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Showing results for tags 'tag'.
Hi to everyone! I just red the White paper related to the SEO optimization of a ecommerce site... It was very interesting but now I have a big question! In the SOE section of product, categories, etc.. pages it is possible to edit the meta data: title, description, keywords... Ok, but how can I...
Hi, I can't find a way to make new paragraphs space to work. This is my blog In all articles I can't use <br> or <p> they disappear and no space between both rows appear. It is very frustrating I can't make space between text and photo or leave white...
Hi, Is posible put a tag on the image of the product???
Bonjour, J'ai voulu activer le suivi du e-commerce amélioré sur GA et je n'ai pas les performances des produits. Tout est en "Not Set" Après quelques échanges, on m'a fait ajouter la balise ci-dessous dans le fichier order-confirmation-table.tpl ce qui me permet de remonter au moins le CA...
- 4 replies
- analytics
- e-commerce
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I only noticed link domain/search?tag=abc, so this is the only function as search results for tag in prestashop? Anyone knows other information about tag? Will the setup tag has a direct page? Please help advise. Thanks
effettuando il ceck della mia home page tramite mi viene segnalato che "Manca il tag <H1> nella tua pagina. Inseriscilo e fai in modo che i due tag abbiano un contenuto testuale molto simile" Non riesco a trovare il sorgente della mia pagina nel quale effettuare la modif...
More testing tools are reporting the same issue: We didn't find a header (h1 tag) on this page (the home page in this case). H1 Count: 0 tags H2 Count: 0 tags H3 Count: 0 tags H4 Count: 0 tags H5 Count: 0 tags H6 Count: 0 tags Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you. So...
Good afternoon, Sorry if I posted in the wrong place or in a duplicate way, I looked for the solution for the whole forum. I am currently using version of prestashop and some selects and inputs from the administrative panel are being rendered in the wrong way. The selects, for...
Hello i have an error on my webpage: The error is this: I tried to install a One Page chechout plugin, and immediatelly after that i got an error 500 . I deleted the module folder via FTP and activated DEBUG mode on prestashop and now i go...
- 16 replies
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- tag
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Buenas Quisiera saber como agregar la etiqueta no index-no follow a las siguientes paginas que no necesitan ser indexadas (A Google no le gusta que lo sean): -Carrito -Registro/checkout -mi Cuenta -Paginas de resultados de busqueda interna de la web Hay alguna manera de hacerlo des...
Hi, I have a big question that has been on my mind since forever. I gave tags to every product in my store. When I click on the tag from my tag module in the sidebar, every tag page has the same "title tag". How can I change the title on the Tag Page from "Search" to the tags name? Please Hel...
Hi folks ! I have a problem. I try to add a tag programmatically with and odd result. Here is the code : $tag_list[] = "MyTag"; $product = new Product(5003334); Tag::addTags($default_lang, $product->id, $tag_list); I can see the tag on the backoffice on the edit product page BUT I ca...
Hello, I am showing tags in my filter on the left side of page, using Tags Block. But there is no difference which products are shown, the tags are the same. How can I show up only the tags, which are defined in the product, which are showing up? So if I'm in subcategory "Shoes", only...
Ciao Vorrei inserire il codice di monitoraggio Global Site Tag di Google Calcolando che utilizzo un template acquistato, sapreste indicarmi il percorso passo passo nel quale inserire il codice? Ho troppa paura di commettere errori Grazie
- 5 replies
- tag
- monitoraggio
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Hola, i have a problem to installe the gtm to the new version of prestashop. in previous versions I used {literal} in head.tpl (and not header.tpl) one part and the other in layout-both-columns.tpl. in the latest version this method does not work, any suggestions? Regards
Hello I am running prestashop 1.7.x How do I change/edit the H1 tag on a product ? Petter
Hello everyone. I was trying to find the way to add HTML code to the <head></head> tag. On older prestashop version it was available on header.tpl. Im using prestashop version. And all I wand to add is one line code, like: <meta name="hi" content="abcd">. Thanks in advance!
I need to change the product tag delimiter for a semicolon. I'm using version 1.7.3 Right now the actual delimiter is a comma, but the tags I need to create are short technical specification that has a comma in it. Can someone help?
- tag
- product-tag
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Bonjour à tous ! Je viens vers vous aujourd'hui car je rencontre un problème avec mon moteur de recherche interne et je ne trouve pas la solution. Le soucis est le suivant : j'ai beaucoup de produits qui ont un nom qui se ressemble (ex : matelas spring confort et matelas spring luxe). Lorsque q...
Salve vorrei sapere se fosse possibile rimuovere la dicitura "Negozio creato con Prestashop" che esce quando provo a condividere il link diretto al mio sito (vedi allegato). Non parlo della dicitura nel footer, ma del tag o come definirlo che esce quando prendo l'URL del sito. Grazie in an...
- 2 replies
- prestashop
- negozio
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Hi All, Greetings of the day. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. To turn web pages into graph objects, you need to add metadata to your page. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph....
- 2 replies
- prestashop1.7
- prestashop 16
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