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  1. Bonjour, pourquoi est ce que cette règle CSS ne modifie pas la taille de la police du titre des produit sur les vignettes en FO ? .product-title {font-size:30px;} Ca augmente l'espace interligne sans modifier la taille des caractères..
  2. Bonjour, Mes titres de produits sont souvent longs. J'ai modifié pour que ces titres ne soient pas coupés, mais je ne parviens pas à modifier le cadre qui entoure ces titres, ce qui les fait déborder du cadre. Quelqu'un aurait-il une solution?
  3. Hello, I'm using Postilla theme at Prestashop and the thumbnails of my products are just the same as the head image but smaller. Now I want my thumbnail having a total different size than the headimage. My images are now 800x1074 (which we maybe change to 1024x768). But the thumbnail...
  4. Hello, I've been searching for solution to change the product page layout for a while and i did found few posts on forum but couldn't get them to work. I'm using prestashop 1.6.1 and default theme. By default in product page there are 3 thumbnails under main image and there is a small...
  5. Bonjour, je souhaite mettre une bordure au survole des vignettes en front office, j'ai mis ce code CSS dans custom.css : .thumbnail-container:hover, .thumbnail-container:focus {border:2px solid black;} #products .product-description, #products .highlighted-informations, .featured-pr...
  6. Les photos de mes produits ne sont pas carrées, elles sont rectangulaire. Leur affichage ne se fait pas correctement car le cadre prestashop est carré. Du coup il y a des marges de part et d'autre de la photo et c'est très laid. Comment faire svp pour que prestashop s'adapte au format de mes ph...
  7. Hello, Does anyone know how it is possible to display the thumbnail of the subcategories in the main menu. I added an image for all the subcategories in the Back Office, but they do not appear in the front office. I found some code to add the image of the parent category in the submenu, however...
  8. hi guys, i really need the helps in here, this is so urgent to our website. we are using Prestashop 1.4.9(Because the theme doesn't work in latest version, sorry), and we try to upload white background jpg picture for all of our products, but after uploading, all the thumbnails(normal, large, home e...
  9. hi there ... I will be grateful if someone can help me on this. I created a new website using presta 1 .7.x. The website is to sell images / videos. Where I got stuck is , I want to play the video, when you mouse over the thumbnails on videos page. (similar effect that they use on istockphoto, et...
  10. Hello, I updated to and who can tell me where can I found thumbnail upload in category view? I can't find that. :/ -- Zaktualizowałem sobie do i kto mi powie gdzie w widoku kategorii podziało się dodawanie miniaturek? Było, przepadło. :/
  11. Hello, I have a problem with changing the sizes of the thumbnails. Although I have a small_default image type in the homepage on this particular module I would need it to be 85x85. But although I regenerated the thumbnails and turned off CCC and cache it still doesn't work. Do I need to edit a .ph...
  12. Hello,I have a problem with changing the sizes of the thumbnails. Although I have a small_default image type in the homepage on this particular module I would need it to be 85x85. But although I regenerated the thumbnails and turned off CCC and cache it still doesn't work. Do I need to edit a .php o...
  13. I have installed Prestashop 1.7.2 and I was surprised that it has built in option for generating High definition images. Soon I was disappointed viewing the images on my Mac with Retina display.The main images and product images are OK, but the thumbnail is displayed blurry. In cases that...
  14. Hi all I have some questions about product images in prestashop. First of it all i'd like to know why some product thumbnails are filled with white, while others are properly enlarged. I even noticed that some miniatures end up being "smaller" in the large versions(i mean exc...
  15. Boas! Estou a utilizar Prestashop e estou com um problema no evento mouse hoover na lista de artigos apresentados na página index, na secção dos artigos novos, últimos artigos e mais vendidos. Não estou a utilizar o tema default e provavelmente o erro está relacionado com isso, no en...
  16. Bonjour, Après avoir modifié mon code, j'ai fait en sorte que mes miniatures de la page produit s'affichent dans "bigpic" (la grosse image produit) non plus grâce au hover, mais grâce à un clic. Le clic sur les miniatures active aussi le "zoom" ou "thickbox", j'ai donc supprimé la class="thickb...
  17. This is the website Every product has the posibility to have several images, those images are listed as a list to the left of the main product image. The problem I have is when the user clicks on any of the thumbs, it get's the image but on a modal box, not swaping over the main image. Just...
  18. Hello, I am currently struggling with an issue: how to render different thumbnails for in example just small_default.jpg files. What should I change in imageManager.php to check if the presta is processing small_default (or any other) file and add my changes to it? In which function should I lo...
  19. Hi, I've just switched my hosting provider to Web Hosting Hub, since I'd seen they were a Prestashop preferred vendor awhile ago. The switch over wasn't easy and now that I've finally gotten it mostly working, there's still a few things that aren't quite right. I've searched for this info and c...
  20. My large_default images are fuzzy but when expanded to thickbox they are clear. When trying to regen thumbnails i get a blank screen with the message [an error occurred while processing this directive] I have tried all thumbnails and just the Products=> large_default set with the same result...
  21. Hi all, Does anyone else have this issue? When using the automatic resizing (thumbnail generation) function from admin, the image quality of the resultant thumbnails is very poor. Our source files are very clean, high res and high quality, and we've tried bumping the jpeg compression up to 1...
  22. Hi, My shop is built with Prestashop I would like to do the following : - replacing one product image and its thumbnails by a new one, while keeping the same image number (such as 10768 for instance) Of course, I can create the new thumbnails manually, give them the right name and put th...
  23. Hello, I am working on the default bootstrap theme ( and i think the category thumbnails within the menu are really useful, however i would like to make them clickable and linked to their assigned category. With no luck so far. In the blocktopmenu.php file, I have tried to include the t...
  24. Hello everyone, I have the same problem you can see in this topic . I'm not able to use different images between the category banners and the thumbnails. If I upload an image for the category banner a smaller image is automatically uploaded as thumbnail and the result is awful. In the case...
  25. this is the code of my superfish-modified.css there is no word called thumbnails in my code how do i get thumbnails to be shown in the block top horizontal menu? /*** ESSENTIAL STYLES ***/ .sf-contener { clear: both; } .sf-right { margin-right: 14px; float: right; width: 7px; } .sf-men...
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