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  1. SEO Expert, Meta Tags, Sitemap Module Search Engine Optimization is the best technique to increase the traffic of your website through organic search. In order to improve the search ranking, it is important to meet the requirements of the search engines like Google, Bing etc. Search engines hav...
  2. Are you struggling to get your PrestaShop website ranked higher in search engine results pages (SERPs)? Are you spending a lot of time and effort on SEO, but not seeing the results you want? If so, you're not alone. SEO can be complex and time-consuming, especially for busy business owners. But...
  3. Dobrý den, je možné v mapě stránek (Prestashop odstranit/schovat odkaz na "Naše prodejny"? Nikde v administraci jsem nenašel možnost editovat tuto stránku či blok těchto odkazů. Velice děkuji za vaši pomoc a přeji hezký den 🙂
  4. Buenas tardes, tenemos un ps 1.7 con 10.000 articulos el sitemap bien hecho (creemos), pero google no nos indexa ni 400 paginas, alguna anima caritativa que nos abra los ojos ??? https://juguetedefresa.com
  5. Hi, I am looking for a way to configure certain URLs to mark them as NOINDEX using the Robots Meta Tag: <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> And all URLs marked as NOINDEX I want to prevent them from being included in the Sitemaps file (sitemap.xml). Because everything that is as NOIND...
  6. Witam. Mam problem z ustawieniem zadania cron w nazwa.pl, dla sitemap i porzuconych koszyków. Czy ktoś z państwa korzysta z usług nazwy i wie jak ustawić crony, tak by działały bezproblemowo? Pozdrawiam.
  7. SEO can be complicated and time-consuming, but it doesn't need to be. We would like to introduce you to a new SEO module that is both easy to use, powerful and makes regular SEO care of your shop an easy and enjoyable activity. SEO (Search engine optimization) is undoubtedly an import...
  8. Bonjour, voici ma configuration : Prestashop Google Sitemaps v4.2.0 Colissimo - Officiel : Gérer vos expéditions avec Colissimo. v1.4.0 Lorsque on a fait la migration de à on ne peut plus générer le sitemaps on a une erreur 500. Lors de l'activation du mod...
  9. Hi everyone, I've a problem with the Google Sitemap 4.2.0 module. Despite trying to uninstall and reinstall the module and also trying the previous version, I still get this error when creating the sitemap: An error occured while trying to check your file permissions. Please adjust your per...
  10. Hi, Since a fresh install of PrestaShop version Google sitemap will not install, 1) When i click on Install i receive the following message 2 errors There was an error while extracting the module (file may be corrupted). Module Google sitemap cannot be upgraded: Err...
  11. [MODULE] Advanced Product Tags Pro | SEO internal link promotion Module Overview Display the product tag on the product page, which will help customers filter the product, increase the search engine spider crawl and thus improve the site SEO ranking, background support custom product tag U...
  12. Hi, I realise Google Sitemap module write homepage 2 times with 2 different prorities. The version that I'm using is Google sitemap v3.2.0 I can edit it manually in XML file but that means I can't use Cron Task to update it automatically (unless I want to edit it every single time manual...
  13. Hello i am having a problem that i cant fix. When i go to sitemap on my website i get an 500 error. In the degug mode the next message apears [PrestaShopException] Invalid category vars at line 374 in file classes/Link.php 369. if (is_array($category) && isset($category['i...
  14. Hello, I use url rewrite and for categories the road set is : {parent_categories:/}{rewrite}/ When generating the sitemap everything works fine but for categories the url generated doesn't take into account the variable {parent_categories:/}, so it basically shows ".../chairs" instead of "...
  15. Hola a tod@s, He estado configurando el módulo para Prestashop llamado Google Sitemaps y he generado el Sitemap con éxito, sin embargo, en el pluguin me aparecen dos URL's y estoy confuso sobre cuál enviar a Google Webmaster. Las URL's que me aparecen són así: (Imagen adjunta) En text...
  16. Bonjour, J'ai installé le module sitemap sur mon prestashop 1.7, il fonctionne parfaitement cependant, il indique à Google les urls généralistes qui redirige ensuite vers l'url de la déclinaison par défaut. Ce qui a un impacte énorme sur l'indexation de mes pages produits car il ne le fa...
  17. Bonjour, Je cherche des solutions pour améliorer mes positions google. En cherchant un peu côté SiteMap, je suis tombé sur ce module payant qui permet de produire un sitemap dédié aux images. Advanced Google Image Sitemap Generator Module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/...
  18. Σε κάποιο update του gsitemap αφαίρεσαν!WTF$@!#$$! (https://github.com/PrestaShop/gsitemap/pull/53) τους Manufacturers(Brand) και Suppliers. Έχω κάνει pull request. Για όποιον θέλει να το επαναφέρει https://github.com/sanctusmob/gsitemap/tree/re-add-manufacturer-and-supplier
  19. Hola a todos. Hoy he entrado en el backoffice de mi tienda porque me salió un error en Google Search Console que no se encontraba el sitemap. Al buscar el módulo de sitemap que viene por defecto en el backoffice, este desapareció. He entrado por FTP y la carpeta del módulo está en e...
  20. Articles avancés + Google Rich Snippets Ce module Prestashop permet d'ajouter, modifier ou supprimer des articles à partir du panneau de commande. En outre, il permet d'ajouter une image à tous les articles. Le module Articles Advanced pour Prestashop vous aidera à faire votre bouti...
  21. Articles Advanced + Google Rich Snippets This Prestashop module Articles Advanced + Google Rich Snippets allows add, to edit or to delete Articles from the control panel. Also it allows to add an image for every Articles. Prestashop module Articles Advanced will help you make your s...
  22. Hola comunidad! Recientemente he detectado que el módulo generador de sitemaps de Google (el gratuito, de toda la vida) está incluyendo urls de módulos que no me interesa que se introduzcan en el sitemap. Hay muchas opciones para marcar a la hora de excluir. Las tengo marcadas todas, pero las d...
  23. MAAF BANG SAYA MAUNANYA untuk setting module seo google site map yang di web site saya ini apakah sudah benar, dan jika masihada yang salah boleh saya minta tolong untuk ilmunya
  24. Buongiorno, abbiamo effettuato da qualche giorno lo switch dal vecchio sito in wordpress al nuovo in prestashop Devo generare una nuova sitemap per google e navigando ho trovato questo articolo, datato 09/2018 https://belvg.com/blog/how-to-create-a-sitemap-in-prestashop-1-7.html. Consig...
  25. Ciao, avrei qualche domanda riguardo il modulo gsitemap per Prestashop 1.6.1: Cosa significa : "Spunta questa casella se vuoi controllare la presenza di file immagine sul server"? Ha a che fare con l'indicizzazione delle immagini? Io ho provato a generare la mappa del sito in entrambi i...
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