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  1. -------------------------------------------- UPDATE: It won't work after Sep 2024 This method won't work at the end of this September. Why? Check these pages: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255 https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/09/winding-down-google-sync-and-less-sec...
  2. Hello guys 😎 Fresh baby for 2023 In case you have any issues getting your e-mails delivered, I made a small module which uses PHPMailer library in order to get the job done. Compatible versions: & 8 https://github.com/tivuno/tvmail
  3. Hello Guys I've just spotted a new (maybe new) problem with Prestashop 1.7 - with using SMTP protocol and one of mine MTA servers . My (testing) PS environment was build on Centos 7.9 and Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) PHP/7.4.33 and MySQL version: 5.5.68-MariaDB . I have just started testing t...
  4. Bonjour, J'espère que vous allez bien. Je rencontre un petit problème avec l'envoie des mails. => Utiliser /usr/sbin/sendmail et paramètres SMTP ne fonctionnent pas. J'ai contacté infomaniak pour vérifier si le problème ne vient pas de chez eux et selon eux RAS. il me suggèr...
  5. En resumen, el problema era de el lado del proveedor de hosting. En detalle, fueron dos días donde todos los chicos de hostinger me mandaban a resolver el problema de el lado de gsuite, y es que fueron tres dominios, dos con diferentes versiones de PS y un tercero con WP, ciertamente pensé que el...
  6. Hello. I'm not good at English, so I'm sorry for my bad English relying on Google Translate. I recently installed Prestashop using Amazon Lightsail and I am impressed with how easy it is to build Prestashop. I haven't done much customization yet, just added my country's language and s...
  7. Hello Friends, Greetings of the day. I have created some video tutorials regarding how to do the below tasks in PrestaShop versions 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 These video tutorials help to understand, complete tasks, and easily work with PrestaShop. [1]. Prestashop how to set a 10% discoun...
  8. Hola a todos, tengo un pequeño problema, a ver si a alguen mas le pasa, tengo prestashop 1.7 con redsys configurado, funciona todo bien, el pago se hace correctamente y el email de pedido le llega al cliente bien, pero a mi no, no me llega email de pedido nuevo, teniendo el modulo de MAIL ALERT inst...
  9. Servidor software: exim. Puerto: 465 Seguridad TLS user y contraseña Servidor: el hostname con certificado Prueba de concepto de operatividad TLS en el puerto indicado root@tiendas:/home/admin/domains# h=tiendas.midominio.tld root@tiendas:/home/admin/domains# p=465 ro...
  10. quando provo a inviare una email di prova mi torna questo errore: Errore: controlla la tua configurazione Expected response code 220 but got an empty response prima utilizzavo la versione e non ho dovuto modificare in pretica nulla nelle impostazioni. qualcuno sa come ovv...
  11. Estoy solicitando alguien que me preste sus servicios para solicitar este problema Estoy intentado configurar el email con parametros smtp de gmail y me ha sido imposible estoy usando estos parametros gmail, lo extraño es que cuando cree la tienda lo pude configurar y funciono. he probado l...
  12. Guten Tag, ich habe auf die Prestashop Version 1.7.7 geupdatet und meine PHP Version von 7.2 auf 7.3 gestellt. Nun habe ich das Problem das Prestashop keine Emails mehr an Kunden versenden kann. Wenn ich auf Erweiterte Einstellungen > Email gehe und dort auf "Test E-mail senden" kommt nur:...
  13. Bonjour, Depuis ma mise à jour vers 1.7.7 plus possible d'envoyer ou recevoir de mails. J'ai bien lu et compris que la commande php mail() avait été supprimée pour raison de sécurité au profit de la commande linux /usr/sbin/sendmail et j'ai vérifié, c'est bien configuré ainsi. Problème :...
  14. Hi All, I have am trying to setup the SMTP email in Advanced Parameters > Email but i get the attached error when send a test email. What does this error mean? Can anyone suggest a possible fix please for me to try? The Credentials are 100% correct so it can't be that and the SMTP set...
  15. We were having SPF errors on our G Suite order account so I changed the phpmail > SMTP using our G Suite/Gmail SMTP account Everything is working fine again, except the client emails (like the new client Welcome! email and the actual order for the client) are now also send to the G Suite SMTP o...
  16. Hallo Gemeinde, habe ein großes Problem. Mein Kontaktformular auf der Startseite vom Onlineshop funktioniert nicht. Folgendes habe ich schon getan: - Meine eigene SMTP Einstellung verwendet und mir eine Testmail im Back Office Bereich zugesandt, das funktionierte (Bild Nr.003) Doch wenn ich ü...
  17. Hello, I am using Prestashop and for sending emails i am using SMTP. Below are the settings for the SMTP connection. The problem is that sometimes when Prestashop tries to send an email, the following error (Swift error) appears in the logs and the email fails to be sent. Why...
  18. Hi, I am new user of PrestaShop installed on one of IONOS webserver and I cannot configure Email. This is what I'm getting: "Eroare: a se verifica configurarea Connection could not be established with host smtp.magazinpractic.ro [ #0]" I try many times, many settings, but not...
  19. Hello, I have huge problem with my PS shop. I have configured SMTP (Office365) on my PS shop and the problem is that sometimes mail is not sending. It happens sometimes 1 of 30, but sometimes 5 of 10. It happens on every email template, sometimes on registration, order and even test ema...
  20. Hello, After the transfert of my website from one host to another, the website don't send any mails, I use SMTP and when I send a test email it works fine. But it doesn't send any confirmation mails or when I try to reset my password it shows an error, Any ideas please?
  21. Hello, I am trying to configure the prestashop SMTP, since the mail function does not work. I always get the same error. I tried the instructions I saw of removing captcha, two-step verification, SMTP activation from the configuration, but nothing worked. Prestashop version: 1.7 Error me...
  22. Próbuję konfigurować sklep prestashop na nazwa.pl ale niestety mam problem z smtp. Próbowałem: porty 25, 465, 587, 995 adres serwera: nazwaserwera.nazwa.pl, nazwaDomeny, smpt.nazwadomeny szyfrowanie brak, SSL, TLS kilkukrotnie sprawdzałem hasło i login (pełny adres mailowy) ale żadna...
  23. Hi, I am using Prestashop We are having problems with our email system not sending any confirmation emails for orders. Here is one of the error messages we receive :host mta6.am0.yahoodns.net []SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:554 5.7.9 Message not accepted...
  24. Hello; Prestashop I have a store that is hosting in my dedicated server. I'm trying to use my own smtp paramteres in email settings. But i'm using yandex mail app. I'm using yandex mail on web based, outlook and in android app everything going good.But i cannot figured out correct s...
  25. i ticked the box for "Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY)" and then entered the following settings: SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com SMTP username: myemailaddress@gmail.com SMTP password: myemailaddressespassword Encryption: TLS PORT 465. Then when I try sen...
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