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  1. Hi everyone, Hope you guys are enjoying a good weekend... But for me having this issue kills my mood I'v been working on a module to upgrade to support from 1.6 to 1.7 Prestashop version. This module which was working fine and generates proper bar codes in PDF for admin tasks....
  2. Hi, This post is regarding PS 1.6 I am generating invoices PDF, and the length of the invoice PDF is of 2 pages, and both the page have header and footer, but I don't want header from 2nd page onwards for which I tried the following code in \tools\tcpdf\tcpdf.php inside Startpage method...
  3. Hi all, My site is running with 3 languages. But I am unable to find a font that supports Sinhala Language. The languages I am using are English, Sinhala, Tamil. Please help me
  4. Estimad@s, Se me ha presentado el problema de que al momento de generar un factura por PDF proveniente de Webpay, me figura el error la ruta señalada no existe, en especifico tcpdf. podre restaurar la carpeta, no encuentro la forma.
  5. Bonjour, Je suis actuellement sur un module qui va permettre de générer des pdf et je suis, je vous cache pas, un peu perdu. Mon module dispose d'un controller : J'ai un bouton sur la page panier pour générer un devis, il affiche le contenu d'un tpl et c'est ce dernier que j’aimerais "tran...
  6. Buenos días, necesito saber como solucionar el error que sale al generar o mostrar la factura, tanto en la parte de backend y en el front. TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: helvetica Llevo días intentado dar con la solución en internet, pero resulta imposible. U...
  7. Hi everyone, Here's my question : In fact, I allow customers to generate a custom PDF document (with TCPDF) (PS 1.6.16) in a new tab by clicking a link on our website. This new tab remains blank during generation until the document is ready and start to be downloaded. But some documen...
  8. Salut à tous, Voici ma question: En fait, je permets aux clients de générer un document PDF (avec TCPDF) dans un nouvel onglet en cliquant sur une page de notre site Web. Ce nouvel onglet reste vide pendant la génération jusqu'à ce que le document soit prêt et commence à être téléchargé....
  9. Is it possible in PS 1.5 to use tcpdf to add digital signature to Invoice and how? I need to add certificate to generated pdf file. I really need this so if you can help me with this?
  10. Hello, I have problem with fresh install prestashop - the invoice wont work. System back to me error messages: in url: Please help, I was search problem on the forum but similar topics have no solution.
  11. Muy buenas! Tengo instalado prestashop y tengo un problema al visualizar las facturas, cuando voy a ver una factura simplemente se queda la pantalla en blanco y no me devuelve ningun error y se queda ahi como cargando la pagina. Buscando por google vi que mucha gente tenia problemas...
  12. Hello, I hope someone can help me with this problem. I've found a few old threads about it but nothing that solves my problem. If I enable product images on invoice I get this error message on checkout. TCPDF ERROR: [image] Unable to get image: /img/tmp/product_mini_8_63.jpg Also if I go into my...
  13. Hello, I am trying to put the order id in the footer of the prestashop PDF invoice. For this I added this in the file /theme/mytheme/pdf/footer.tpl: {assign var="orderId" value="%05d"|sprintf:$order->id} {$orderId} However, when I go to orders > invoices and I generate a PDF, when there are mo...
  14. Hi there, Yesterday i wanted to backup my store. I was surprised that after one hour of transfer it stated 1.7GB of files still in queue. I started to check all the folders and found the problem. Folder cache/tcpdf has over 64000 of files with combined size of 1.8GB. I checked my previous backup...
  15. Ciao a tutti, quando cerco di aprire il pdf della fattura nello storico degli ordini, lato front end, appare questo errore TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file Qualcuno sa indicarmi come risolverlo?
  16. Czy ktos wie jak zaktualizowac TCPDF w prescie pozdrawiam
  17. Hello, I'm having some troubles setting my site up. I've been working on localhost on one hosting and the order processing was working fine. I'm on Prestashop Then I moved the site to the host I was already using for my old site, as I wanted to keep that domain and move the site as qui...
  18. Good day, Just want to ask how can the PDF invoice in prestashop be set to render Chinese characters.. I've been on this since last week and I still don't have a decent solution.. Can anyone point me to a good direction to follow.. If there is a Chinese character included in the PDF it show...
  19. Ik heb onlangs mijn webshop gepubliceerd (www.hoody-shop.nl) en bij het afronden van mijn eerste bestelling kwam ik erachter dat ik geen pdf factuur kan aanmaken. Ik gebruik versie van Prestashop. De template die ik gebruik is de uhu1550. Naar veel te hebben gelezen op dit forum...
  20. Buenas tardes!!! resulta que cuando intento ver las facturas generadas me aparece el siguiente error: TCPDF ERROR: Can't open image file: /homez.734/comprafl/www/cache/tcpdf/mska_fc6648c719a9a492de10bef1d2d68cf5 He mirado en otros post y he hecho lo que en ellos se decia pero nada de nada....
  21. I have a prestashop with pagSeguro plugin installed, but, the prestashop was first installed in the http://i9networking.com/condor, and moved to http://condorbike.com.br. When a customer proceeds with the purchase, before he is redirected to the PagSeguro, an error appears: TCPDF ERROR: Unable t...
  22. Hola a todos! Estoy recibiendo el siguiente error al intentar generar el PDF de las facturas desde el BO: Notice: Undefined index: cols in /var/www/vhosts/sitioweb.com/httpdocs/tools/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 21464 Notice: Undefined index: thead in /var/www/vhosts/sitioweb.com/httpdocs/tools/...
  23. Hola. A ver si me podéis ayudar. Cuando entro en el administrador - pedidos- facturas, y le indico un estado para que genere el pdf me sale esto en el debug de errores: Notice: Undefined index: cols in /var/www/vhosts/nsloreto.com/httpdocs/tienda/tools/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 22975 Notice: Unde...
  24. Hello all, Im trying to create a new dynamic pdf doc, please note this is not a invoice. I have based the code from pdf invoice and order slips and have been able to use a controller and class to generate a template pdf successfully with information in a TPL. Im having issues transferring da...
  25. Je me suis mis à l'écriture d'un override en utilisant l'éxpérience de bimbee : http://www.prestasho...m_fpdf_to_tcpdf Vous trouverez donc un override simple à installer : 1. Télécharger tcpdf et le mettre dans le répertoire tools/tcpdf 2. Copier le fichier joint dans override/classes/PDF.php...
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