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  1. Buenas a todos!! Llevo dias intentando eliminar el espacio que de repente ha empezado a dejar prestashop en todas las paginas de mi web. Cuantos mas productos por pagina añado en Parámetros de la tienda-Configuración de Productos-Paginacion, mas espacio me deja, hasta tal punto de que desde el movil...
  2. I have looked all most every inch through in Chrome console, to find the bug. I also have searched google empty for informations regarding this problem. I can't find any error, so I hope there's someone here there could help me. The site is: https://shop.hjortsmykker.dk and the problem occu...
  3. Hello, I am hoping someone can help me out, I have good html/css but I'm pretty much newbie on PS theme edits. I want to place a banner Ad above the header, right at the top of the page above the logo and other header content. I would like to use Minic Slider as my banner - it covers everyth...
  4. Ciao a tutti. Sto usando PrestaShop Avrei la necessità di spostare il menu principale dall'header alla colonna sinistra e , se possibile, renderlo fisso e far scorrere solo il contenuto. Ho provato a fare varie modifiche tra cui spostare il main menu nella position DisplayLeftColu...
  5. Ciao a tutti. Sto usando PrestaShop Avrei la necessità di spostare il menu principale dall'header alla colonna sinistra e , se possibile, renderlo fisso e far scorrere solo il contenuto. Ho provato a fare varie modifiche tra cui spostare il main menu nella position DisplayLeftColu...
  6. Hello, My menu on mobile devices close automatically after clicking on it Could you please help me to fix this issue ? Please find attached Animated gif of this issue Website: https://www.royalmakeup.com Thank you !! Animated gif.mp4
  7. Bonjour , Le top menu au niveau du mobile se ferme automatiquement ( stuck on display:none;) Pour plus d'infos, veuillez consulter le video ci-joint Website: https://www.royalmakeup.com Merci ! Animated gif.mp4
  8. Hello, My menu on mobile devices close automatically after clicking on it Could you please help me to fix this issue ? Please find attached Animated gif of this issue Website: https://www.royalmakeup.com Animated gif.mp4
  9. Salve a tutti, non so come possa avere fatto, ma nella top bar del mio sito Prestashop è sparito il pulsante per effettuare il login. Il sito in questione è questo: http://www.air-solutions.it/presta/it/ Come si può vedere nel menu in alto, accanto alle voci Contattaci e lingia, è sparito il pul...
  10. Bonjour, J'ai installé le module IQIT MEGA MENU Tout allé bien et d'un coup tout a disparu. Le menu principale par défaut de Prestashop mais aussi le MEGA MENU généré par le module. J'ai, à plusieurs reprise, désactivé et réactivé les modules dans le gestionnaire de modules. J'ai...
  11. Witam, Od jakiegoś czasu pojawił się ciąg znaków na samej górze strony, przed meta tagami, titlem strony, przed wszystkim. Nie ma tego w headerze ani w indexie. Te znaki jest to stare hasło to mojego konta w panelu admina. Wie ktoś jak to usunąć? Pojawia się wszędzie na każdej stronie na samym...
  12. hello, would someone please indicate me how can I change this image (where it says tights) to a bigger size and adding this black banner on top of the page as shown? I had a banner on full with homeslider but I dont know why I cant see it anylonger ( i tried to reinstall de banner module and nothi...
  13. Hello dear prestashopers! I do not like how the subcategories are shown in the Top Horizontal Menu in Prestashop 1.6... I want to achieve something more simplistic, like in prestashop 1.5: - simple vertical subcategories grid - no pictures attached Can somebody help me please? Best r...
  14. Hello everyone, I have a questions: Since my web app to work needs the default horizontal top menu of prestashop I would need to be able, to activate, configure but then hide it (perhaps with css). I use a purchased menu, megamenu, but it is not compatible with the webapp. Does any of you know how y...
  15. Hello, check out our Back to Top module on PrestaShop Addons store : Back to top module Best wishes, Dzemal
  16. Hi there ...i have the following problem.. My menu (advanced top menu) is overlapping my cart when choosing (display top) or language and currency when choosing (display nav) The module is advanced top menu and it is bought but is an older version and i cant get any support.. This is happen...
  17. Hi everyone, im struggling with this problem: I want to display a warning or an error message (whichever is easier to do) from a module. More concretely i'm trying to achieve this from a module. The goal is that a message like this is shown: whenever any user updates a product and h...
  18. Please help. How limiting subcategories in the Prestashop Top Menu? I cant to disable subcategories levels (over 3) on top menu. I use default top menu module in my prestashop (default-bootstrap) It display a lot of subcategories in the tree (after hovering on menu item) I chan...
  19. Hello guys, anybody knows how to have the top banner open on a an external link?
  20. Hello everyone, I'm developing an eshop and I have a problem with the Thickbox / fancybox that shows the products' big pictures. Maybe it begun when updated from PS1.6.1.3 to Not sure. The problem is when clicking on the main picture on a product page it used to show a dark overlay an...
  21. Witam używam podstawowego szablonu i mam mały problem nie mogę ustawić odpowiedniego rozmiaru zdjęcia w TOP obok slidera. To znaczy jest slider i obok jedno zdjęcie i ono albo jest za wysokie albo za niskie jak mogę je odpowiednio dopasować do wysokości slidera ?
  22. how can I move one category on the right in the topbar. They state that they have already created a class with float: right! important; within the files css superfish-modified.css, how can I associate it to the category that I want to move to the right? I must add that code in dwt? thank you all in...
  23. Hello fellows, so we have the top horizontal menu with categories and one link we created which takes the customer to another website, anyways, as soon as the customer logs in, the top menu shows up but incomplete, showing only this last one link we created. All other categories don't display at all...
  24. Hi, I want to disable the delay from block top menu (horitzontal) from Prestashop. When you crate a submenu, it shows with small delay. How to disable it? Thanks
  25. prestashop scroll to top module Questo addon è assolutamente gratuito, è possibile scaricarlo direttamente da questo post. Questo addon permette di creare bella gadet per il vostro front-end. Quando qualcuno farà scorrere la pagina in basso - poi bella immagine "pagina Scroll to top" apparirà...
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