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  1. Shop Parameters -> Traffic & SEO -> Set up URLs -> Save Blank Page Error 500 Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> Clear Cache Blank Page Error 500 The error with Plesk 17.5.3 and 17.8.11 occurs with FPM served by Apache, using FastCGI, prestashop and does not generate...
  2. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon helps to implement search engine optimization of your online store by adding automatic hreflang, and canonical tags. Helps search engine bots to know your store supports and works in multiple languages for different countries. Fix issues...
  3. Hello, I'm getting some error when I try to access my PS website: Fatal error: Class 'Tools' not found in /home/cipriann/shopintimo.es/classes/shop/Shop.php on line 302 Also in /admin shows me the same error. I opened shop.php at line 302 and I got this: if (!($id_shop = Tools::getValu...
  4. Hi, I want to make changes to this file /tools/minify_html/minify_html.class.php Is there a way I can override this file so the changes are permanent even with upgrading prestashop? I'm using version Thanks
  5. Greetings! I am diving into PrestaShop code and stumbled across this line in the getValue(..) function (line 462 of Tools.php, PS version 1.6): if (is_string($ret)) { return stripslashes(urldecode(preg_replace('/((\%5C0+)|(\%00+))/i', '', urlencode($ret))));...
  6. Ciao a tutti premetto che scrivo questo post dopo aver passato svariate ore alla ricerca di quanto sto per chiedere senza grossi risulati e sono certo che questo sia il posto giusto . Volevo sapere se c'è cortesemente qualcuno disponibile a indicarmi oltre a questo forum , le migliori riso...
  7. Hi guys, I'm trying display an error message if the customer is not logged in. if ($this->context->customer->isLogged()) { .......... } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You must be logged in to request a custom order'); } But the error message isn't being displaye...
  8. Hallo Forum Leden, Bij deze een topic over handige tools / programma's, welke erg handig zijn om te gebruiken bij het bouwen van een Prestashop Webwinkel 1) Agent ransack - Woorden in files zoeken | Windows Dit is een zeer handige en krachtige tool , welke helpt bij het zoeken naar woorden het tool...
  9. Hi everyone, I sure am impressed with the quality of sites that PrestaShop can create and wow, there sure is a lot to it with so many features and tools. Most I do not even understand. I very much would like to create a descent website and assume PrestaShop would be a perfect tool to do this, bu...
  10. Hi, I'm trying to update the back office when adding new product. I wrote some codes to check for some conditions when a new product is being added, so if those conditions arent met, a message should be displayed on the screen on clicking the [save and stay] or [save] button. To accomplish t...
  11. Hola amigos, espero alguien me pueda ayudar ya que estuve buscando por todos lados y no encontre nada. De un día para otro sin hacer modificación alguna mi front office dejó de funcionar. Simplemente me mostraba una página en blanco. Al activar los errores me aparece esto: Fatal error: in /home...
  12. Voici mon souci : je cherche à modifier le processus de création de compte pour que l'utilisateur soit redirigé vers une page CMS que j'ai créé, qui s'appelle "Bienvenue" et qui explique au client que son compte est en attente de validation. En suivant différents tutos j'ai cru comprendre qu'il...
  13. Hello, I'm using PS and I'm trying to override the Tools class but my changes in my override class don't seem to be getting picked up. I've overridden many classes before but for some reason I cannot override the Tools class. Is there something I'm doing wrong or is the Tools class not...
  14. Hola, cuando quiero ver los datos del cliente, haciendo clic en "ver" me sale el siguiente mensaje de error: [PrestaShopException] Invalid date at line 663 in file classes/Tools.php 657. 658. if ($date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $date == '0000-00-00') 659. return ''; 660....
  15. Guten Morgen Forum, das Google Webmaster Tool gibt mir immer mehr Seiten aus die einen Soft 404 Fehler haben. Kurze Erklärung unseres Menüs: Man wählt die Oberkategorie, wählt eine Unterkategorie, wählt ein Produkt. Ganz zu Anfang hatten wir nur Kategorien in denen die Produkte lagen....
  16. Hello, I happen to have a problem with tools.php This error is filling up the error log and taking vast amounts of storage space: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 24 in /home/.../public_html/prestashop/prestashop/classes/Tools.php...
  17. Can anyone help me to find the 'tools' tab. I am trying to do a few things in my back office and it keeps telling me to upload files through my 'tools' tab but I don't have such a module at all.... very frustrated.
  18. hello I have upload my module to prestashop addons but it give me response with " Hello, Use of $_GETis forbidden, please use Tools::getValue(); ", now when I am print $_GET it will return all the parametes in url, so how can I get same result with the help of Tools calss..?
  19. Поставил prestashop на Денвер. Удивило, что движок еле ворочается. При попытке зайти в админке в раздел "Модули" выдает [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module Tools: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded Что делать? (Кроме увеличения времени выполнения скрипта?)
  20. Im wondering where can i find all the Tools::getValue list and how is this working, is there other function that is useful other than this? for example i want to get the product reference and generate it in my controller.php
  21. Good evening. I'm trying to make a kind of pagination for Stores. There are more than 200 stores to view (when I search for postcode and range 100km for example). That page viewing 20 stores. It's specified in the LIMIT option of the query in StoresController.php: $stores = Db::getInstance()...
  22. Good day all. Sometimes I've found some workarounds to satisfy some kind of needs that explain how to extend some core functionality by editing files like tools.php or frontendController.php. The last one I've found that saved my life, was a function to retrieve the name of a cms page starting from...
  23. Buenas a todos, No se qué narices le pasa a mi página pero genera una cantidad de errores que no se por donde cogerlos, la mayoría es en TOOLS.php Si me pudieseis echar una mano os lo agradecería. He estado buscando, pero no he encontrado nada... supongo que serán errores muy específicos...
  24. Bonsoir à tous, Si on ajoute une adresse dans le serveur de média (pour les images par exemple) et qu'on utilise une connexion SSL pour l'identification des clients et le processus de commande, cette dernière ne s'affiche pas correctement. Comme si le thème et le fichier CSS n'était pas repris....
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