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Hi, I have a problem with images order on filemanger. When click on order icon I have this error and sort doesn't work there is an error on mixed active content) “http://xxxxxx/new/adminxxxxx/filemanager/dialog.php?type=1&descending=false&sort_by=&lang=it&sort_by=size&descending=true” inc...
Bonjour à tous, Un nouveau collègue a problème avec son back office quand il veut créer ou modifier une fiche produit, c'est le code source html qui s'affiche dans la zone de texte et l'éditeur ne fonctionne pas. Je suis le développeur et j'ai déjà testé plusieurs solutions trouvées sur de...
Hi I trying to find a solution to display the icon "font family" in the editor for cms pages Thanks for your help
Edytor na stronie CMS pod adminem - wysokość
Netteria.NET posted a question in Wsparcie i pomoc użytkowników
Witajcie Niby banalne a jednak mam problem. W adminie pod "Strony" i "Zawartość strony" jest edytor tinymce. Problem w tym że on jest zbyt mały na wysokość. Kombinowałem już w różnych plikach aby nadać mu większą wysokość. Powiedzmy 500px ale ciągle wychodzą mi krzaki. Może ktoś podpowie jak...-
- prestashop 1.7
- tinymce
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Hi, I have TinyMCE Pro (rich text editor pro) v1.7.4 - by installed in my shop. In the tiny mce editor when I write <td><iframe src="" width="220" height="124" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></td> , it deletes...
- 1 reply
- tinymce
- allowfullscreen
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salut , pourrais-je transformer les inputs du module bloc réassurance en une zone de text tinymce ? merci d'avance
Can't find any other info on this but the character count for descriptions is not working in my install of prestashop 1.7.4. (See screenshot) It was mentioned in this thread but no solution was found. I am getting no errors on the page and debug mode is not showing anything out of the ordinary....
- product
- character count
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Hello, I have problem in PrestaShop backend . For example when I am accessing Product in console I get error index.php?controller=AdminProducts&id_product=23&updateproduct&token=2fd931cedeab5c70b7ccc75cc03ea1a9:115 GET xxxxxxxxxxx/js/admin/ net::ERR_ABBORTED 403 (Frobidd...
Hi everyone I am really stumped My site got hacked and some ransomware was installed that demanded x amount of USD to be paid to get my site back Anyways I decided to keep the DB but replace the files for a clean install of and I did the usual manual copy of the img files, mo...
Sres: tengo el siguiente problema, recientemente instalé Prestashop y en mi servidor local el editor TinyMCE para descripciones funciona coirrestamente. En el hosting, a pesar que es la misma instalación no funciona el editor. Adjunto capturas de pantalla y a continuación el informe que m...
Bonjour a tous Version PS Je n'ai pas pu ajouter d'icônes, mais je n'ai pas pu ajouter d'icônes. En tout cas, je pensais pouvoir m'en souvenir en saisissant le code. <I class="material-icons">..</I> o <I class="fa fa-address-book"></I> <EM class="icon-truck" id=...
Hello to all, Versione PS I need to recall the icons but I can not figure out how to do it, I have extended my tinyMCE editor but I have not been able to add the icons, in any case I thought I could recall them by entering the code <i class="material-icons">..</i> o <i...
- 1 reply
- font awesome
- material icons
(and 6 more)
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Hello, I have a problem with the WYSIWYG text editor of my prestashop 1.6. Indeed this one is present and works correctly on Windows but when I test on a Mac Os, it replaces the WYSIWYG by my text framed by HTML tag. After watching what happens in my console I realize that it returns the...
- 1 reply
- err_name_not_resolved
- tinymce
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Prestashop tinyMCE editor removes some css inline properties from HTML source code in product description. No matter if it is short or long description, custom theme or default-bootstrap theme? For instance while saveing product description property "background-size: auto 100%; "...
- description
- html
(and 6 more)
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Buenas: Cuando se edita un enlace de la plantilla de correos, como el de "preparation", se insertan variables como "{history_url}" en lugar de rutas absolutas como "https://miweb/historial-compra". Sin embargo cuando edito un enlace como estos el editor me lo corrige por https://miweb/admi...
- corrector html
- enlaces
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