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Showing results for tags 'seo url'.
Hello PrestaShop-Community, Currently we are using a filter-module on brand-pages, that filters the brand-page by possible relevant categories. But we'd like to have real category-links on the brand-pages, like we have on the category-pages - as we want the brands to act like categories (SE...
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- manufacturers
- brands
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Bonjour, Je suis en train de réaliser une boutique d'articles de mode (prestashop, thème Warehouse). J'ai beaucoup de produits avec des déclinaisons. Quand je choisis un produit, automatiquement l'url apparaît sous le format: nom-produit/id&slug-taille/id&...
- 2 replies
- slug
- url produit
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Cześć! Planuję zrobić w sklepie sporą modyfikację aktualnego menu, które obecnie wygląda tak, że ma 15 kategorii głównych i dalej dzieli się na podkategorie i pod-podkategorie. Jednak wraz z rozwojem sklepu potrzebuję zmiany, ponieważ obecne menu robi się mało czytelne, jasne i intuicyjne. Nowe menu...
Selam Arkadaşlar, Url İD'leri Düzenlemek İstemekteyiz. Link Yapımız Şuan da : {category:/}{id}{-:id_product_attribute}-{rewrite}{-:ean13}/ Burada ki "İd" Kısmını Kaldıramıyorum, Yardımcı Olabilirseniz Sevinirim.
Salut à tous, Salutations du jour. Une URL conviviale est une adresse Web facile à lire et qui comprend des mots décrivant le contenu de la page Web. Ce type d'URL aide les visiteurs à se souvenir de l'adresse Web et à décrire la page aux moteurs de recherche. Une bonne structure peut aide...
- 1 reply
- friendly seo url
- friendly url
- (and 18 more)
Dear developers, I've been trying to create a second option of url rewrites to a product. In the standard Prestashop installation at the SEO & URL's section i've got the following products url build-up: {category:/}{id}-{rewrite}-{ean13}.html This creates the following products url:...
selam arkadaşlar, yeni bir ürün eklerken seo url kısmında geçersiz karakter olduğu için hata alıyorum ve url kısmına baktığımda içersinde türkçe karakter barındırıyor. bu normal bir durum değil herhalde ama birden fazlada mağazada karşılaştım bu durumla. şimdi bu nasıl çözülebilir, sınıflara fal...
Hej, Jeg har problemer med seo venlige url'er. Når jeg slår det til så er det som om Layered Navigation husker hvis man har valgt nogle variationer selvom man er gået videre til en andet product. Eller jeg er faktisk lidt i tvivl om hvad det er der sker. Se foto. Eksempelvis ser min...
Доброго времени суток!) Столкнулся со странной проблемой при добавлении нового или редактировании существующего ЧПУ адреса в админке. Ошибка возникает при попытке сохранить. Текст ошибки: "Поле перезаписи URL должно быть заполнено хотя бы в языке по-умолчанию или английском языке." Естес...
- url
- url_rewrite
- (and 5 more)
Ткните, пожалуйста, где найти информацию как правильно организовать дружественный url для модуля. Типа из /modulenam/controller/?id=123 сделать /modulename/controller/123-seourl.html Или может быть в какой-нить модуль, где это уже реализовано, чтобы посмотреть как там и просветлиться. Пожалуйста,...
- 2 replies
- friendly url
- modules
(and 2 more)
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Hi i have configured media server and done the prestashop performance setting. But media server make some problem when i enable user friendly url(SEO) and CCC setting from BO. Basically there are two problem: 1. Image not shown after enable user friendly url. 2. Css not load after enable...
I have prestashop since version 1.2.x, in the upgrade of version 1.4.x we have a problem with the url, since we never disabled the french language, now that we want to disable, and only stay with 1 language the url remove the language from the url and we get a lot of broken links and the page rank w...
Hi, I need to add Google Ad Sense code to my PrestaShop but Google not accept the trailing slash in my URL So I need to make Prestashop friendly URL open this URL as same as Without adding redirect re-write rule
- 7 replies
- google ad sense
- issue
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Hi, I am new in PS .In SEO friendly url , i put the meta keyword and meta description in that page now my index / home page coming good. But in Shop attribute like if i click Shop->Age->Tiny Baby the title come like Tiny Baby - Mini Honeys, How could i change the title of all Attribute...
Hello, I have a question. How do i rewrite the links i have put in a cms content. Like i have cms page named "About us" I have a link inside this page content which links to a category and i have placed like this <a href="index.php?id_category=4&controller=category">Category</a> No...
- 6 replies
- rewrite url
- seo url
(and 1 more)
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Hi, i am very new at this, so please bare with me. I am starting to work with my Categories. I am doing the meta name and meta description, etc. Now it is asking me for the friendly url? How do i go about this? I could not find anything about doing this from the git-go! Clicking onto the Help...
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Hi, i need to search through products and make the result with SEO friendly URL. I'm searching through feature values, so my search link looks like: /search?controller=searchpneu&orderby=price&orderway=desc&kategorie=7&skupina=8&sirka=85&profil=51&prumer=48&vyrobce=1&submit_search=Search but i ne...
- 1 reply
- link rewrite
- seo url
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Ciao a tutti, chiedo aiuto ai super esperti di prestashop ed indicizzazione, abbiamo un sito con circa 40 mila url indicizzati e vorremmo passare a prestashop come gestionale perchè mi sono innamorato di questo software cosi potente e dinamico.... Vorremmo progettare il nostro futuro con il ges...