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Bonjour, Depuis un certains temps, certains client se plaignent que leur antivirus détecte un cheval de troie ou logiciel malveillant sur mon site. Ça a l'air d'arriver plutôt aux gens utilisant IE. Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée de comment l'enlever ? Je suis totalement démuni face à ce problème... Merci d'avance !
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I downloaded PrestaShop first time yestarday ( and my computer has been infected with this trojan: Trojan:Win32/Emali.A!cl. Now I have mistrust and I need to resolve some questions: 1) Is it possible that yesterday the official Prestashop page suffered a phishing attack? 2)Otherwise, why was the file I downloaded infected? 3)The most important question, can I download prestashop now without malware? Thanks in advance for your answers!
Ciao a tutti! Recentemente un virus ha compromesso i miei file php e volevo sapere se fosse possibile installare prestashop attraverso i backup dei database. O se ci fosse qualche procedura possibile per trovare il file php all'interno del quale è presente il trojan. Grazie
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Hi, friends! I downloaded the Google Analytics module from the prestashop store (through the module panel of Prestashop Windows 10 antivirus detected a trojan. Two hours after downloading they tried to hack into my Microsoft account (details in the print attachment) through my PC. I passed SpyHunter and he also detected the trojan. The same module of version 1.6 of prestashop did not detect this way. Can anyone tell me something about this?
I've been working on a new installation of ps when, all of a sudden, on testing a product view I get an ESET Smart Security warning that the site has this nasty js/Agent.NKW Trojan. I've been unable to find any other references in the forum, and haven't been able to locate the offending file on my site. The ESET Smart Security log tells me the first 'sighting' was 3:21pm yesterday, and it's url is >> » GZ » file.htm The warning appears no matter which product is clicked on, but it is only when I click on a product that it happens. I have since changed my password and the admin folder name, but that's a bit like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted. I need to find and get rid of the nasty, can anyone help point me in the right direction? Much appreciated.
Da questa mattina, ogni volta che un computer apre l'ecommerce, viene infettato da un trojan... Gli antivirus segnalano il problema indicandolo con TROJAN:QUIDVETIS.A Come posso far ad eliminarlo senza sostituire tutti i file? Grazie. Il sito funziona e non presenta problemi particolari se non che gli antivirus trovano il TROJAN un paio di secondi dopo che il sito viene aperto...
HELP SVP ! Bonjour, J'ai été victime de piratage sur mes 3 sites hébergés sur 1and1 ! Un certain code à été injecté sur tout mes fichiers index.php ainsi que certains .JS et .TPL Je ne sais pas si 1and1 font des backups automatique par contre moi je n'en ai jamais fais des manuels !!! Est-ce rattrapable??? Et comment savoir si la BDD a été touché aussi ? ( j'ai bien accès à mon admin.) J'attends impatiemment de l'aiiiiiiiiide !!! SVP !! Merci
Salve a tutti, sono alle prese con un trojan che ha infettato il mio sito su cui avevo installato prestashop 1.4.8. Quando cerco di collegarmi il browser blocca la pagina e l'antivirus segnala: Oggetto:|{gzip} Infezione: JS:Iframe-XJ [Trj] Il sito è ospitato su un virtual server. Ho provato a ripulire tutti i file che risultavano modificati in data "sospetta". Ho chiesto aiuto al provider ma affermano essere un problema di sicurezza dovuto alla piattaforma prestashop e a eventuali aggiornamenti. Il problema è che non riesco nemmeno ad eseguire l'aggiornamento di prestashop. Al momento stiamo reinstallando tutto e ricostruendo il negozio da zero con i problemi che conseguono..... Qualche suggerimento? Grazie
I've been checking the code for my site and noticed some strange urls such as, etc. My site was infected, is some sort of trojan? These links appear on the main page as well as in some of our products. Who wants to help me. Thankful now
Сорри если не в то место пишу, но на днях на сайт начали ругаться антивирусы. Был определен троян такого названия: Trojan:JS/Hicum.A Точно строку не воспроизведу, но найдена была в файле: в самом низу была строка и начиналась на: var... Если у кого похожее, то посмотрите в этом файле, если у кого было, то поделитесь. может он еще что делает или еще где то сидит. Кстати, каким из возможных вариантов он туда мог пробраться? FTP? Или эксплоит (если я верно выражаюсь)?
Bonjour, Depuis déjà quelques mois, je suis confronté à un virus ("trojan" je pense) sur ma boutique. J'ai essayé plusieurs fois par moi meme de l'éradiquer. Je pensais avoir réussi mais voila qu'il est de retour. Que faire? La dernière fois, tous mes fichiers en .js étaient infectés sur tout mon serveur. Je les ai normalement tous nettoyés. Après quelques semaines de répit , le virus réapparaît. Est ce que quelqu'un a été confronté à ce problème? Si oui, quelle solution est la bonne? Sinon, connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui soit en mesure de m'aider à l'éradiquer (au meilleur prix )? Merci d'avance ! Site concerné :
Hello, I have an urgent security request. Our shop contains malicious code that is only present in cached files. At the end of those cached files there's some encrypted javacript code added which adds a reference to an IP adress - at least that's why understand. It's explained here: Of course I cleaned/deleted all affected files and changed DB, FTP and Admin Logins. However new cached files are being created in the theme's cache directory which contain the mentioned code. Where can I check how the cached files are created in Prestashop? I suspect this code is added automatically when a JS file is copied into the cache. Or even better: Has anyone come across this type of malware and knows how to fix it? Thanks for your help.