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  1. I'm creating custom module with page. I have created front controller and output page. Everything is fine. But now I have to change meta title of this page and no luck. I'm trying to make $this->context->smarty->assign(array('meta_title' => 'TEST')); But it doesn't work and on the pag...
  2. Hi forum members, Until release of Prestashop V I knew how to specify the length of product titles (truncate | product.tpl). With update, this approach no longer valid. Does anyone know where to change / specify the product title length in V1.7.8.3?
  3. Bonjour, pourquoi est ce que cette règle CSS ne modifie pas la taille de la police du titre des produit sur les vignettes en FO ? .product-title {font-size:30px;} Ca augmente l'espace interligne sans modifier la taille des caractères..
  4. i want to change this "brands" title (or module's name) to something else . is there a way to do it ?
  5. Hello, i'm using a management software to export all of my products before I can upload them to Prestashop: since the title are getting wiped out at every upload (I know I can just ignore the title column, but I work for a pharmacy and products are constatly changing, so I add a lot of them eve...
  6. I believe this is a bug, during editing CMS page, there is field "title" and it's described that it should display in template h1 But not only the classic template uses meta title instead of this, but also the "title" in $page variable in .tpl is empty: I think some d...
  7. Hi everyone, I am quiet new in using Prestashop so it's maybe just a little thing but... I'm from Czech Republic and I'm doing Czech localization (language translation) of Presta theme and widgets. But I have a serious problem - I dont know how to change text in my widgets. I give you an ex...
  8. Witam Chciałbym się dowiedzieć gdzie przypisać wartość title żeby po najechaniu na nazwę produktu wyświetlała się cała nazwa?
  9. i cant change the page title on my webshop (see screenshot) i tried everything i could find on the internet so far, i hope someone can help me with this problem because we cant figure it out.
  10. Hey everyone! New to PrestaShop, so still learning. The way I need to name my products require numbers and other characters (#,-,!) however I get the error; "The name field (English (English)) is invalid." I have run searches and some posts had solutions but they did not work for me. Also,...
  11. Hi, I hope this forum section will be right. I would like to generate automatically product tags when I'm importing or creating new products. Doing that, I will improve my search bar results without manually add tags. How can I do that? using a modulo or a custom code? Many...
  12. Problem polega tym, że mimo ustawienia w produkcie jakiegoś <TITLE> dodaj mi z automatu pierwszą kombinację produktu. W zakładce SEO mam dodaną tylko nazwę produktu mimo to <TITLE> wygląda: Nazwa produktu Kolor czarny Rozmiar XXL. Używam szablonu Warehouse, jednak po zmianie szablonu na do...
  13. Hi, I have a big question that has been on my mind since forever. I gave tags to every product in my store. When I click on the tag from my tag module in the sidebar, every tag page has the same "title tag". How can I change the title on the Tag Page from "Search" to the tags name? Please Hel...
  14. PS Hello, I have several categories, and some of them have subcategories. If I click on one category, it shows me the subcategories, but on the category title appears: "There are no products.". How can I get rid of it? Thank you! Nina
  15. Buongiorno, facendo vari test seo il risultato è che non è presente il tag title e description. Ho inserito su traffico seo e url page index il titolo, la descrizione, tramite backoffice prestashop 1.7 ma non viene rilevato. Ne modificato il titolo e descrizione ne dai vari tool seo...
  16. Hello Presta community! Presta Version: 1.61.61 I simply want to add a some prod attributes (like color, length etc.) as an prefix to the product tile within a category list view (product-list). But the only thing i can find is in the product-item.tmpl this code block: {$p...
  17. Hola, he montado recientemente una tienda en Prestashop, y tengo un problema que debo resolver para poder mejorar su posicionamiento. El problema es que, al navegar entre las distintas páginas de una misma categoría, proveedor, o marca, el Title de la página no cambia dinámicamen...
  18. Hello to all! When creating a page in the cms there is no function that allows me to customize the <title> of the page. In fact, this tag is automatically filled by the name given to the page. Is there a way to customize this tag as you want? Someone has already done? I'm hoping...
  19. On google I have the title page filled at the and with my shop name (like: "The name can I have setted - MY SHOP NAME"). So how can I eliminate the "shop name" from title of my pages (I have prestashop 1.7.3) ???
  20. Bonjour à tous, je rencontre un problème SEO avec le shop que je gère en deux langues, français et allemand. En effet les produits vendus sont des bouteilles de vins, et ce sont des produts qui ont le même nom dans les deux langues, et donc les même h1 et même balise title. J'utilise ahrefs.com...
  21. Ciao a tutti, ultimamente sto cercando di migliorare il seo del mio sito. Ho notato che alcuni miei competitor avendo un sito peggiore del mio con vari strumenti sono in prima pagina mentre io se va bene sono in 5/6 pagina, a volte non ci sono proprio. Sto provando vari strumenti online per la...
  22. Hi folks, I want to change the name of my blocklayered module in the FO from 'catalog' to 'product filters', however when editing the template file blocklayered.tpl, it makes no difference at all. from <h4 class="title_block">{l s='Catalog' mod='blocklayered'}</h4> to <h4 class="tit...
  23. Buonasera a tutti, consiglio SEO ps Da un'analisi SEO del mio sito è emerso che la maggior parte dei link della homepage non ha implementato l'attributo title. Mi sono premurato di aver compilato tutti i meta campi delle schede prodotto e categorie, pertanto non so come intervenire. Devo mo...
  24. Ciao a tutti, ultimamente sto cercando di migliorare il mio sito per il Ranking sui motori di ricerca. Mi sono focalizzato adesso su un prodotto esattamente per capire cosa migliorare, per poi applicarlo a tutti gli altri presenti nel mio negozio online. La pagina è questa: https://www.cebsas.it/met...
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