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  1. im overriding the Admin\Product\CatalogPage\Lists\product_table.html.twig and i added new columns in the table but i wanted to ristrect this columns for certain profiles (admin & super Admin) the problem is that i don't have access to the connected employee data, Any Ideas ?
  2. Hello all, Here is my problem : When i try to create an order from backoffice i'm facing an issue as there is no list with customers after typing few characters, and even when typing the complete name... on Debug mode, Console makes me understand that customers are well found but not shown....
  3. Hi, i'm trying to update manually from PrestaShop to PrestaShop 8.1.4 using the CLI method outlined here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/docs/blob/131c273ba2b5b162206673298fb0c3c182fd1147/basics/keeping-up-to-date/upgrade-module/upgrade-cli.md The upgrade module v5.0.1 has bee...
  4. Hi I wondered if anyone had ran into the issue below and could provide me tips for solving it. I need to make a change to the Stock management page in the back office, which has been migrated to Symfony and uses modules such as webpack and vue.js. Therefore I did the following: D...
  5. Hi, I would like to know how I can access `global $kernel` on a front module? The dump says it's null I used to do `global $kernel` in modules/mymodule/controllers/admin/ and it's working fine!! But it's not working in /override/controllers/front/IndexController.php for examp...
  6. Hello everyone, i need some help please. So i initially created a backup of my website to copy my site and create one test environnement etcc ... in another domain i had many error but finally it works but only in debug mode when i disable it it gives me a blank page with nothing, also when it...
  7. Hello. I tried updating my webshop to 1.7.6 and began to get this error, whenever i do something- and after that it always gets stuck. "Whoops, looks like something went wrong. (1/1) ParameterNotFoundException The service "prestashop.core.mail_template.theme_folder_catalog" has a dep...
  8. Hello everyone: I am having an error when I access the modules section in the prestashop control panel. When I do so, I get the following message: Compile Error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/###/public_html/"OLD FOLDER USED FOR WEB DEVELOPMENT"/modules/statsbestcategorie...
  9. Hola a todos: Estoy teniendo un error cuando accedo al apartado de módulos en el panel de control de prestashop. Cuando lo hago, me aparece el siguiente mensaje: Compile Error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/###/public_html/"ANTIGUA CARPETA USADA PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LA W...
  10. PS / Thème Alysum Bonjour, Je suis actuellement cette doc qui présente une nouvelle méthode pour créer des modules. https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concepts/hooks/use-hooks-on-modern-pages/ Cependant, après avoir suivi exactement ce qu'il y a sur...
  11. I am creating a module in Prestashop with Symfony but when I try to access my routes I get this error: The controller for URI "/modules/youtuber/list" is not callable: Class "Myyoutubemc\Controller\YoutubeController" Below is my controller it's located in: /modules/myyotubemc/src/controlle...
  12. Hallo Zusammen Ich habe auf die neuste Version upgedatet (PS mit PHP 7.4). Leider erhalte ich von Zeit zu Zeit im Backoffice plötzlich eine Blank Page ohne Fehlermeldung. Ich kann danach nichts mehr machen. Bin ausgesperrt vom Backoffice. Kann alle Browser Cookies löschen, bringt...
  13. Hello! I need help solving a problem. I tried to upgrade my Prestashop from to with 1-Click Upgrade addon, and something went wrong. After that, all the refreshes on admin/backoffice or website goes to an Internal Server Error (HTTP ERROR 500). Checking the "error_log"...
  14. i have created a symfony controller and i added a button in the toolbar , my problem is i want to add attribute like id or class to this button any help ? this is the button
  15. Hello, I get these error after clear cache in performance. Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Config\Util\Exception\XmlParsingException: [ERROR 522] Validation failed: no DTD found ! (in n/a - line 2, column 67) [ERROR 76] Opening and ending tag mismatch: trans-unit line 36 and file (in n/...
  16. Hi I'm using Prestashop download version. I am busy setting it up but when trying to add products it won't allow me to update. Looked at Symphony and it shows 277 messages not found in locale us-en I have gone through all the modules many times too find the incorrect setting...
  17. Hello, I have been trying for several days to develop a module for order preparation. I am under version 1.7.5 and I code according to the new recommendations of PrestaShop for 1.7, so with Symfony. I tried to fix all my errors by myself, but I can't find the cause of this one. At the inst...
  18. Bonjour, Sur la doc de Prestashop concernant les front controllers de module je suis assez perplexe : https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concepts/controllers/front-controllers/ Il est expliqué qu'on doit créer une classe "exemple.php" contenant une classe dont le nom est charté Nom...
  19. In my module Prestashop 1.7.5 I want to override the product list view in the admin panel, and more precisely, I want to add an additional action of my controller for each of the products on the list. Where there are actions View, Delete duplicate. I copied src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/...
  20. Hi! After many fixes, he could have Prestashop working with the Warehouse theme. However I still have one to fix and I don't know how to do it. When I enter the admin panel and try to access "CMS-Pages" I get the exception: An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT cc.`id_cms...
  21. PS_VERSION : Bonjour, Mes collègues et moi-même avons été chargés de créer un module entièrement (ou presque) en Symfony. Jusque là, pas de souci pour créer notre arborescence Symfony. Notre entité s'est bien connectée à la base de données, une table s'est crée, tout va bien. Mais...
  22. Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue in PrestaShop 1.7 ... I'd like to modify one core file (/src/Adapter/Presenter/Cart/CartPresenter.php -> function present) to add a developed module function that I made myself. It changes some display on the template cart, customer's request. The fac...
  23. Buongiorno, è da giorni ormai che sono disperato. Ho la versione Prestashop 1.7.3, dopo l'aggiornamento ad una versione PHP più recente e all'installazione di un tema mi sono ritrovato a non poter più accedere al backend, il sito lato front funziona bene, ma lato backend mi da questo errore:...
  24. Hello, I get these error after disable smart cache for css. I'd try to searching for solutions but it's not exist. Thank you in advance for the answer. This is an errors in BO (2/2) InvalidResourceException Unable to load "/home/ove...
  25. Hello, continuation from my previous topic, I'm now stuck on using the Symphony framework to get my custom file uploaded on the server. Using a module, I'm using the formBuilder to create the file input on category page. I'm not quite sure how to proceed from here though. I tried to follow this (htt...
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