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  1. Hello everybody, I'm a php developer and I'm creating my own php scripts to import products in prestashop now i would like to use prestashop regenrate thumbnail function to create images thumbnails i found this solution in an older post but seems it is for older prestashop version ?...
  2. Hello everyone, Home page and categories thumbnails's images don't seem to fit the square i'm using prestashop The image bellow shows in a better way what the issue is Please help
  3. Hello, Prestashop 1.6 J'ai des produits avec des combinaisons, les couleurs. Quand je clique sur un produit "voir plus" j'arrive sur la page de description des produits, une photo principale, et en dessous des thumbnail (voir image ci-jointe) Quand je passe la souris sur les thum...
  4. Hi, I'm using Prestashop and working on the Classic template. I'd like to use at least two different sizes for the thumbnails of the products displayed on the Home page. One size is 126x126 px, that I achieved modifying the size of the home_default thumbnails in the back office; th...
  5. Hello everybody, I'm fighting second day, how to fix this problem. On product cover thumbnails some products showing good that like i want, but other with the white border, that i don't want. Can somebody help me fix that, it don't looks nice with that white border ;( I want to all of...
  6. Mixed thumbnails of products in orders details in the [Orders > Orders] list from BO. Not all of them but many. Sometimes it generates good, sometimes wrong. Sometimes only few products in one order have good thumbs and some have wrong thumbs. The problem concerns only thumbnails in orders, product...
  7. Bonjour, Je viens de la plateforme E-Monsite et je souhaiterais passer sous prestashop. Il y a un truc qui m’inquiète avant de me lancer, je dois savoir comment faire pour écrire du texte sous les vignettes produit sur les pages ou elles apparaissent. Je ne trouve pas du tout ou il faut cliquer pour...
  8. Bonjour à tous, Je cherche à afficher toutes les photos des produits directement sur la product-list. Au clic de la souris, je veux que l'utilisateur puisse faire défiler les différentes photos sur la miniature produit qui se trouve sur la page du listing produit. J'ai essayé de copier l...
  9. Hello, the thumbnails of the subcategories do not appear in the main menu module provides origina with Prestashop It would miss a line in the file ps_mainmenu.tpl that would allow this display. Could you give me this line or include it in the next update. Best regards...
  10. Hello, i got a problem, that i'am fighting for a week now. i'am new to web editing and can't do enything in php or html, just a little bit css. So the problem is with images for products. Thumbnais are set to fit "product list image boxes" http://prntscr.com/kfmh4v http://prntscr.com/kfmjj...
  11. Hi everyone, I looked everywhere and couldn't find any solution. I am using Prestashop 1.7 with external theme On product page, for some reason thumbnails are not visible in Chrome. It works fine on Firefox and IE. Screenshots attached. The shop is available on https://myscandi.com...
  12. Hello community members, I upgraded to Prestashop 1.6, and am still working on the cloned (developement) site as the V 1.4 site is still live. One issue is that all images are gone (replaced by the question mark). I'm familiar with the regeneration process but it won't work, as the new sit...
  13. Buongiorno a tutti e grazie in anticipo per le risposte a seguire. Spiego il problema il più facilmente possibile. Dopo aver migrato il sito da un indirizzo .com a .it le miniature di qualsiasi sezione Categorie e SubCategorie sono completamente scomparse. Compare per tutti i prodotti l'im...
  14. PrestaShop version: Bonjour, J'essai d’intégrer le owl carrousel dans la page produit. N'ayant pas forcement beaucoup de thumbnails , il serait plus approprié de les enlever pour améliorer le UI/UX. Le carrousel fonctionne, charge les différentes images, seulement lorsque je chois...
  15. Bonjour! Je développe un module, et celui-ci affiche la liste de ma classe/modele entrée en base. J'ai donc un controller qui étend la classe ModuleAdminController, et j'utilise la fonction renderList() pour afficher ma liste. J'override celle-ci ainsi que la fonction displayListContent(...
  16. Hola, He modificado el tema por defecto y en producto he puesto las miniaturas a la derecha de la imagen del producto. En pantallas de ordenador tengo 3 partes y cuando hago click en una miniatura cambia la foto pero cuando la pantalla es más pequeña paso a 2 partes y la tercera debajo. Y si hag...
  17. Hi! I make the 3 language shop. I made different pictures with a couple words within as menu thumbnails for each language. But every time the new uploaded menu thumbnails overwrites the menu thumbnails for another languages. Is it a bug or is it so meaned? How can I make the different menu thumbnail...
  18. I Imported via csv images are there- but when I view the site they show up as question marks. I tried regen and that didn't do anything. What step am I missing?
  19. Bonjour, Je vous partages une petite astuce (Grand Merci au Foum et à Vous) pour afficher en Verticale sur votre page Produit, les petites images (thumbs_list) au lieu d'un affichage Horizontal. Ceci, une fois appliqué, ils vous faudras modifiez votre "product.css" Cette modification foncti...
  20. Hi, I have a problem with product (only) thumbnail generate. When I click to generate new products thumbnails, I am waiting about 5-8 minutes (nothing happend at this time) and then I see 404 error on my webshop. Can anyone help me in that issue? Why is doing that? Karol
  21. i want to load images of different sizes for products. i am downloading images through rest web services in xml format i want know the links to thumbnails of products which i can download through xml format. i am aware that there various sizes available depending upon image type "image_types", b...
  22. Hi Everyone, I am in the process of moving a site from shared hosting onto a VPS and I have got to the point where I am trying to regenerate the thumbnails. This is where I get the following error. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2016 bytes) i...
  23. HI there! I have a multishop (2 shops), and the watermark module version 0.6 installed. Once I have uploaded a new watermark image using that module, I go to “Preferences” → “Images” → “Regenerate thumbnails” to regenerate the thumbnails for a specific shop. In “Multishop configuration for”...
  24. Hi. I have been trying to regenerate my thumbnails, but after some 5 minute, it only appears this : > Unable to process this directive.. I have my server timeout set to : > Set KeepAlive On in Apache max_execution_time is set to 300 in PHP can someone please help me ?
  25. I've searched the entire Internet (I think) and it seems nobody had the same problem. I need category thumbnails that are displayed in the top menu (in my shop they look the same as in demo) to link to a set location. The closest I got was this topic: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/33...
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