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  1. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The addons help to export products on Google Merchant Center to display them on Google Shopping, Google Search, Google Image, the Display network (YouTube, Gmail & more) and Google partner sites. Google Merchant Center works by allowing businesses to upload...
  2. Bonjour à tous et toutes ! J'ai un souci avec la configuration du plugin fait par prestas hop (je leur ai ecris sans jamais aucune réponse de leur part), je souhaite mettre à jour mon google shopping automatiquement, donc j'ai lié tous les comptes (en faisant cela il va crée des balises dans ad...
  3. Ciao a tutti, Ho acquistato il modulo Google Merchant Center che esporta in Google Shopping le categorie di prodotto selezionate. Sto riscontrando problemi a far accettare a Google Shopping i prodotti inseiriti nel mio ecommerce. Di seguito il problema: Identificatori prodotto insufficient...
  4. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This prestashop addon helps the administrator to log visitors’ IPs, city, country, zip, longitude, latitude, and others in the database and Graphical representation of visitors' data using charts from the back office. This will help to get detail about ea...
  5. Hello, I'm new to this forum, Recently i develop my own payment modules on Prestashop 1.7 and wondering how do i add extra payment / additional payment fees depend on customer payment type and show in Cart summary (WITHOUT changing / modify the prestashop core, so its pure from my...
  6. A similar question, if both can be answered. I get NY State tax to work and appear in the shopping cart on it's on line but it isn't added to the total shown. Thanks for any assistance - New User, 1st post V
  7. i am facing this error on abandoned carts when open in backend.
  8. i am facing this error in shopping carts admin site
  9. It's now the second time my shopping cart has disappeared, the first time it was in the ver. and I could not get it back and could not remember all the changes I had made so I made a complete reinstallation this time with ver. and now the same thing had happened! I would love to ha...
  10. I want to export my products to FaceBook (and from there use Instagram product tags), but from what I can tell they have restricted the integration for paged that have more than 2000 likes/followers? As my page has way less than that I hope that someone here, may help me out.
  11. Bonjour, depuis aujourd'hui nos clients ne peuvent ajouter aucun produit à leur panier . Quand on clique il ne se passe rien. www.vepsi.shop J'ai déjà appelé 1&1 pour upgrader notre formule car ce n'est pas la première fois que nous avons des soucis ou erreurs. Une idée sur comment...
  12. Je fait ce message juste pour informer sa peux servir à certain! Google Shopping viens de suspendre mon compte après un mail d'avertissement car certaines images contiennent des filigranes, parfois de ma boutique, mais parfois celle des marques! On se casse la tête à faire ses propre photo,...
  13. Prestashop just completed site running tests when I click on add to cart nothing happens and does not show in cart icon
  14. Hey everyone! Here is part two of the private shop mini series, I hope it helps! http://nemops.com/private-orders-in-prestashop-thirty-bees-2-hide-shopping-options-for-visitors/#.WyeQAKczaUl
  15. I am very slowly doing my early products build and checking online in maintenance mode as I go. I had one product with combinations set up for drop-down, and the cart button operated. Now, have added another product in same category but find both products have a dead cart button. What might I have o...
  16. I haven't upgraded to 1.7 although I have played with it, I still have all my shops running on 1.6 and to me that's the best release yet. Sort of like with Windows, every so other version were great, but not all of them. Is has a nice theme, loads fast and is easy to troubleshoot. What versions d...
  17. Hallo, seit fünf Monaten versuche ich nun folgendes Problem zu lösen. Ich möchte, dass meine Produkte bei Google Shopping erscheinen. Dafür habe ich ein Modul gekauft und den generierten Link bei Google Merchant eingefügt. Es wird angezeigt dass alles in Ordnung ist. Jedoch wurde...
  18. How long does a Shopping Cart stay active ? Better still how can I adjust the time period to say 5 days?
  19. Schöne neue Shoppingwelt Unser Kaufverhalten hat sich durch das Internet radikal verändert: ob Einkaufsbummel oder Weltreise, hier gibt es alles: zu jeder Zeit und zum vermeintlich kleinsten Preis. Während Traditionsunternehmen schließen, erobern hastige Lieferboten und Paket-Abholstationen das...
  20. Hi there, i was wondering if there's a way to remove the default carrier price from the shopping cart, so the customer can freely choose a carrier at the proper order step without being confused. Maybe something i didn't find in configuration?
  21. Hello all my lovely friends If anybody is interested about how to show product weight in his shopping cart then this is a useful code for him. Please note that before changing code to this files I advise to him to take backup of all files mentioned below. Also I am not responsible for any chang...
  22. Salve,ho un problema, non riesco a collegare google shopping a prestashop. Mi sono registrato a merchant Center ma quando clicco sulla voce "importa automaticamente i dati di prodotto da PrestaShop ,Fai clic qui per iniziare." non fa nulla.. Come posso fare.? Grazie mille
  23. Hi, I am a newbie in Prestashop and I am having some problems trying to adapt Prestashop to my needs. In this case I would like to sort and group the products in the cart by supplier. I would like to separate the products of different suppliers just with a line or something like that, separating pr...
  24. Hello, I've had a problem when customers goes to the shopping cart (with items in it) they will see under Unit Price a price reduction, which isnt even a reduction and shouldnt be there. For example price might show like this: 17 € [ 0% ] 17 € I tried looking into the taxes and disab...
  25. Bonjour, je voudrais faire des campagnes google shopping plus efficaces, je me pose des questions concernant la subdivision des produits. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'infos sur le net et le service client de google est confus. Avez vous un retour d'experience à partager ? à l'heure actuel je subdivise...
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