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  1. I activated the webservice to synchronize the price of a product with the program that manages the warehouse via API. With the Postman program I make a test by sending a put with this text: response 200 OK On prestashop the price is modified but all the values present in the product are ca...
  2. One Click Upgrade + Update or Migrate PrestaShop to 1.7 Pro We present you the update PrestaShop module in 1 click: Upgrade your old version shop to the latest version of PrestaShop in one click with One Click Update or Migrate to 1.7 Pro. It's the best module to transfer your products, categ...
  3. I have created a module in Prestashop 1.7.6 which update products + product attribute stocks by 2 ways : In the back office (the settings of the module) it works perfectly From a cron by the server every night using a declared service called by this kind of command line : php /var/www...
  4. i am trying to open module link but not open an error The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
  5. Hi everybody, please is there some one that know how to hide the customers personal informations as "email addresses" to the employees in PS 1.7? For example if I give access to them to the Customer Service they can get all the contacts i have in the shop and i wouldn't like this. I really...
  6. Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas avoir de réponse claire pour savoir si oui ou non, le service Cron de Prestashop fonctionne. J'ai lu plusieurs fois que le service cron ne fonctionne pas. Mais en lisant des logs, j'ai vu que un des servers Presta appelait sur un controller AdminCronJob...
  7. When i go to the page that loads my symfony service , it tells me there is no such a service with this name registered. my config.yml file looks like this: services: product_repository: class: Foo\Repository\ProductRepository arguments: ['@doctrine.dbal.default_connection', '%data...
  8. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to communicate with clients on online stores and turn visitors into customers. It helps to build a relationship with customers, to provide personalized service & increase sales. 100% free. No monthly fees! Helps in web traffic analysis. taw...
  9. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to communicate with clients on your online store and turn visitors into customers. This helps to build a relationship with customers, provide personalized service and increase sales. Live chat is beneficial for businesses. It ha...
  10. Hello everyone. So, I need to update the field of "active" into a product that was already created as non active, but using the WebServices won't work. First, I tried to extract the original XML of the product, change the field and send it back with a PUT Request, but it won't accept some fi...
  11. Hi everybody! Using Prestashop or 1.5.3 I trying to make an products import using PSWebServiceLibrary.php but I`ve got an error and I can`t understand why... I made xxx.php in my root www dir: <html> <head> <title>prod import</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once( './PSWebServ...
  12. Hi guys i'm trying to add a new product via web services using the PSWebServiceLibrary, i tried to read other posts in this forum but i have problems. That's my code: function AddProduct($root_path, $authentication_key, $id, $name, $desc, $cat, $qta, $price){ try{ $webService = CreateWebSer...
  13. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone out here can give me some freelancer / development firms that they have personally used and would definitely recommend. I'm after experienced and great communicators. Devs that will question your judgement / idea if necessary not ones that keep quiet and just do...
  14. Ich eröffne hier eine Liste der empfohlenen Provider und Pakete, welche wir getestet haben. Natürlich bestimmt auch die Größe des Kataloges die Auswahl des Paketes. Als Referenz sind wir von einem mittelgroßen Katalog ausgegangen: ROT = nicht empfehlenswert GRÜN = empfehlenswert Für DE H...
  15. The project is my current Prestashop site. We sell top product accessories.We do drop ship ordering. Currently our site is very slow. It takes about 15 seconds to load. I personally have built what it is today. I understand some of Prestashops quirks, however, I would like to have the layout and des...
  16. Hello, New Prestashop fellow, I'd like to know how to create a payable service linked to a product. For example, i would like to propose some specific chemical treatments on some specific products of my catalog. This is a service as there is no stock associated. So, As I understood, it c...
  17. Hi, I think it would be a good thing to increase the documentation for the webservice. I see a lot of confusion again it's usage, and i can't use it correctly either. For example, to add an order, there isn't any example. when i try to use it i always get a Bad request error, but i have no idea wha...
  18. Bonjour ! je viens cherche un peu d'aide , en effet je ne peux pas ajouter une image produit par les web services. Voilà la réponse : <message><![CDATA[unable to save this image]]></message> Je me suis penché sur le problème et j'ai découvert ceci au niveau des droits : <products xlink:h...
  19. Bonjour, admettons qu'une entreprise propose de fabriquer et d'expédier des cadres photo personnalisés. Le site n'aurait qu'un service à proposer et pas ou peu de produits à vendre. L’utilisateur téléverse une photo numérique et tout un nombre d'option lui sont proposées telles la matière (pap...
  20. Hi i have problem with customer service. I have struct of shops all shop_1 shop_2 shop_3 etc... When customer write massage in customer service in shop_1 the operator from shop_2 can see this massage make click in box sav and terotical opertor don't have permission to see this massages...
  21. i am going to set a new page, and i will seeling service and not products. any help how to see it pls.
  22. Pouvoir arrondir ses fins de mois avec ses compétences (conseils, graphisme, écriture, traduction, etc.), c’est ce que propose le site jobenligne.net ! Le concept du JobenLigne est très simple : il s’agit de publier gratuitement sur le site tous les services que l’on est prêts à rendre (et ces s...
  23. Okay, so Im very new to this and I have just experienced first hand how hard it is to design and build a website. So, I am curious to see how much it would cost for someone else to help with the coding and look of the website. Basically, what i really would like is to have my website look like...
  24. Bonjour, Je suis actuellement en train d'étudier les différentes solutions pour un site dont l'activité sera la prestation de services. Je ne souhaite me cantonner aux moyens de paiement classiques pour ce type d'activité (càd : chèque, virement). Toutefois, la notion de "paiement en lig...
  25. Hello everyone, I'm very pleased to announce a new baby is born. Her mother called him Sitolog. It weights 75 indexed pages You may know MyPhotoRescue, my site proposing photo retouch and repair services, and most probably you know more its "Tools for webmasters" section than the rest. As...
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