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  1. What's the best way to update a theme that has a child theme? In my understanding, updating a theme that's not included in Prestashop needs deleting & installing. But if I delete the theme, a critical error happens. I reported this, but the dev ignored it. horrible https://github.com/PrestaSho...
  2. This is a module for alternative view of indicative information about a server and additionally guidelines for evaluation of its status. Even though there is already a "Information" (in "Advanced Parameters") page with information about the server and there is also "Server Configuration" (by Mediac...
  3. Are you one of the many PrestaShop store owners who are hesitant to upgrade to the latest version? If so, you're not alone. Upgrading PrestaShop can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with the process. Several problems can occur when upgrading PrestaShop, including: Dat...
  4. Hello After updating Prestashop to 8.1.4, in the administration panel with title fields in product and category names Invalid characters are: <>;=#{}. How can this problem be solved? The update itself using 1 Click upgrade went without errors. It's embedded somewhere in the language. I...
  5. Hi, i'm trying to update manually from PrestaShop to PrestaShop 8.1.4 using the CLI method outlined here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/docs/blob/131c273ba2b5b162206673298fb0c3c182fd1147/basics/keeping-up-to-date/upgrade-module/upgrade-cli.md The upgrade module v5.0.1 has bee...
  6. Bonjour, J'ai voulu updater la version PrestaShop vers la dernière version 1.7.8. Après sauvegarde, l'update s'est bien passé mais le menu avait un problème de rendu. J'ai donc voulu restaurer l'ancienne version et là... Page 500... impossible d'accéder à l'administration....
  7. Buenos días a todos. No soy experto en Prestashop y necesito su ayuda por favor. Luego de hacer una actualización del modulo de productos de Prestashop de nuestra tienda, no se puede ingresar al back office. Tengo el mensaje que se adjunta: En este momento está en modo depuración la tien...
  8. Hi so i have prestashop version, and i used the import section of prestashop back office to update quantity and pricing respectively. Everything of the import works well, and the price gets updated but when i go to the frontend it doesn't show up. The funny thing is only after seeing it...
  9. Hola , Alguien ha pasado por esto , que me pueda ayudar a solucionarlo? , quiero actualizar la tienda , actualmente tengo la versión ; instale y tengo la última versión de 1-Click Upgrade (4.7.0) pero al querer actualizar , me marca el siguiente error : Error: Unable to che...
  10. XML, CSV and API integration for PrestaShop Automate the flow of your product catalog This module allow you integrate your PrestaShop store with any numbers of API, XML and CSV feeds. Module connect to local or remote XML and CSV files and APIs and read data from them. Select the data you wan...
  11. Hello, When I do a fresh installation of Prestashop 8.1.1, in the advanced parameters section, the New and Experimental Features page, in addition to the 2 New Features (New product page and various image formats), also displays the 12 Experimental Features to enable or disable. In the case of u...
  12. I have a products category in my cart that is subject to a specific minimum order quantity rules; when I update the quantity, the cart modal goes into a loop and only by reloading is the set quantity updated; the error is: errors: [,…] 0: "error_text" hasError: true id_produ...
  13. Salve, come purtroppo capita di consueto, durante un'ennesima migrazione da un PS 1.6 ad una nuova installazione 1.7(.8.7), qualcosa deve essere andato storto. Non mi fa accedere ai moduli se non in debug, l'errore è questo (scusate per le censure ma è il sito di un cliente): Compile Error:...
  14. I have a question about the Cookie key and the question of password generation of the platform. 1. I currently have version, now I am upgrading to version, in a new installation / host, I know that a new key to the cookie is generated when installing this new installation, I wo...
  15. Hello Fellows, I updated my php version to 8 using my store that runs php 1.7.8. After i updated it i got the following message that block me to get into mybackend, even if i use debug mode. (1/1) FatalErrorException Compile Error: Declaration of Doctrine\DBA...
  16. Acabo de actualizar PrestaShop de la versión a la versión Lo hice de la siguiente manera: Guarde todos los archivos en una carpeta llamada old, luego añadí los archivos del PrestaShop actual y luego subí las carpetas de img, themes, translation y modules. Una vez...
  17. Hola, Acabo de actualizar PrestaShop de la versión 1.6 a la 1.7. En el momento de entrar al backoffice, me aparece "Acceso denegado." Como puedo soliucionarlo? Gracias
  18. Hi PrestaShop Lovers I attempt today to update manual as always the shop that i am working on When i tried to upgrade the DB with this command (install/upgrade/upgrade.php) as always do I got this error see image the site is working fine but after the update some deactivated mod...
  19. Hi, sorry for my english I'm developping a module who needs to use my custom cart-detailed.tpl when the cart is updated. I overrided the function displayAjaxRefresh in CartController to use the tpl in my module. But I can't use my cart-detailed.tpl file. I tested the full path, path starting wi...
  20. He creado de nuevo este tema, porque no he me han funcionado las soluciones de los otros. El problema es: No se vean las imágenes de los productos. He mudado un tienda de WP a Prestashop y luego he actualizado Prestashop a para instalar los módulos SEO avanzado para PrestaShop y SEO f...
  21. Buenos días a todos, les comento acerca de mi problema: Mi web es: movileuropa.com Dicho problema va sobre el carrito de mi tienda online, cuando agregas un producto se añade correctamente al carrito(se abre el modal para ver que es lo que has agregado y que es lo que se desea hacer a contin...
  22. PS lgcookieslaw v1.4.20 -> 2.0.0 Modul EU Cookie Law (lgcookieslaw). By updating the above module I get this error when BO->Module refreshes to list Modules: Can anyone tell me what the error tells me? I tried to delete the module first and reinstall it...
  23. Vous souhaitez utiliser votre boutique et des modules prestashop sans être contraint de faire les mises à jour de ces derniers ? Vous voulez éviter à tout prix les problèmes qui résultent de ces mise à jour ? ce module est fait pour vous !!! L'installation du module suppr...
  24. Buongiorno, siccome sto avendo problemi ad aggiornare prestashop all'ultima patch tramite il modulo 1-Click (a causa di un timeout che mi da durante il backup dei file che lo stesso modulo genera) volevo sapere come posso aggiornare manualmente ps. C'è un file .zip da estrarre e copiare vi...
  25. One Click Upgrade + Update or Migrate PrestaShop to 1.7 Pro We present you the update PrestaShop module in 1 click: Upgrade your old version shop to the latest version of PrestaShop in one click with One Click Update or Migrate to 1.7 Pro. It's the best module to transfer your products, categ...
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