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Found 4 results

  1. Zdravím, hraju si s PS a nějak se mi nedaří uspokojivě rozběhat SEO URL. Když to přepnu na normální adresy, tak všechno funguje jak má. Jakmile přepnu na SEO URLs občas to místo správné stránky vrátí jen otazník (obrázek otazníku vlevo nahoře na prázdné stránce). A taky se přestanou zobr...
  2. Hello I wonder if someone can help. I am in the process of upgrading a site to prestashop 1.5 (from 1,4.10) and it all went well except when i turn on my ssl certicate any url like /order does not work I think it is something to do with my .htaccess but I don't know what. Any help...
  3. Right I think I've spent most of my week on this forum trying to find fixes for all the problems I'm encountering. The latest problem I have is to do with SEO Friendly URLs'. After I generate a .htaccess file and turn on SEO Friendly URL's all I get are 404 ERROR pages on the front end. The...
  4. Hi All, I have a weird problem with switching languages on my shop. I have configured my shop to support 2 languages; Dutch and English. if a customer then does the following steps: 1. customer enters the site in Dutch: http://www.imaginethatthisismyshop.eu/nl/ 2. customer browses throu...
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