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  1. Bonjour, J'ai un bug constaté sur Prestashop au niveau du filtre de taille dans la page catégorie, avec le module filtre à facette de Presta. La quantité affichée n'est pas correct, avec l'exemple en PJ 1, dans la page de catégorie j'ai un produit et sur ce produit seul la taille...
  2. Product Size Chart The Size Chart Module allows the store admin to display a size chart on the product page to help the customers select the right fit for themselves. It is one of the must-have extensions for your store if you sell clothing, footwear, and similar products for which size is an im...
  3. Hello, can I change the size of the categories on the home page
  4. Hello. We have a clothing store based on Prestashop, and we noticed an issue that we haven't been able to solve. Example: On the product sheet at back office, the combinations are added in the following order: But in the product sheet on the front office, the dr...
  5. Hi! I've been searching on the net for a solution, but nothing works for me and my knowledge in code is very poor. This is my website https://www.tiendakaribu.com, and I want to show more than one product per line in the mobile version. These products are from a wrapper container and...
  6. Bonjour, - Prestashop - Module : Navigation à facettes / Faceted Search Contexte : Quota Base de données dépassée => BDD en lecture seule Après investigation, je découvre que la table 'ps_layered_filter_block' dépasse les 1.6 Go ... simply gorgeous 😵 ! Le problème est connu...
  7. Many e-shop owners, which use Prestashop store in 1.5.x versions said, that the standard template "add to cart" button located in product page is very small. I think exactly the same, so i decided to write little tutorial realted to this case. I will show you how to change button size and layout. I...
  8. Hello, I run prestashop / Template: Lingerie & Adult - Fashion SexShop Clothes, Toys, Love Template I would like to change the submenu size to smaller. This: To this: Thanks
  9. Hi, Since migrating my client's store to a new server there has been a problem with the product combination. Every product on the size number 7, even when there are products of that number in stock, when you select the size 7, the "This product doesn't exist in this combination' message ap...
  10. We're can i find or what is the location of the images url.com/number-medium_default/img.jpg so i can reduce the size about 90 images on my site need to be reduced Example 2027-medium_default/ If i resize the origanal image the default images stays Regards Ramon
  11. Hello Everyone! When i open a product page on my website i can't select any of the attributes. I can't select the size or the color of a product , let's say i choose a size of a product ,for example M when i click proceed with the payment it shows always the default size for example in this case...
  12. Hello ! When i change the size it take 2 or 3 second before changing the size. Do you have any idea how to make it faster please ? Thank you. .
  13. Hello everybody, I'm fighting second day, how to fix this problem. On product cover thumbnails some products showing good that like i want, but other with the white border, that i don't want. Can somebody help me fix that, it don't looks nice with that white border ;( I want to all of...
  14. Hello. I developed a script to add products on prestashop using php with the prestashop classes. Is there a way to add size and colours atributes with classes as well. Thank you. Have a nice weekend!
  15. Hi, I am trying to implement the following functionality: In product page I need to add a quantity input for every size the product have. I have been looking for tutorials but I have not found something which can help me. Also I bought a module AttributeGrid but it does not do what I need....
  16. hello, i have a multistore with three shops and three different themes, and most of the product images are same for all shops... (that's why i like "multistore" feature it's simple to use one backoffice) the problem is all of my themes have three different size of images settings... so when i r...
  17. Hello, I have prestashop 1.7, and i have too much colors, and I want to change colors picto by drop down menu with name of colors, thanks for your help
  18. Hello, I have prestashop 1.7, and i have too much colors, and I want to change colors picto by drop down menu with name of colors, thanks for your help
  19. I would appreciate your help. As far as I know the templates from prestashop are responsive. However the text on the banners in the mobile version of my site isn't displayed properly. The text overlays the image. Is there a way to fix it? Site: eastfolk.com Thank you
  20. Hi, my client requires a module / tool where her clients can measure their size (small, medium, large, etc...) online within prestashop. Is there any measurement tool available? I've searched everywhere. We have many clothing items being returned because clients sizes differ after purchase.
  21. Hello,I have a problem with changing the sizes of the thumbnails. Although I have a small_default image type in the homepage on this particular module I would need it to be 85x85. But although I regenerated the thumbnails and turned off CCC and cache it still doesn't work. Do I need to edit a .php o...
  22. Bonjour, Je suis alternant en école d'ingénieur en informatique et je travail actuellement sur un prestashop que je viens de reprendre pour la société qui m'embauche. Tout ce passe plutôt bien pour le moment, hormis un détail très fâcheux ... Une table de ma base de données possède une tai...
  23. Estimados, Estamos desarrollando una tienda para un cliente (pisos, cortinaje, papeles de muro, etc) y necesitamos considerar en la web un modulo donde se pueda ajustar el diseño del papel al muro del cliente (aplicar corte a la imagen). Les dejo como referencia esta web para que se entienda mejor...
  24. Hello, I made an import of products into my site from another shop, including each product image. The problem is that each of the images is very small and after the import Prestashop creates thumbnails with size of 700x879 but the photo itself is the same small photo with big white corners arou...
  25. Hello, I'm new to Prestashop, really struggling to understand why the replacement images I have used in my TM Mosaic block do not display correctly. Is there a specific file size for banners? Thanks
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