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  1. Hi there, Just installed v8.0.2 on a new domain, and in modules it says there are 42upgrades available. Now when I try to upgrade them I always get an error message which makes no sense to me, I have already disabled the cache and have placed my store in Maintenance Mode.
  2. Bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui l'attendaient, elle est à présent dispo AVERTISSEMENT: Cette version est livrée "telle quelle". Toutes les modifications et améliorations apportées ont été testées sur une boutique propre ayant ses fichiers d'origine (Override possibles) avec le thème...
  3. Hello How to safely update Prestashop from version to version 8.1.6. Should I do it using the 1-click upgrade module with the update main release option or by manually installing Prestashop 8.1.6 and transferring the data to this version? I understand correctly, Prestashop 8.1.6 has a...
  4. Mám Prestu v. v provozu od 2014 s mnoha úpravami, doinstalovanými moduly (Zásilkovna, dobírka s popl./bank.převod/hotovost, Heureka, Zboží...), cca 1200 produktů a rád bych přešel na verzi nejnovější 8.x Co doporučíte, jaký postup? Novou čistou instalaci 8.x a pak ze staré export a do n...
  5. Hallo! Seit dem Upgrade auf PrestaShop 8 haben wir das Problem, das zu neu angelegten Kunden zum Teil Nachrichten alter Bestandskunden angezeigt werden. Die Annahme ist, daß sich Nummernkreise für IDs in der Datenbank überschneiden. Kennt jemand das Problem und wie wü...
  6. I've been trying to upgrade my customer's install which has been working good for about 3 years until recently where the bulk delete stopped working. Aparently the issue has a few months but ntil now I recieve the call. Given this I think a clean install of PS latest version ld be the bett...
  7. Hello, I have upgraded my Prestashop from to 8.1.7. There are many broken things which I am facing at the time of checking. One of them is Modules tab is not showing on the product create/edit page. I am not getting what is wrong with it. Can anyone please suggest a solution?
  8. Are you one of the many PrestaShop store owners who are hesitant to upgrade to the latest version? If so, you're not alone. Upgrading PrestaShop can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with the process. Several problems can occur when upgrading PrestaShop, including: Dat...
  9. Hallo zusammen Ich betreibe 3 Prestashops und möchte alle 3 auf updaten mittels 1 Click upgrade. Beim ersten Shop ging dies völlig unproblematisch. Beim 2. Shop bricht der Upgradevorgang ab: Das Aktivitätenprotokoll stoppt nach dem Download: Analyzin...
  10. I have an old Presta shop e-shop Presta Shop™ - What is the minimum PHP version for this? What is the minimum/maximum MySQL version for this? My VPS Server is old and needs to migrate to a new Alma Linux 8.x server.... min PHP 7.2... well...? For now, I just need...
  11. Hi all! I trust you're well. After the last automatic upgrade to what I believe it's PS v8.1.1, accessing the backend throws an error-500. The frontend seems to work fine, as long as I don't set the PHP version to something newer than 7.4... The error: Stack trace can be fo...
  12. Hello Some misunderstanding of the fields of 1-click-uprade Channel private release. Seems to be simplest way to use non latest version. It is possible to get the download link but where to get an MD5 hash? Channel local archive - another simple option, save .zip to download/ and som...
  13. I recently upgraded from to I could browse the list of products but clicking a product to view details gives error 500 below is the apache log data [Wed Sep 06 07:25:09.700536 2023] [php7:error] [pid 33554] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cal...
  14. Hello all, i have a problem with upgrading my Prestashop from version 8.0.4 to any latest version via 1-Click Upgrade module. Still writing the same error: Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e). I try any sollution from forum (instalation from...
  15. Hello, We are looking for a reliable and experienced company or developer to perform the upgrade of our multi-store Prestashop for version 8.1.1.. We intend to apply version 8.1.1. Basic edition that contains the Prestashop marketplace module, comes with the new look of the black and wh...
  16. Bonjour, Je m'apprête à passer de prestashop à (dans un premier temps). Le module 1-Click Upgrade, dans la check-list, affiche une croix rouge sur la version, alors qu'il est mentionné : "Le module de mise à jour en 1 clic est à jour (votre version est v4.14.2)". Est-...
  17. Hello, i am trying to upgrade my Prestashop store from version to with the module "1 Click Upgrade". When trying to upgrade i get the following error: ( attached photo with full info under the errir text ) Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e98009...
  18. I am trying to upgrade Prestashop version with the auto-upgrade module 1-Click Update. This is the requirements list: https://postimg.cc/LhNLsmzT I can't go higher PHP version, but I don't think that's the problem. When I click "Upgrade now" the module works fine, until around the end I g...
  19. Witam. Wczoraj postanowiłem zrobić aktualizację do najnowszej wersji 8.0.1 mając w głowie że znikną moje problemy z innymi kłopotami na sklepie. Niestety aktualizacja przebiegła tragicznie. Bardzo proszę o jak najszybszą pomoc gdyż nie wiem co mam dalej robić. Przy próbie aktualizacji pliki wszystki...
  20. Hello Fellows, I updated my php version to 8 using my store that runs php 1.7.8. After i updated it i got the following message that block me to get into mybackend, even if i use debug mode. (1/1) FatalErrorException Compile Error: Declaration of Doctrine\DBA...
  21. I am using Prestashop Whenever I click Modules and services, it gives me following error. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'use' (T_USE) in /home/fiaokr2iosoy/public_html/classes/module/Module.php(1361) : eval()'d code on line 27 [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/fiao...
  22. Hola, hoy he tratado de actualzar presta con el Modulo de actualizción y parece ser que hay errores. Me gustaria saber que debo hacer para arreglar esto y poder actualizar sin problemas. Porque tampoco me deja volver a la versión anterior. Creo que hay un problema de permisos, no ?¿ El hosting lo ge...
  23. Hello everyone, I am writing in this forum because I am quite desperate because the website has been offline for a few days due to something I do not know how to solve ... I try to retrace the steps ... a few days ago I realized that the back office and front office of my website was offline .....
  24. After upgrade presta to last version product list pictures get some space under. Looks like problems is in css position or margin for img ... I download all theme and search for this code unsuccessful. It must be cached somewhere. How I can repair it???
  25. Hi Guys I am using prestashop 1.6.7 . For upgrade to when using the one click upgrade module show me a tips that you are using the latest version of PrestaShop and does not show the upgrade button. I noticed that the PrestaShop version was written incorrectly in the config-inc.php file and...
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