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  1. Hello, here is a long nice history about an error and the understanding for a newieb like me😄. So the error in fact its just the Status on the back office and front its not working automatically, doing a new installation on the demo website it works automatically. Back-office:...
  2. Hi community. I have created this module after a request of @Anns Abz This module is in first steps of development and needs lots of things to do. But at first it can add address of delivery and invoice into the shipped.html template. This addition does not have any overrides and this...
  3. I just configured the paypal module and the payment is working. I also get the Payment successful status in the backend. So now i want to set the status to Send or any other and sometimes later i get the message: "Event notification has not been received yet. Please check if your website has a corre...
  4. Definiowanie zmiennych typu {company} {vat_number} w mailach wysyłanych po zmianie statusów zamówień Przykład /themes/mój_styl/mails/account.html Obecnie zdefiniowane {firstname}, {lastname}, {email} Chciałbym dodać {phone_mobile} {vat_number} {company}, aby klient widział w e-mailu...
  5. Hello, I have a pretty big problem in ordere management due to a bug in STATS. I've seen that lots of people have this kind of problem but I couldn't find a right fix. I'll try to explain it as clearly as i can I have 3 payment method on my website: Paypal, COD and bankwire. When a use...
  6. Dear all, I have a problem on my e-commerce web site : I can't hide the product status (New on the screenshoot, highlighted in red). In the back office the checkbox is disabled, but the label stays visible. Can you help me ? Thanks for your attention.
  7. Hi devs! I want the e-mail templates in connection with the status to be sent out manually, not automatically, so If the status has change, I want to send out an email manually. I want this with all kinds of payment methods. Can you help me?
  8. Hello, I want to disable "On Backorder (paid) or (unpaid)" status while ordering out of stock products. Customer order something, status is - Order ceated.. but there is one more order status and that is On Backorder.. I want to disable it. Please help Thanks
  9. Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a simple module.I need to get the event when the order status is change to particular state, than I should make something.
  10. Hallo, bei PS 1.6 konnte man im Backoffice unter "Bestellungen" --> "Status" die unterschiedlichen Status-Vorlagen umbennen oder komplett überarbeiten. Bei PS suche ich vergeblich diese Möglichkeit. Könnt ihr mir sagen wo ich diese Optionen finde? Mir geht es primär darum festzulegen,...
  11. Hi , I`m new to prestashop here. May i know how do i add new order status to using php coding. im currently trying to develop a plugin. the order status mean "Pending" , "complete". in the history. im using prestashop
  12. Hi folks, Weird presta behaviour, or i am missing smtg ! I don’t understand why when the last status of an order is deleted in database (ps_order_history), it is still showing as the actual status in the order list ? Maybe, a screenshot will be more easy to understand. In my screensho...
  13. Hi everyone, I need to update order status after 2 days (if custommer don't pay) and then, send email of the new status. I would like to know if its possible to do it by database. If don't, can anybody help me? Thank you very much
  14. Hello, I need to make a new order status named "Delivery Denied" and have the same action as a cancelled order. Which means when I choose this status the items should update (are added in) the inventory. My status already has same options with cancelled but I think that I have to change some co...
  15. Er der nogen der ved hvor man kan ændre præfix på status sådan at man får dem på dansk og at man får de status opdateringer man har brugfor til at lave en simple arbejdsgang?
  16. Boa tarde a todos. Estou com um problema no meu backend. Quando clico em visualizar um Pedido realizado para alterar o status dele, o site não carrega e aparece o erro 500. Posso clicar no pedido ou na opção Ver, Editar, que o erro é o mesmo. Alguém teria alguma ideia de como solucionar es...
  17. How can I set the status of a product to NEW and over rule the preference of days set in the options? I want my client to be able to display the New tag by selecting an option within the product itself. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks Lee
  18. wANT TO CHANGE THE ORDER STATUS BUT GETTING THIS ERROR CONTINUOUSLy Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconven...
  19. Dear all, We encountered a problem which we cannot resolved and also not clarify whilst sending status emails to the client. We use our smtp mail server to send mails. It works in the BO manually only but not if e change the status pull down and clock on 'change status'.. We checked the ma...
  20. This issue unfortunately even on the latest 1.6.1.x . If in the list of products click on column status for enabling inactive product, its status will be changed, but the product cannot be found in the front. Only way to make it visible to front is do activation (switch status to active)...
  21. Ciao a tutti. Ho aggiornato a 1.6 da e tutto va abbastanza bene, salvo qualche piccolo problemino ancora da fixare. Siamo molto soddisfatti e gli ordini entrano, ma c'è qualcosa che ancora non funziona al 100%: Ordini convalidati e Status: gli ordini con Paypal e con CODFEE (modu...
  22. Hi, Im running, im seeing that all new orders are ending up with a status of 'Backorder (Paid)' even if the item is in stock. There is no obvious way that the default status can be changed, I have also read somewhere that the decision is made by the payment app. What options...
  23. Site working fine up until a few days ago, nothing changed but now orders are coming through with no status against them on successful payments from paypal and sagepay. It also doesnt update status for the free orders I tried also Have been trawling this forum for an answer but cant find...
  24. Bonjour à tous, depuis la migration de notre prestashop V1.7.2 vers la dernière version V1.7.3.3 Les nouvelles commandes validées en paiement passent automatiquement quelques secondes après en status "En attente de réapprovisionnement". A savoir que le stock pour la commande est disponible...
  25. Hello, just want to present a nice module which is available at the PrestaShop store : https://addons.prestashop.com/en/stock-supplier-management/30868-auto-product-status-switcher.html?pab=1& Link to Module on Addons Store This nice module automaticly...
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