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Found 7 results

  1. Buenas tardes, el menú horizontal me funciona perfectamente en web y móvil pero no en tablet. En Tablet sólo punciona el de retornar a la página de inicio, hasta hace poco funcionaba bien. He mirado por el foro y no he conseguido dar con la solución. La Url es https://www.totacasa.com...
  2. Hello! Is not possible disable modules for tablets in Prestashop 1.7? Thank you!
  3. Hey All, I am trying to work out if I can deploy an offline version of my store that can run on an tablet. The idea is to have a local version of the online store that sales reps can use when selling to wholesale customers that will store the orders locally until they find WiFi or stop bac...
  4. Hola buenas, tengo una duda que a ver si alguien le pasa. Tengo instalado al prestashop 1.6 y el slideshow, no se ve bien en las tablets e ipad de 9 y 10 pulgadas. La imagen se descuadra.(ver imagen) En los probadores de resolucion estilo screenfly tampoco se ve bien para esas resol...
  5. Halo master, mohon bantuannya ya, ane punya masalah nih, mungkin simpel sih, tapi ane bingung gimana. ane pake versi, template fashonbird. ini web ane http://www.makeupbybeauty.com/ masalahnya ada 2: tampilan di tablets gak sesuai dengan layar device, tetep tampilan web (jadi terlal...
  6. Hi Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction to know how to make my site compatible for both tablets & smart phones? Are there any good addons which help or modules that do the job for me? Thanks for your time Polynikes
  7. A new Prestashop theme - LCS Musicstore has been released. LCS Musicstore is our Prestashop 1.5 template release for the month of January, 2013. The template is a fully responsive template for desktops, tablets and mobile phones. For more information on the theme, please visit the template page-...
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