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  1. I'm using the PrestaShop WebService API to change the order state. To achieve this, I make a POST request like the following: POST -> https://www.mydomain.com/api/order_histories Body: <prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <order_history> <id/> <id_emp...
  2. Hello PrestaShop version: 8.0.4 I am using STATE field for United Kingdom country. I have set this in the country information (Contains states? Yes). In the admin, this field is visible when editing addresses but it's not visible when editing the address in the front end by the...
  3. Hello, I need to set different shipping costs for Corsica which is currently included in France, how can I do this?
  4. Salutare, Știe cineva cum pot adăuga coloana cu Județele în tabelul cu adresele clienților? Mulțumesc.
  5. I Need Help Really bad! any assistance with this will be incredibly appreciated. Here's my problem. I need to charge people who order from my website, "that have invoices with addresses that are located in the state of California," a sales tax of 8.25%. Everyone else that orders from my website,...
  6. Hello , guys how to set a new order state after pay with this method i try some method but nothing order stay in payed public function hookPaymentReturn($params) { if ($this->active == false) return; $order = $params['objOrder']; $status = 3;...
  7. Hi everyone, I have this problem sometimes with order without state (problem appears always when there is voucher...) : Here is the SQL bug : Order cannot be validated: Duplicate entry ‘3241-3216’ for key ‘PRIMARY’<br /> <br /><pre> INSERT INTO ps_cart_rule_combination (id_cart_rule_1...
  8. Hello, I have a shop where i want to allow orders to be placed even when stock is below 0, i have the following settings in PREFERENCES -> PRODUCTS -> PRODUCTS STOCK Allow ordering of out-of-stock products : Yes If i set Enable stock managemen to: Yes, When i placed an order for a pro...
  9. Witam, nie znalazłem na forum odpowiedzi więc piszę nowy wątek. Mam zrobiony moduł, który synchronizuje zamówienia i statusy między prestą 1.7 a programem. Brakuje mi jedynie aby Presta wysłała do klienta informację o zmianie statusu zamówienia, jak to zrobić z modułu? Jedyne co znalazłem...
  10. Hi, The problem I am having is in the user registration stage. When a new user registers and is prompted with the page to fill in their address details the "country" and "state" dropdowns are missing. They have been there before as some test users I have set up were able to choose their cou...
  11. I resolve the problem in the Country setting I have activated on "YES" this option "Restrict country selections in front office to those covered by active carriers" Hello I have a problem with my store in the Address, for new customer and registered customers. When I go to ch...
  12. Hi all, Since I do not use zip codes, I would like to know how I can have the state (Florida, California, etc.) of the customers addresses show in the customers->addresses overview page instead of the zip code, so I can filter on state. Anyone has an idea? Thanks! Decorocco
  13. bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah customer yang tidak bisa meanmbah alamat. padahal saya sudah mengisi data negara di bagian lokalisasi. mohon bantuannya.. terimakasih..
  14. Hey everyone! Many people have been complaining of the missing state in the Shop's address in invoices. Here is a quick way to add it http://nemops.com/add-the-state-to-your-shops-address-in-prestashop-invoices/#.WS6dFmh96Uk Quick and easy to follow, hope you find it useful! Fabio
  15. Hi! The order state in front-end (client profile) is different from back-end (admin panel). I find out that in order_history table, the id_order_state is showing 20 (waiting for payment) it is supposed to show 2 when payment is accepted. How do I fix this?? Thanks for viewing this top...
  16. I accidentally deleted all the states in the shipping database. What's the best way for me to restore that database to its original data (I don't want to reinstall prestashop because I don't want to have to redo my catalog) Thank you
  17. with Guest checkout, on the One-Page-Checkout, when you select a state and then click on the "Please use another address for invoice" checkbox, the state resets to "-". All other Delivery Address information stays but the state resets. How can I fix this? thanks.
  18. Hi everyone! I have a problem with the final step of the checkout; I get an error 500. I debug the error changing from false to true the PS_MODE_DEV in config/defines.inc.php and I get this type of error. (see attached the screenshot) I'm going mad, please help me! Thanks P....
  19. Estou com um erro que retorna o estádo como inválido, por que não carrega os estados do país e não consigo editar que nada acontece. É o seguinte, ao cadastrar um Endereço, O Estado, sempre carrega o nome do país, como única opção Eu não consigo submeter por que dá erro que tenho que pre...
  20. Hey guys, i searched for some weeks for something like this now and its a shame presta does not have the option built in imho. What i need is a solution that automatically fills in the right state of the country from either the city or Zip. I think i noticed that this works pretty well when i...
  21. This is a topic with lots of feedback since PrestaShop 1.4 but no real solutions. We've had several lost sales this week with returning clients checking out...When the customer logs in to checkout, the state/province is missing in their address. 1. This causes taxes to be incorrect as we have to...
  22. Chào mấy bro. Cho mình hỏi, làm cách nào bỏ được mấy mục đăng ký rùi thanh toán không. Của minh là mục: Country, và State, tltle, ngày sinh - Mình đã vào Backend tắt ở phần Asia , Country, và State rùi mà vẫn không được. - Bro nào có cách hướng dẫn dùm em nhé. Gửi hình kèm theo....
  23. haroldsapparel.com prestashop 1.6 Theme948 I cannot process any orders because customers are unable to fill out the registration form with what it says is required. State is required, but there are no states on the dropdown menu, despite the fact they are listed and assaociated with the US in...
  24. Nous avons récemment eu une commande dont le paiement a échoué et le code d'erreur PayPal mentionnait qu'il manquait l'état dans l'adresse: 18ZL_ERRORCODE0 -> 10729L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Shipping Address State EmptyL_LONGMESSAGE0 -> The field Shipping Address State is requiredL_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error...
  25. Hello i am trying to implement a custom hack on shipping options, can someone inlight me how i can load delivery address state from order-carrier.tpl (thats the second step from the 5step checkout process) ? Regards, C edit: Solved by: $address_collection[$id_address]->id_state
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