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  1. PS v: Plantilla: warehouse Hola a todos. Estoy intentando añadir la hora a la que se realizó el pedido en la página de Detalles del pedido/Seguimiento de pedido, concretamente en la parte de la captura que corresponde a "Referencia de pedido SMOYUGZFN - efectuado el 16/01/2025". He...
  2. avrei bisogno di una guida o documentazione di html box e static block; ho problemi ad inserire html custom; alcuni tag non vengono letti. grazie!
  3. Hello, i am using prestashop 8.1.4. i would like to insert a value in the $data array in PaymentModule.php form my module. This value i need to display on order_conf template to customer, which takes values from this array. But i do not want to override the (validateOrder function) Payme...
  4. Hello, we are using presrashop 8.1.4 and module ps_emailalerts ver. 3.0.0. I have tried several times to make translation of the email template for new order (new_order), but it seems it doesn't matter which language is used in the browser and the new_order templates is received only in english...
  5. Cześć, jest możliwe by pod jedną domeną np. gallerywarszawa.pl był sklep na Presta, a pod gallerywarszawa.pl/blog blog/magazyn na Wordpress? Presta nie ma atrakcyjnie wyglądających blogów ani szablonów typu news/magazine i chciałbym to połączyć w ten sposób.
  6. Hi: I'm trying to setup a custom message both in my product page and product list page for product backorders, but I'm having a bit of an issue. In the product page it works as intended. Shows In Stock when theres stock for the combination selected, returns Backorder message when $product.quant...
  7. Salve ragazzi buonasera, ho acquistato il seguente template Flagman, installazione riuscita tramite ftp, ma vorrei capire come faccio ad impostare il layout numero 8 come da demo ? non riesco qualcuno può aiutarmi ?
  8. The leading drag and drop page builder on the market. Users are able to control every aspect of the website in one place, reduce the web building time and help your online store to load and perform faster. The theme includes powerful modules and innovative design with many features: Professi...
  9. The leading drag and drop page builder on the market. Users are able to control every aspect of the website in one place, reduce the web building time and help your online store to load and perform faster. The theme includes powerful modules and innovative design with many features: Professi...
  10. Amazing Theme with multiple layouts and styles allows you to create different structures and satisfies any specific requirements as well as provide you numerous Child Themes for different kind of business. The leading drag and drop page builder on the market. Users are able to control every aspect...
  11. Hello fellows, I am having troubles getting our "old" plugin to work with the new Prestashop 1.7 The method addJs doesn't include the scripts anymore and the new method registerJavascript doesn't allow urls e.g. cdnjs I solved it that I added the script tag to the template which is quite a bad pra...
  12. Hi, i need to display features product on my product page template but i'm using "Creative element" plugin to manage the template. I could put this code if it was in product.tpl file : {foreach from=$product.features item=feature} {if $feature.id_feature == 1} {$feature.value...
  13. Hi, I have a module which displays table in DisplayAdminProductsExtra hook, and there are links to another controller extending ModuleAdminController. Controller is in my_module/controllers/admin/ link is: index.php?controller=AdminDetailSpecificationTables It didn't work for first t...
  14. Hi! This is an odd one. I noticed that "{carrier}" is used in the order_conf.html email template and new_order.html email template and when emailed, shows the name of the carrier selected for the order. I'd like to include that info in a couple of other emails the customer receives when I up...
  15. Hola, estoy intentando usar el hook actionEmailAddBeforeContent en un módulo para agregar variables a las plantillas de correos, pero no produce efecto alguno. Este es el código de ejemplo de mi módulo: public function hookActionEmailAddBeforeContent($params) {...
  16. Buongiorno, non riesco a capire quale template html sta utilizzando il mio sito quando manda la mail di conferma ordine. Ho un tema child dove ci sono dei template, tra cui uno che si chiama "order_conf.html", ma anche modificandolo non vedo il risultato su di esso. Volevo capi...
  17. I recently manually upgraded a site from 1.6 to 1.7. There was a laundry list of complications I dealt with (including that the theme work had all been done in default_bootstrap and was thus essentially lost/had to be redone) but only one, at present, that continues to vex me. Specifically, when I...
  18. How access 'active' attribute in the product template page // like this $product.active
  19. Hi community. I have created this module after a request of @Anns Abz This module is in first steps of development and needs lots of things to do. But at first it can add address of delivery and invoice into the shipped.html template. This addition does not have any overrides and this...
  20. Hi, I'm currently trying insert a couple of divs between the price and the add to cart button on the product page (example page below). I'd be fine with adding it before the price block as well. I've tried out using displayProductPriceBlock but it repeats multiple times across the differe...
  21. Hello, I'm trying to modify the layout of the frontpage and have for example two columns (hooks) inside the main container where I could attach modules. On the footer or the header it's easy because there are .tpl files (footer.tpl, product.tpl,...) I can edit and change the layout with bo...
  22. Bonjour, Je travail sur un prestashop version Je souhaiterais ajouter au bon de commande au format pdf l'email du client. Pour cela j'ai regardé 2-3 tutoriel mais ceux-là s'applique généralement pour les factures. J'ai donc refait la même manipulation : dans : classes\pdf\...
  23. Hi, sorry for my english I'm developping a module who needs to use my custom cart-detailed.tpl when the cart is updated. I overrided the function displayAjaxRefresh in CartController to use the tpl in my module. But I can't use my cart-detailed.tpl file. I tested the full path, path starting wi...
  24. I need to differentiate between a logged in and logged out user in my template. Basically the pseudocode would look something like this {if $logged_in} welcome {else} you have to log in {/if} Is there any simple way to do this directly in the template, without touching the controllers?
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