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hello guy, I am stop on one point. Here, I have a module and I want to show on only home page. How do I configure. Your help will be highly appriciate.
Hi, I'm using prestashop 1.7 with a custom theme buyed on the market, there's a way to show subcategories when i click on some categories? At the moment it show only the products inside the category and not the subcategories like the previous version of prestashop. Can someone help me please? Than...
Bonjour à tous, j'ai un texte long sur ma page d'accueil dont j'aimerais caché une partie et offrir la possibilité de voir le reste en appuyant sur un bouton. L'exemple que je cherche à reproduire se trouve sur le site Plus précisément cette partie :...
Hallo zusammen Prestashop Version: Unter "Benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen" --> "Gruppen" kann man eine Gruppe erstellen und Mitglieder hinzufügen. Diese Gruppe kann man so einrichten, dass nur sie Rabatte haben. Nun wird wenn man sich mit einem Benutzer dieser Gruppe anmeldet, übe...
Hi, can anyone help to me. I have a module for to show (stickers on product image in product list and product page), and banners with text (called Banner title) on product page, below price. I would lite to show only Banner text (Banner title) on product liste miniatures, below product pri...
Hello I do have a problem with the Emailtemplate. On top there is a variable called "shop_logo" on all the templates. Can you tell me why there isn't the logo? If the mails were sent, the logo is still not there. Thanks Randy
module RenderList mostrar miniaturas de imagen
soporte_bb posted a topic in Desarrolladores PrestaShop
Hola, He hecho un modulo y quiero mostrar las miniaturas de las imágenes en el renderlist. He creado la siguiente función en el admin del módulo: public function renderList () { if (!\Tools::isSubmit('addModuleItem') && !\Tools::isSubmit('updateModuleItem'...- 1 reply
- renderlist
- thumb
- (and 4 more)
Quise recolocar el carrito de la compra de prestashop y no se pudo. Se elimino el carrito (por que dejo de mostrar el contenido al pasar el raton) cosa que me sorprendio mucho y tome ese camino Vuelvo a reinstalar el modulo de carrito (varias veces) y es imposible, no muestra nada...
- no muestra
- carrito
(and 1 more)
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I want that, on inscription form, vat_number show always with company filled or not. That field should not be required. I have achieved this changing authentication.tpl on version 1.5.6, but now on 1.6.1, at least with the theme i use, the file seems to be very different and i don't know what to...
- 5 replies
- vat_number
- 1.6
(and 2 more)
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Hi everyone, im struggling with this problem: I want to display a warning or an error message (whichever is easier to do) from a module. More concretely i'm trying to achieve this from a module. The goal is that a message like this is shown: whenever any user updates a product and h...
Hola estoy dando un repaso por mi tienda online realizada con prestashop y me encuentro en que "availability_statut" se muestra en ordenadores pero en telefonos mobiles no, alguien me podria dar una idea para que se mostrar en telefonos mobiles?? Un saludo Mi web es: regalos4m Gracais...
- show
- availability_value
(and 2 more)
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Hello all my lovely friends If anybody is interested about how to show product weight in his shopping cart then this is a useful code for him. Please note that before changing code to this files I advise to him to take backup of all files mentioned below. Also I am not responsible for any chang...
Hi, I'm looking forward to make a catalogue website, that uses a shopping cart. So, for example, my client would look several products, add them to the shopping cart, with quantities and stuff, and instead of checking out, he'll fill out a form, and an e-mail will be sent to the store reques...
Hello community, Entire time I was struggling to get this feature done - get this color attributes available on product list etc but this time I want to not show them... and I am ashamed because I forgot how to disable it. I want to have them on product page but I just don't need them on categor...
Buenas a todos, me he dado cuenta que en mi prestashop, al buscar en el backoffice por ejemplo, en pedidos para hacer uno manual, se muestran mal los resultados. Ejemplo: Si busco Jesús García, aparecerán por separado todos los "Jesús", todos los "García" e incluso algunos que simplemente se pa...
- 2 replies
- busqueda
- backoffice
- (and 8 more)
Hello, I sell products to high price in euros, which never have centimes. I want that all the prices of my site, with the exception of the basket (because of the other amounts: the VAT, the postal charges…) are not shown with centimes. E.g. 100 € and not 100,00 € Have yo...
Hello! I have a b2b shop, so I have to display the prices with and without taxes. I've managed to do that on product list, but can't figure out how to do it on product pages. I've done it on PS 1.4 and 1.5 but product.tpl just changed a bit in 1.6 and I cant figure out how to display both p...
"Show All" Feature on Page Does Not Work
nathanielleee posted a topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
On the product categories page. Prestashop 1.6 default theme has a button "show all" so that customers dont have to scroll through 25 pages. The problem is, when someone clicks this it just resets to the same page that it was on it doesnt not show all. Ive run this test on firefox, IE, and Safa... -
Добавил несколько картинок в стандартный слайдер от престашоп (homeslier), но теперь слайдер работает только на главной странице, а на остальных блоках он отображается как набор картинок, которые идут по-очереди снизу-вверх, без перелистывания и т.д. Я так думаю, что он не работает только в блоках...
Hi!!! I'm from Argentina, so my english isn't good enough, but I'm gonna do the best. I got a this problem: I created groups of clients. Each one have different percents of discounts. When I introduce a percent of discount to a category of products, this percent isn't shown to the client,...
I want to show cart (with hovered products if possible) to the non-prestashop part of my website.. How is it possible? ps 1.6 ~ wp
Hello all, I ha just installed a fresh copy of PrestaShop to try and overcome all the issues I had with version, however, after install, while setting everything up, I came to the part where I would change front office images, but unfortunately, while changing the images I notice tha...
Hola!, tengo una nueva duda y problema: Necesito que existan H1 en cada categoria y que se muestre. Ahora mismo, mi prestashop hace mas o menos eso, pone un H1 con el nombre de la categoria. Pero lo que hace es que coje el nombre de la categoria en la pestaña de nueva/editar y lo pone en H1...