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  1. Hi! I hope you are doing well. Today, I searched the whole Prestashop Forum looking for a solution: I needed to erase/delete all mentions of taxes on my website, for It aint mandatory in my country, and the word "tax" looks pretty bad. For the record, my prestashop is at 8.0.4...
  2. Salut à tous, je m'excuse par avance si ce sujet est un doublon mais je n'ai pas trouvé de réponses. Savez vous s'il existe un module permettant d'afficher sur la facture et de faire payer au client une taxe pour chaque produit présents dans un pack et non une taxe pour le pack en lui même ? Ca...
  3. In prestashop 1.7.2 we wanted to display final price with taxes in the product order details. We want to share this solution with you. Open for editing /document-root/adminfolder/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/ _product_line.tpl Add the following lines at the beginning...
  4. Bonjour, chose que je n'arrive pas a comprendre sur mes commandes (plusieurs) le montant des taxes n'est pas comptabiliser dans l'historique de commande des mes client alors que dans le backoffice le montant total a payer est bien TTC ??? Dans cette exemple le montant est de 1397,40 H...
  5. Bonjour ! J'ai un comportement étrange sur le site que nous sommes en train de monter sous Prestashop 1.7 ( ). Nous avons configuré un forfait livraison à 9.95HT. Dans la facture, au niveau du détail des taxes, on retrouve bien la TVA sur la livraison, mais sur répartie sur deux li...
  6. Bonjour, J'ai un problème qui a impacté toute mes ventes. Dans le calcule de Taxe a payé, Prestashop ne prend pas en compte la partie décimale. Dans l'exemple ci-dessous les taxes doivent être à 12,8€ et non 12€ et le Total à payé doit être à 76,8€ et non 76€ Avez-vous une idée...
  7. Hi, I was wondering why the {total_shipping} variable is set to the order's shipping tax-inclusive value in the order confirmation email. Based on https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/develop/classes/PaymentModule.php Line 335 $order->total_shipping = $order->total_shippi...
  8. Hi, I've a problem with Prestashop As you can see in the attached GIF prices are not calculated well when changing taxes. In the source code rates are 0 Any ideas? Thanks
  9. Bonjour, Prestashop 1.7 Les règles européennes en matière de TVA évolues à partir du 1er juillet 2021 : Suppression de la franchise de TVA à l’importation pour les envois d’une valeur égale ou inférieure à 22 € Comment mettre en place cette item sur le site pour que ce soit automatique ?...
  10. Hi guys, i'm developping one pakaging website and i have the follow problem with th the hsipping: I want charge 6€ for <100€ inside the penisnula -> DONE I want charge 0€ for >100€ inside the peninsula -> DONE I wanna the client should ask me for the budget for <100€ out of the p...
  11. Bonjour, Je tourne en rond depuis quelques jours. Problème : Sur une des boutiques que je gère, les tarifs s'affichent et se calculent en HT dès que la localisation du client est autres que DOM (taxe définie sur l'adresse de facturation). Paramétrage : Les groupes de clie...
  12. The taxes are not calculated, but ONLY in the product catalog (backend), in the shop they are calculated correctly and even (see second image) in the catalog list. I have cleared my browser cache and tried it in incognito modus. But still the same. Anyone knows what I could try?...
  13. Bonjour à tous, Je suis sur prestashop 1.7 Les taxes ne fonctionnent pas, Lorsque je crée un produit et que je note son prix, il est affiché le même prix dans HT et TTC. Sur les factures idem, Les taxes sont bien activées. Le B2B désactivé (et quand on t'active ça ne change rien) J'ai même ess...
  14. I have my shop set in Spain and so all products have got a 21% tax (IVA). I have configured taxes in backoffice so that all prices appear with the tax included. The thing is, there is a region of Spain (Canarias) where this tax does not apply and it should be 0% tax, which I have also solved by conf...
  15. Hello! I was wondering if there is a method which calculates the VAT of the price including VAT. By EU Law, the prices in the whole EU must be the same for consumers, but we need to pay tax in the country of the customer. The VAT amounts are different per country. For example: I have a prod...
  16. Bonjour, J'ai remarqué un léger problème concernant le prix de la livraison affichée sur la page de checkout (/commande) après le panier. Là où l'on choisit son transporteur, lorsque l'on est un client en France, ça affiche bien le prix de livraison TTC. Mais lorsque je suis cliente Suisse...
  17. Hi! If I enter the price including tax of a product from my ERP, is there any option by which it calculates the prices and the tax by it's own and show them seperately at the front end? Thankyou for your responses in advance.
  18. I Need Help Really bad! any assistance with this will be incredibly appreciated. Here's my problem. I need to charge people who order from my website, "that have invoices with addresses that are located in the state of California," a sales tax of 8.25%. Everyone else that orders from my website,...
  19. Hi folks, Using PS 1.6.1 I got a serious problem with prices. All is in the title. Some customers got prices without taxe and when they go to their cart prices are taxes included. Of course they think I'm a thief when I'm not. I tried to reproduce this beaviour without success. I live...
  20. Hello, I have created a custom functionality in which a specific attribute group includes an additional price. EG. Attribute A = +300$ So when the total product price is 500$ (including taxes), then I add 300$ into it both in js files and Product class to be calculated correctly in cart...
  21. I just upgraded to PS and my cart is not adding taxes to the total. The taxes are listed, but the total is wrong. I discovered an entry concerning v1.6.1.17 that a contributor added (== 0) to the below if statement to fix it on the default back end /default-bootstrap/shopping-cart.tpl...
  22. Bonsoir à toutes et à tous, J'aimerai savoir comment indiquer le sous total HT dans la commande ci-dessous. Merci d'avance pour votre précieuse aide.
  23. Hi everyone, I've just installed a shop and everything is going well. The only issues until now are 2, and are based on the cart summary. 1st - when changing manually or with the + and - signs the quantity, the 'Total' doesn't change. The total of the product changes immediately, b...
  24. Hello. Is it possible to block vat number changes after the costumer made a purchase with that number? I'm developing a solution for one of my costumers and in my country we are not allowed to make invoices for the same name with different VAT Number. Is there a way to block...
  25. Hi there, My Prestashop version is I'm in Quebec City Canada and I would like to change the taxes rate when the customer is in another country or states. Exemple: When you order a product and you pick it up in Quebec your taxes is 15%. When you order in Ontario or in Vancouver a...
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