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Found 20 results

  1. Good afternoon, I apologize for all the inconvenience, I would like to ask about an error that I am getting. AIt's my first time installing PrestaShop and I'm using Ubuntu for that, along with apache and MySQL. AAmong several installation guides including in several versions of PrestaShop...
  2. Hi, I know this problem has been solved for so many. but in my case its not. i have tried everything until now.. nothing worked for me.. when i go to this address http://ec2-52-74-146-216.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com it displays a default apache2 server page saying your server works but...
  3. Bonjour a tous ! Voila j'ai décidé de passer a Ubuntu 18.04. J'essaye d'installer prestashop 1.7 cependant je rencontre des problèmes lors de l'installation... J'ai réussi a installer LAMP (enfin je pense vu que j'arrive sur la page d'installation) . Mais a la dernière étape, pre...
  4. I'm getting this error nonstop during installation and from what I can tell I have everything set up to the requirements of prestashop. To avoid internationalization data inconsistencies upgrade the symfony/intl component. Nginx 1.16.0 Php 7.2 Icu : 64.1 Ubuntu 19.04...
  5. quando eu acesso o site no navegador pelo localweb/prestashop o assistente de instalação da um erro na parte de compatibilidade de sistema o erro é o seguinte: Install and enable the intl extension (used for validators). estou tentando instalar no ubuntu 16.04 o prestashop é o
  6. Type d’install (nouvelle/MàJ) : Nouvelle Version de PS : URL du site concerné : sachacosmetics.fr (ne fonctionne pas pour le moment) Thème (défaut/perso) : defaut Code (original/modifié) : / Hébergement : https://www.inmotionhosting.com/ Version de PHP : 7 Version de MySQL : 5 Navigateur(s) concerné...
  7. Hello im new to prestashop so dont bash. I'm trying a local install of 1.7 for a client to set up a demo and i currently don't have access to a remote server. So i'm hosting a lamp server on a VM of ubuntu 16.04. Everything goes smooth and the back/front office works from the computer hosting t...
  8. Hello, I have installed prestashop in my test ubuntu server but i can't access my front_office browser says ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS what problems i have ? i could not found any helpful solution. i have configured php.ini as is said in prestashop doc. if you know solution please...
  9. I am running PS1.6 on aws ec2 ubuntu instance. I am facing difficulties in setting up the email communication channel. Any help regarding the setup steps will be very much appreciated.
  10. Welcome to the PrestaShop Forum, In this tutorial, we will be taking a fresh installed Ubuntu VPS or dedicated server and transform it to a webserver that will be ready to host Prestashop. The benefit of running a manually installed and configured LEMP stack is the avoidance of control panel...
  11. Bonjour, Je suis sous Ubuntu et j'ai installé Prestashop en localhost sans aucun problèmes. Ce jour là, j'ai pu accédé au back-office. Mais depuis le redémarrage de ma machine, je n'arrive plus à accéder au back-office : on me demande une adresse mail (laquelle correspond à celle enregistrée) e...
  12. Hi, I followed: http://yoodey.com/comment/10825 to install memcache / memcached on ubuntu 12.04 hosted by Amazon EC2 (I have full admin right to the server) It is working: http://ec2-54-247-22...com:81/test.php shows: <?php $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect('',...
  13. Bonjour, Je travaille actuellement sur le système d'eploitation linux ubuntu 13.10. Ma version firefox est 28.0 Ma version googlechrome est 34.0.1847.116 Depuis ma mise à jour pour ces versions, ma boutique n'a plus le même rendu graphique notamment au niveau de la police de caractère....
  14. Hola, de antemano gracias por responder, ya he buscado mucha información en Google y en el foro pero no encuentro nada relacionado a mi problema, estoy trabajando en Ubuntu, tengo instalado Apache2 y PhpMyAdmin por repositorio, ya habia realizado sitios web en php creandolos en var/www pero ahora co...
  15. Hi everyone, Greetings from San Francisco! I wanted to announce my company's new "freemium" control panel, ServerPilot. https://serverpilot.io/ We work with VPSes everywhere and focus on simplicity and security. All core functionality you need for server configuration and security...
  16. Hepinize kolaygelsin. Arkadaşlar öncelikle bu işte yeni olduğumu kavramları bile tam olarak anlayamadığımı belirtmek isterim. Bende Ubuntu yüklü ve buna uyumlu apache mysql php ve phpmyadmin yüklü. Bunları yükledim. Hİç bir sıkıntı yok. phpmyadmine giriyorum hatta orada prestadeneme diye veritab...
  17. I find that when I view my website on Ubuntu Linux the cost of items is 10% less. While I love Linux, I do not intend to give each and every Linux user such a discount Prestashop displays $18.18 for an item on Ubuntu Linux while it should be $20 (displayed on Windows) Both Ubuntu and Windows7...
  18. Hi Presta community, I'm installing a fresh presta on an ec2 server (Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits). I followed this tuto to install xcache: http://www.howtoforge.com/xcache-php5-apache2-debian-etch Not following the first 2 steps as I'm a ubuntu user and therefore don't need the etch /...
  19. Hi, I got a presta currently installing on an Amazon EC2 server. My next problem is: Impossible to send an email during the installation process. I tried using the php mail() function to send an email to xxx@gmail.com: An error occurred: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Ex...
  20. Bonjour, Je suis sous Ubuntu et j'ai installé Prestashop en localhost sans aucun problèmes. Ce jour là, j'ai pu accédé au back-office. Mais depuis le redémarrage de ma machine, je n'arrive plus à accéder au back-office : on me demande une adresse mail (laquelle correspond à celle enregistrée) e...
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