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  1. Ajouter un marque-pages sociaux avec l'animation de la souris. Le module peut être transplanté vers les colonnes, l'en-tête, le pied de page et la page du produit Caractéristiques : Partagez sur les réseaux sociaux votre site ou votre lien vers les réseaux sociaux Soutie...
  2. menu Floating gambar dilakukan di jquery -added Facebook/Twitter lien Jangan lupa untuk menambahkan situs Anda www.directory-stores.com Direktori kami perusahaan yang menggunakan prestashop v1.7 - memperbaiki kesalahan dalam proses pembelian di 1,5... v1.8 - add google +1...
  3. Floating menu fatto di immagini in jQuery https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/en/add-ons-prestashop-modules/177-slideout-modules-prestashop.html Non dimenticate di aggiungere il tuo sito www.directory-stores.com Il nostro elenco delle aziende che utilizzano PrestaShop v1.7 - Fix Errore...
  4. Hi, I propose this new free module to facilitate sharing modules translations between admin and merchants A lot of modules come with no translation for several languages which makes it time consuming to translate them This module allows you to import a module translation for the desir...
  5. Bonjour, Salutations du jour. Le module permet d'afficher Facebook comme une barre latérale contextuelle sur la page d'accueil pour augmenter les goûts de la page Facebook du magasin, l'engagement client et la gestion des relations. Ce module permet d'augmenter l'exposition aux client...
  6. [MODULE] Advanced Wishlist|Favorite|Save for later|Buy later Pro Overview Add products to favorites (wishlist), customers can check the products they need to buy in the future,set favorite categories, promote and share favorite links, built-in customer favorite statistical behavior analys...
  7. I found another problem with shared cart: Can't update product quantity cross shop. I've got error: "This product is no longer available". When I'm on SHOP_01 I cant change quantity of product from SHOP_02, link doesn't work: SHOP_01/cart?update=1&id_product=111&id_product_attribute=...
  8. Hello, Does anyone know how to add a Instagram social share button in ver. 1.7? Thanks John
  9. Social Connecter, Like, Share, Widget, Comments Règlement général sur la protection des données (GDPR) - Compatible avec le module de conformité GDPR officiel de PrestaShop Le module combine presque tous les plugins disponibles de Facebook : -Facebook Connect -Le bouton...
  10. Module guarantees: - Help installation including: There is a detailed user guide with examples even for tiny addons. - Constant updates: Careful in-house testing ensures you get robust applications. Multiple stores support. Custom themes compatibility. All included. - Usability and perform...
  11. Hi, Presta 1.7, multistore, one group of shops, 3 shops in this group. All shops have the same root category let's call it "Brandshops" Settings of shops group: Settings of each shop (Associated categories are the same for all shops) In one of the shops, t...
  12. I have a shop with T-Shirts and other goods with pictures. The pictures are made by my friends or collaborators. Revenue from one thing is 10% for them. I would like to automate the process of calculating and paying their share. Everything should be associated with the author of the picture and the...
  13. Bonjour à tous, Salutations de la journée. Le module permet d'intégrer le widget de partage de contenu social AddThis sur un site Web. Il aide dans un signet social et les boutons de partage aident à diffuser le contenu sur le Web en facilitant la création de signets et de partage pou...
  14. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module allows integrating AddThis social content sharing widget on a website. It helps in a social bookmarking and sharing buttons helps spreads content across the web by making it easier for visitors to bookmark and share it. AddThis is a bookma...
  15. Hi, I tried to share my forum post on Facebook, Twitter, pinterest and Google Plus. I can see post title, image and link properly shown in popup for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, but pinterest popup does not show images, link and title. Any idea?
  16. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. To turn web pages into graph objects, you need to add metadata to your page. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph....
  17. Is there a similar module available similar to wplift.com/easy-social-share-buttons This is a WP plugin, and it has some good features that I would like to use, especially the left/right sidebar.
  18. Bonjour, voici un nouveau petit module gratuit qui va vous permettre de définir clairement l'image utilisée par Facebook si on partage le lien de votre produit. Le module rajoute simplement une petite ligne de code sur chaque page produit en définissant l'image de votre Cover (l'image utilisée com...
  19. Salut ! Lorsque je partage le root de ma boutique Prestashop, c'est l'image de base du thème sélectionné qui apparait. Pourtant, cette image n'est présente nulle part sur le site web, sauf dans cache > cachefs. J'ai même écrasé cette image par une autre dans la cache mais rien à faire, elle appara...
  20. Hello there presta gurus Today I wake with a new query: Is there a way to add like/share button to new pages created in the shop. Example: I have this page currently http://shop.artofgat.com/index.php?id_cms=6&controller=cms&id_lang=1 and I want guests/customers to be able to share/like it o...
  21. Good evening, We're experimenting several issues with the module blockwishlist in our prestashop 1.6. We instaled Warehouse theme (http://warehouse.iqit-commerce.com/en/). These are the issues related with the Wishlist module: - We cannot delete any wishlist created. ( http://www.desarrol...
  22. Hi, I have multi-store setup, running 2 stores. I have share customers set to 'No'. However - a customer from shop 1 is able to login to shop 2 using their shop 1 login. Is it supposed to work like this? There is a similar post here but it has no replies. Any help appreciated...
  23. Ajoutez un signets sociaux avec la souris sur l'animation. Ce module montre facebook, twitter, pinterest, google +, etc., en bas, pour partager votre site dans les réseaux sociaux Caractéristiques[/size] Réactif Soutenir Facebok, Pinterest, Twitter, Google + 1 Traverser le navigateur Multili...
  24. Hola , Acabo de instalar este módulo y me funciona muy bien pero justo delante de "compartir en facebook" aparece un símbolo muy raro, dejo foto! Mi prestashop es Gracias!
  25. Facebook product share + kod rabatowy Moduł umożliwia dzielenie się produktem na facebooku (Twoi klienci mogą go opublikować na swom wallu). Wzamian za to mogą otrzymać kod rabatowy do wykorzystania w Twoim sklepie. To ty decydujesz o wartości kodu rabatowego (i całej jego specyfikacji) moduł...
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