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  1. In this post https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/209268-facebook-og-meta-image/ it says how to implement the og:image and it works fine. I need the title and description to be customized and include the product price /old price and some translations from the product.tpl to the title or de...
  2. Bonjour à tous, Salutations de la journée. Le module permet d'intégrer le widget de partage de contenu social AddThis sur un site Web. Il aide dans un signet social et les boutons de partage aident à diffuser le contenu sur le Web en facilitant la création de signets et de partage pou...
  3. If I have two products that share the same physical inventory. Is there a way to share the inventory in the system between the two products. For example. I have unisex t-shirts that I sell in both the mens and womens categories. I need to share the base inventory with the two products in order t...
  4. Hola, Tengo un problemilla con el modulo de redes sociales en página del producto (socialsharing) de prestashop 1.6. Instale una plantilla y el aspecto de los botones es este: No consigo ver como se modifica, para ponerlo como esta en la plantilla de serie de prestashop 1.6....
  5. slamat siang para master n suhu PS skalian Saya maw nanya... klo modul social sharing tdk brfungsi itu kira2 penyebabnya krna apa ya..?? tombol social shring yg lain berfungsi' tpi yang facebooknya tdk berfungsi.. klo saya klik tombol facebook gambarn produknya tidak muncul... solusinya gmna ya..??...
  6. Hi, Social Sharing module doesn't show all butons (and button images are missing nas well) in Firefox but in Chrome and Opera it is all right. Its not .css issue because if I disable css, buttons are not there. What am i missing? Prestasop Social sharing module 1.2.6 Default th...
  7. Hello everyone, Is it possible to restrict the cart between multiple stores. I want to stop "cart sharing" between stores. Is it possible to restrict the products for registered customers. Because i want to sell some products like (try our products) for new customers(first time customers) on...
  8. Ciao a tutti, da un paio di giorni uso PrestaShop 1.6 ed avrei bisogno di qualche indicazione. Spero di essere nella sezione giusta. 1) Oltre al top menù orizzontale, avrei bisogno di un menù secondario, sempre orizzontale, sotto al primo. Due voci ci sono già (contattaci, entra), dovrei ag...
  9. My store is calling the wrong product when using the twitter button (socialsharing module). When the popup window opens it shows description/link of another, not the current product. Facebook and Pinterest are ok. http://www.babybybaby.com.br PS:
  10. I hear many people claim that PS Multi Store will share also the products, but unfortunately it doesn't in our stores. In the main store 'ledaanbieder.nl' we've got 2300 products, but if we go to another store there are none. While adding a new store you can share all other things like order...
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