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  1. Bonjour , j'ai copie les fichier de mon site avec la base de donnée pour l'installer en local sur wamp j'ai suis tous les étapes nécessaire 1-copie les fichier du site 2-exporter la base de donnée 2-changer les information dans le fichier settings.inc.php le nom de la base de donnée et le...
  2. Quiero añadir pago con transferencia bancaria en los métodos de pago. Tengo el modulo activado pero no me aparece. E mirado en Posicionas para ver si esta configurado en el hook. El modulo esta en el hook displayPaymentReturn y paymentOptions y creo que debería de poder ponerlo en el disp...
  3. [MODULE] Advanced Bank Transfer - Support all offline payments Module Overview Unlimited add any number of bank account receipt information:Bank Transfer, Check, Western Union, etc. Accept wire payments by displaying your account details during the checkout and make it easy for your...
  4. Hola a todos voy empezando y tengo problemas con el metodo de pago, en primer lugar no me aparece Transferencia Bancaria tengo los datos pero a la hora de pagar no me deja y hay una opcion que no se a que modulo pertenezca realmente y es Pago Con Tarjeta de Credito y Debito pareciera ser un modulo a...
  5. Hello, I am using bank transfer as an option for payment and when this is used a confirmation email is sent along with an email Waiting for bank transfer as the subject. I cannot for the life of me find where to change this. I have been through International --> translations --> transl...
  6. Bonjour à tous, je suis débutant en Prestashop et je suis bloqué depuis une semaine sur un probleme de transfert de mon site vers mon localhost. Je m'explique : j'ai tout d'abord installé prestashop en local sans souci apparent, j'ai accès au BO en tapant l'url "localhost/prestashop/admin12345"...
  7. Hello everyone! I'm planning to create a second shop with prestashop. Do you know if it's possible to transfere the existing user accounts including adresses, passwords etc. to the new shop. How can it be done? Thanks for your help! Best regards Franko
  8. Hi, I am trying to transfer my PS 1.7 from a classic shared hosting to a new cloud server with Plesk on linux. I did all the things I normally do when transfering, shop url change, parameters for the db connection.. I get this error: Warning: require(/var/www/vhosts/vipcollection.cz/httpdo...
  9. I need to (automatically) create some sort of a transfer slip (just like a delivery slip) that has a transfer number (eg. Transfer #TR000008) upon the transfer of stock from one warehouse to another (Stock > Stock Management --> Actions > Transfer Stock). And I would like to show the transfer number...
  10. Bonjour, J'ai des problèmes a transférer mon site d'un serveur à un autre, Merci de m'aider
  11. Hi! One site I look after is having a new site for the company's sister company. I have done a prestashop clean install on a completely seperate domain, however I would like to simply transfer the theme over. The theme is simply a folder and then all of the necessary files inside....
  12. Hi, I transfered my previously working PS from shared hosting to VPS. I downloaded all the files, ziped them and unziped on VPS, changed the parameters.php to connect to new database, so basically it is an exact copy of the PS on previous hosting... Nearly everything works, I can place...
  13. Witam, próbuję przenieść Prestashop (1.7.2) z home na hekko, póki co strona główna bardzo długo się wczytuje i jest rozjechana, wchodząc na produkt nie ma zdjęcia. Strona wywalała wcześniej błąd 500, w pliku FrontController usunąłem kod: 'address' => array( 'formatted' => Addr...
  14. Hello everyone, I had some issues with prestashop 1.7, its been very messy to be honest, I took a work and the programer who was before me he kind of like messed up. Always its trouble to make some very simple changes to the web, and mostly when I do something, other thing just disappear and weird t...
  15. Hello everyone, I had some issues with prestashop 1.7, its been very messy to be honest, I took a work and the programer who was before me he kind of like messed up. Always its trouble to make some very simple changes to the web, and mostly when I do something, other thing just disappear and weird t...
  16. Hello, What is the easiest way to enable bank transfer as payment method? There is "Wire Payment v1.0.10 (by Prestashop)" installed, but it doesn't show up when ordering. All I need is an option for indicating that the selected payment method is bank transfer, no further administration, pay...
  17. Hello fellow geeks, how can one transfer the short/long descriptions of every product from 1.4 to 1.6? We successfully upgraded from 1.4 to 1.6 with 1,000+ products and everything was fine except the short/long product description is missing. We still have the old shop live so we could literally tak...
  18. Hi Presta community, fed up from all sorts of problems with my, I rebuilt my shop on a fresh new Now that I am almost done, I'd like to move the data from to the other. I'd like to do it using phpMyAdmin, my plan is to "copy/paste" the needed databases from one presta to th...
  19. hai semua, mohon bantuannya biar bisa menambahkan produk ke prestashop lain. misal Toko A sudah ada ratusan produk makanan, dan Toko B ada ratusan produk minuman. bagaimana cara menambahkan produk di Toko A ke Toko B? matursuwun
  20. I was creating a Prestashop website on my development domain, and now when it's done, i wanted to transfer it to the new, official domain. However, When doing so, I came across an error i couldn't solve. Page just loaded an error saying "Error: "install" directory is missing", and in error.log, t...
  21. Hello. I'm using the version. I copied my shop in a new domain. I modified the table PS_shop_url in the database and the file settings.inc.php. In the new Back office I can't save settings by using the green button at the top of page. Other problem is that I losed all the product and ca...
  22. Hi There, We're in the process of building an snazzy new version of our store using the latest 1.6 Prestashop platform which will soon be replacing our existing store running on 1.5. The new version of the store was built using a system image of the live site (which was then upgraded and modifie...
  23. Hello, can someone help me transferring the products for live website to local server website? do I need to make the local server website same as live website before making an import? thanks in advance
  24. Hi everyone, I have asked this already and a few of you got back to me including Nemo however I am still a little lost. All I want to know is: I have prestashop installed on my domain and updating the products etc. The issue is that I need to then move this to a completely different domain once...
  25. Hi I have moved my prestashop store to a new server..but I have new issues.. 1 .some stores show webpage not available(The webpage at http://freeecommercewebsite.in/test10/?live_configurator_token=bb84af996e2e47e54549b474050d4372&id_employee=1&id_shop=14 might be temporarily down or it may have...
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