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  1. Hello everyone, I'm new on developing module of Prestashop and I use version of I'm trying to develeping a module and I have to create a custom tab in left menu in back office. I tried this way which in the Prestashop official documentation(https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concept...
  2. Hello Everyone, You want to give your potential customers more information about a single product through the product tab, but PrestaShop's default product tab doesn't give you many ways to do that. We're giving you a great module to help you get around this problem. With this module, you will...
  3. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The addons help to export products on Google Merchant Center to display them on Google Shopping, Google Search, Google Image, the Display network (YouTube, Gmail & more) and Google partner sites. Google Merchant Center works by allowing businesses to upload...
  4. Hi everyone, I don't found a module for my need, and I would like make a custom modify. I don't know how to do, please anyone can help me, I do a discounts with voucher on cart rules. I make vouchers with percentage discount for some products, for X minimal total cart value. Example: Product A...
  5. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This Prestashop addon helps the administrator to add pop-up ads of products, offers, and promotions from the back office based on the selected language, and showcase them in the front office using an interactive popup on the exit when customers about to leave...
  6. Hello Everyone, You want to show additional single product information to your potential customers from the product tab, but PrestaShop's default product tab has limited options to do that. We bring you an amazing module to help you overcome this limitation. You will no longer be limited in you...
  7. Amigos, dese agregar una nueva pestaña de producto pero solo para una categoría específica (es decir tengo 5 categorías, pero solo deseo que la pestaña aparezca en los productos de cierta categoría)... De anteman Gracias
  8. Witam serdecznie. Czy istnieje jakiś darmowy moduł bądź edycja plików by móc dodać do WSZYSTKICH produktów dodatkową zakładkę przy opisie i szczegółami produktu z dodatkową informacją która obowiązuje wszystkie produkty? Jest coś takiego od niejakiego SFK bodajże ale to nie to czego szukam......
  9. Hello, I need a sticky side tab that, once clicked, shows some contact information (here is an example) Is there any module which does this? Thank you!
  10. Hi, I found a prestashop website where they have all categories wich the product belongs to, displayed in a product tab: (click on "Geschikt voor:") http://www.computersall.nl/620-asus-a52-a53-k52-k53-k72-x52-x53-u52-dc-power-jack-pj033-25mm.html Since I only found an old module wich isn't...
  11. Hola a tod@s Estoy haciendo un modulo para Prestashop 1.7. La idea es, dentro del back-office, en el menú: Configuración de Pedidos anidar un nuevo menú y mostrar un template .tpl para mostrar en una tabla el resultado de una consulta sql. Tengo gran parte ya desarrollada: class...
  12. Hi Guys I have a most problem with leotheme sport store i wanna to add extra tab in the product page but i can't i buy some modules like (FME module and productextratab and freetab - ......) but nothing only the fme module can create extra tab in the productfooter hook and there is in...
  13. Hallo Liebe Community, Wie anhand der Frage vlt zu erkennen ist bin ich noch ein Prestashop Anfänger 😉 Ich entwickel gerade ein Modul und hätte gerne, dass dieses unter der Modul Liste in der Kategorie "Facebook & Social Networks" angezeigt wird. In der Doku steht, dass man hier...
  14. Zdravím, nevíte někdo, jak přidat sloupec Dopravce do přehledu objednávek? Zkoušel jsem to v adminXXXX/tabs/AdminOrders.php úpravou toho SQL dotazu, přidáním LEFT JOIN na tabulku carrier, ale stále my prestashop hlásil chybu v SQL dotazu. Příp. nevíte někdo, jak by se dal ten vygenerovaný dota...
  15. Hello, I need a little help setting up a new back office tab. I wanted to add a new tab to the back office so that I can quickly go to the settings of my blog module. I have found a few other posts about this however when I tried to do it the first time I totally broke the site, after fixing everyt...
  16. Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a prestashop module works with displayAdminProductsExtra and actionProductUpdate. I got it working in prestashop version and But not working in PrestaShop v1.7.2.4. 2 modules(mine and Belvg_Sample Module) are hooked to displayAdmin...
  17. Hi, I want MyModule to register his tab (done) so it can be collapsed and expanded (todo). See the tabs like 'catalog', or 'order settings' to give you an idea. Thanks !
  18. Hello, I am developing new module with I18N, I've a problem with menu tab names. When I have 2 language on my module (en and fr), the user install the plugin first with en, then they import fr package. But the plugin doesn't update my translation of French for menu tabs. My question i...
  19. How to create a new tab Prestashop 1.7 ? Prestashop 1.6 public function hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra() { $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'id_product' => Tools::getValue('id_product'), 'id_lang' => $this->context->language->id, 'languages' => Language::get...
  20. "re" Bonjour, Je cherche, un peu en vain, une méthode propre pour ajouter un onglet et son contenu à la page de création de produit. L’idéal serait de le faire via un module. Après 2 bonnes heures de recherche et de tests, j’ai un nouvel onglet dans cette page en utilisant le dossier overrid...
  21. Hi Guys, Since Prestashop 1.7.5 allow the usage of Symfony controllers and routing : https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concepts/controllers/admin-controllers/. My problem now is to link the controller action to a tab in the back office, unfortunately the Prestashop docs does not...
  22. Bonjour à tous, J'ai développé mon module et je rencontre aujourd'hui un soucis. Sur mon environnement de dev (serveur wamp en local) le module fonctionne très bien. Sur mon environnement de prod (serveur distant) lorsque je clic sur ma tab dans le BO une erreur s'affiche "page not fo...
  23. Hello, I don't manage to display a form within the HelperForm generator in a module i'm currently coding This module adds a new tab when editing a Product in the backoffice. This tab is supposed to help generating combinations for my products in an easier way: those products are restaurants...
  24. I can't figure out how to change order of product tabs in prestashop 1.7 or at least make the Details the default active one instead of the description tab...
  25. Hello, I am trying to install multiple tabs to the Backoffice of Prestashop. The main tab with the id_parent = 0 appears in the database. The other tabs aren't even installed. Here is my code: In install() method of the module: // Install admin tab if (!$this->installTab('AdminKon...
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