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  1. Hello, I've created a new static page related to payments and added a menu called Payment. I go to Modules > Top menu and added a new item with alias. However, the SEF URL look like: https://mydomain.com/content/5-payment I want to get this one: https://mydomain.com/...
  2. Hello, has anyone configured PS in such way that the actual schema of url when any attribute is selected instead of hashtag & parameter name to use a clean url such my shcema is set in BO > Preferences > SEO & URLS > "Route to category with attribute selected_filter for the module block layered" : {...
  3. Hi! We are trying to activate SEF URLs for a shop installed on a LAMP server. As soon as we activate Friendly URLs all links are broken giving a "404 Page not found". mod_rewrite is activated on server and there is a .htaccess-file. We have also checked with the template provider, and they say that...
  4. Hello, But default the URL of product with selected attribute (say 'color') is generated according to this template: ...productname.html#/color-colorname How can I change it to ...productname.html#/color-colorID The reason why in need this is because in case my color name uses no...
  5. My question is directed to Presta developers. Are there some plans to remove id (which is obligatory in address linking) from SEF links? If no, then WHY? From search engine and technical side, I undertand, that it is not a problem. But from user / customer side it looks a bit uncomfortable, wh...
  6. Bonjour, N'obtenant pas de réponses sur la partie anglophone du forum, je tente ma chance sur la partie francophone. J'ai installé PS 1.5.3 et voulu configurer la partie SEO. Voulant supprimer le '.html' des URLs de produits, j'ai changé le schéma de ces urls via le backoffice. Cela n'a pas...
  7. Dear Prestashop Community! I would like to change my shop's URL Rewriting pattern for the product.php file. Like for the CMS pages, I want the url to be like /product/prod_id_url_rewritten.html. This modification would help a lot during the analization of google anyalitics data. In the .h...
  8. Hello, When i enable sef urls and generate a htaccess file one of the 3 languages(Dutch, NL) give me 404 errors an all pages of that language, French and English function like it should. When i disable sef urls all languages work ok. Nobody can answer my question? this is my htaccess fil...
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