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  1. Hi, I've created the new stats module to show the customer sessions as a separate tab in the Stats menu. But only on production env I'm getting the below error: When I checked the httpd logs, I got the below error: Has anyone faced such an issue earlier or have any suggestions...
  2. I have a strange problem: Even though I'm sure that my shop has visitors (and I even got a first order) the dashboard keeps showing 0 visitors. Searching the forum I only found this but resetting or reinstalling the data-mining-addon doesn't change anything The log files don't show a...
  3. Hello. I'm using PrestaShop Currently. (Just updated 2 days ago) On the Dashboard page there is the section "Activity Overview". That section shows the Stats for the Online visitors, Abandoned Carts, Orders, etc, etc.. My problem is that the online visitors shows around 400-5...
  4. Hello. On the stats page, I can see some online visitors hitting pagenotfound. I have tried to check the Page not found section of the Stats to see what pages my visitors are trying to get, but the "page not found" stats page is empty. Here is an example of what its showed on the Online vi...
  5. [MODULE] Advanced Wishlist|Favorite|Save for later|Buy later Pro Overview Add products to favorites (wishlist), customers can check the products they need to buy in the future,set favorite categories, promote and share favorite links, built-in customer favorite statistical behavior analys...
  6. Hello there. I have seen many pagenotfound errors in my statistics. I want to know which url they are trying to access. There are no records on the Page Not Found tab on the statistics page. The table xxx_pagenotfound in the database is empty. Thanks.
  7. I've been trying to setup Plausible.io but fail in integrating it 😂 There is a documentation and the whole magic should be to insert this snippet: <script async defer data-domain="my-prestashop.de" src="https://plausible.io/js/plausible.js"></script> into I tried to add it into...
  8. Muy buenas, tengo una duda al respecto de qué cuenta como 'Visitas' Presta El tema es que como podeis ver en las capturas, en el rango 01/05 al 10/05 la diferencia de datos entre las estadisticas de presta y las de analytics es de 300.000 Todo depende, claro, de que sean las 'Visitas' pues...
  9. Bonjour, Dans les pages statistiques du back office, comme "Meilleures catégories", je constate que les chiffres ne changent pas quand je change la plage de date (les données du jour sont les même que celles de l'année...). Il s'agit vraisemblablement d'un cache navigateur puisque cela fonct...
  10. Nie mam statystyk w BO. Część udało się naprawić podmieniając wpisy w AdminStatsConrollers.php z invocie_date na date_add. Jednak mam problem który mi doskwiera bardzo, pomimo poprawnie złożonych zamówień przez klientów w statystykach klientów jak i w samym kliencie jest wpis że wydał w sk...
  11. The best sales Stats module queries best sellers by date and returns results is there a way to include customer addresses and postcodes in the csv export?
  12. What is the simplest way to get a clear idea of our traffic profile on different days ie: the number of visitors in different hours through the day eg: the average for weekdays and average for weekend days; or just for each day: average for Mondays, average for Tuesdays, etc. I want to know whic...
  13. Hello, Currently operating on V1.6.0.11. When I try to pull the stats of a product it says "Module not found". Previously I would have a pie chart, a summary of clients who had purchased that product, as well as other details broken down. Would anyone have any insight?
  14. my question is very simple i want to translate states names
  15. Hello, I'm experiencing a problem with dashgoals module. The panels appears empty, and if I put data in there, after few refresh of the page the data disappear leaving it empty again. It used to work since few days ago, but I did not upgrade/modify anything in this period. Anyone had t...
  16. Bonjour, est-ce que quelqu'un connaît un module pour avoir les ventes par marque (PS1.6.1)? Merci.
  17. Hi, I need a module to have sales stats by manufacturer (PS 1.6.1). Any idea? Thanks.
  18. Using Prestashop and am experiencing an issue with getting valid sales figures... I know in the Dashboard total sales exclude VAT and in Stats, Sales & Orc=ders the amounts include VAT However, even taking that into account there is still a discrepancy between the two figures!...
  19. I've decided to discontinue the use in our store of Prestashop native statistics, since we are also collecting that kind of data via Google Analytics integration. So, we started to uninstall some of the stats-related modules. Nevertheless, we would like to preserve data collection ONLY from th...
  20. I've decided to discontinue the use in our store of Prestashop native statistics, since we are also collecting that kind of data via Google Analytics integration. So, we started to uninstall some of the stats-related modules. Nevertheless, we would like to preserve data collection ONLY from th...
  21. Dashboard stats `shop search` records not showing.it's showing message `Cannot find any keywords that have been searched for more than once.`
  22. Bonjour, J'ai un soucis avec prestashop depuis ce matin des que j'accède aux statistiques dans le BO et que je vais dans quantités disponibles (cf. figure 1) j'ai la div "calendar" (cf. figure 2) qui disparaît mais également le bouton export vers CSV qui est censé être en bas de page....
  23. Good Morning everybody! I need your help to solve an issue. I would like to analyze and understand behaviour of some customers: i need a module that allow me to create different kind of reports with the possibility to set different parameters. For example i would like to create a repo...
  24. This bug is not critical, but very annoying. When I press Visits link on my Dashboard, I get "module not found" message, but if I then click on Visits and Visitors - looks like its there, and shows ok. So how can I fix the Dashboard link? Tried to reset that visitors module - no luck though.
  25. Bonjour, Apparemment je n'ai rien trouve sur ce problème spécifique sur le forum donc je me lance: J'ai un problème avec mes stats. Je peux accéder à la page mais quand je veux changer les dates prisetn en compte, je clique sur Day ou Month ou Year, ou alors j'essaye de rentrer une date spéc...
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