro a los productos y le doy a visita previa se e abre una ventana de error, por qué la url aparece con un 1 añadido al final (Ver imagen) Esto pasa con los productos que ya te...
  3. Buongiorno gruppo. Oggi mi ritrovo ad affrontare un nuovo dilemma con Google Search Console. Mi sono reso conto che molti prodotti a distanza di giorni non erano presenti nel motore di ricerca. Strano visto che alcune volte erano già online a distanza di poche ore. Controllando, inserendo...
  4. Bonjour 🙂, À fin d'améliorer le SEO, je cherche à résoudre le problème suivant : Sur le site http://www.safecare.mindid-dev.fr/, les déclinaisons produits génèrent un deuxième ID, exemple : http://www.safecare.mindid-dev.fr/gel-hydroalcoolique/115-flacons-de-gels-hydroalcooliques-actycare...
  5. Good morning to all, I have a problem at the seo level and it is that prestashop generates infinite urls in the catalog. It generates both url with page = NUMBER_PAGE and p = NUMBER, I would like to be able to block or eliminate that generates more urls of pages than products I have....
  6. Bonjour à tous, je suis débutant, c'est la première fois que j'install un théme Prestashop et j'aimerais savoir ou je peux trouver les informations suivantes : URL DE REDIRECTION EN CAS DE SUCCÈS URL DE REDIRECTION EN CAS D'ANNULATION et surtout URL DE NOTIFICATION INSTANTANÉE DE...
  7. Hi - have started using a CDN on sites - working well apart from the home slider not pulling images from CDN. Looks like the URL is set in code below: $v = _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/prestapassionslideshow/images/'.$slideArray['images']; - I need the code to have the slide...
  8. Hi, I think I have a problem with the friendly URL. Every time I upload new changes to my repository, the web page shows an "Internal server error". To make it disappear I have to go to the backoffice, disable de friendly URL and enable it again. I was hoping that someone could tell me why is...
  9. der PS1.7.6.4 wurde in der Subdomain installiert und fertiggestellt und soll nun auf die Domain umziehen. Sind wegen der internen Verlinkung (Impressum, AGB etc.) Maßnahmen (eine Art „neu Einlesung“ der URLs ) erforderlich ? Falls ja welche ?
  10. Hola, buenas tardes. Os comento. Estoy montando una tienda online para un cliente y hace un par de días le compré e instalé el módulo Pretty URLS para eliminar los ids que genera Prestashop por defecto. El módulo funcionó a la perfección y los eliminó, pero a los pocos minutos cuando fui a acce...
  11. Hi All, Greetings of the day. A friendly URL is a Web address that is easy to read and includes words that describe the content of the web page. This type of URL help visitors remember the Web address and describe the page to search engines. A good structure can help the indexation process...
  12. Hola, Estaba realizando una copia identica de mi tienda a un subdominio. Realice copia de mi BD, descargue los archivos de mi tienda y los copie en el subdominio. Cuando entraba al subdominio me enlzaba al dominio principal. Probando cambie las seo y URl al nuevo subdominio..Ahora no me enlaza...
  13. 1- resulta que cuando hago cambios en la URL de un producto, en las herramientas web master indexo la nueva URL y me sale el mensaje de la imagen. ¿Qué debo hacer? 2- La segunda pregunta es: Como cambiar la estructura de las URLS de producto para poner el id al final? Porque cuando lo ha...
  14. Hi, m,y subcategories urls have this url: domain/subcategory-id/ I would to change it to: domain/category-subcategory/ my current code in seo and urls page is: {rewrite}-{id}/ is it possible?
  15. Hello everyone, I noticed that add to cart is throwing error "Undefined $urls index in ajax rendered template", but when debug mode is off everything is working correctly!
  16. Hola chicos he instalado Smartblog en Prestashop 1.7.x Sí estribo www.funnymars.com/blog veo la entrada, pero sí clicko en la pestaña blog de mi web me lleva a otra diferente donde no veo la entrada. Me lleva a ésta: funnymars.com/content/8-blog No sé como solucionarlo, ¿alguien s...
  17. hi i was using magento but i choose to move to prestashop but my problem is the url structure in prestashop is different than magento so i got a lot of 404 error form google which get me down in rank and seo score what should i do about this ?
  18. Hello, I have an eshop and want to connect it with a bank to accept credit card payments. From the bank they have asked me to send them some landing pages urls such as "order confirmation".The problem is that the urls are by default dynamic and the bank does not accept them. How can I fix it?
  19. Hey! I want to change some of the replacements of accented characters with non-accented ones, because in some languages they are not correct. For example, the cyrillic "х" is substituted by "kh" . For example with the following configuration: - friendly URLS enabled; - accented URLs d...
  20. Hey everyone! Many people seem to ignore how to configure urls to better fit their business needs, so I recorded this sort of knowledgebase video to help folks figuring out how to! http://nemops.com/customize-prestashop-urls/#.VxX5L0z5jmg Fabio
  21. Bonjour, Je cherche à transformer les urls d'une boutique sous la forme aujourd'hui de www.site.com/manufacturer/nom-de-la-marque en www.site.com/nom-de-la-marque Je suis allée voir de de ce côté /override/classes/Dispatcher.php mais j'ai une page blanche. dois-je inclure une règle de ré...
  22. Hi, we are using the native prestashop module blocklayered navigation 2.1.3. We would like to allow the search engine robots to index the pages with filters and so to have urls without # before the filter. We have enabled all the options "Allow indexing robots .." in the module but the urls still...
  23. Does it help to remove the id in URLs or is it just a matter of aesthetics?
  24. Bonjour, je désire changer le format d'adresse pour les fabricants; lorsque je fais le changement le fabricant n'existe plus. Exemple: Dans format url je change {id}_{rewrite} par {id}-{rewrite} soit ma page .../2_ gorteks en .../2-gorteks Le problème est ni l'une ni l'autre exis...
  25. Hi all, I have made a webshop for more than a year and could rank on google's first page. We have been selling abroad for a while. Thus now, we want to set up a new language for the shop. URLs will changes: Now : mysite.fr (french is our main language) After adding english it will be: F...
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