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Found 21 results

  1. Hallo, ich möchte mir eine Sandbox für meinen Shop anlegen. Gibt es dafür vllcht ein Tutorial oder einen Link? Danke im Voraus lucio
  2. Hi all, we have this kind of problem: have installed the default Paypal module and we are trying to use it in Sandbox mode so we can do some tests. We successfully connected paypal account in production mode, but when we switch to sandbox and click on "Create or connect paypal account" we...
  3. Hi to all, I'm trying to use the new Prestashop checkout process which includes Paypal and other payment methods. Is it possible to configure something like a sandbox? thank you
  4. He actualizado la nueva versión de prestashop y he instalado el modulo de PayPal, pero este me ha dado un problema, ya que no me deja instalar el sandbox, hay alguna manera de solventar esto? He visto la página de PayPal y me indican que puedo encontrar la solución mediante el soporte de p...
  5. Bonjour, Lorsque j'essaie de faire la mise à jour de modules, je reçois ce message d'erreur qui apparaît en pop-up rouge : "Error! Exception retournée par le module XXX pour upgrade. Impossible d'extraire le module de /chemin_d'install_prestashop/htdocs/var/cache/prod/sandbox/5c24be6...
  6. Bonjour à tous, Je suis actuellement sous prestashop et je fais des tests de paiement avec le module Paypal 4.1.4 (sous Braintree). À chaque fois que j’exécute un paiement avec un compte SandBox client, le paiement reste 'en attente de validation Braintree' dans le panneau d'admini...
  7. I'm currently developing a module for Prestashop (initially on the 1.6 version). Thing is I'd like to be able to install and test said module on my dev environment, where I already have PS installed and running. PS says I can't do it because I'm not authorized and so I've learned I need a contr...
  8. Bonjour, je suis sur la version de prestashop En " Test mode ", la SandBox Paypal marche nickel, la redirection aussi, mais pas en mode "réel" : Après la confirmation de paiement, j'ai une redirection sur cette page avec ce message : " TCPDF ERROR: [image] Unable to get image : " (sans...
  9. Salve, premetto che sono una web marketer non un programmatore e mi trovo alle prese con il modulo Paypal che fa capricci. Il nostro freelance non ci risponde e mi trovo a dover risolvere il problema autonomamente. Il problema è che il pagamento tramite PayPal si comporta come se fosse in modal...
  10. Dear all, I would like to use my sandbox account from Ebay Germany to first test the syncronization between PrestaShop and Ebay and improve my template. Does anybody know how to do this? When I try to register the module at my sandbox account, it does not work because the login page that is...
  11. I have installed on Xampp the version 1.6 of Prestashop and I loaded the template "Megashop". I need to turn on my store "ebay sandobox". I joined the site "ebay sandbox", according to the procedure of http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/XML/docs/WebHelp/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=...
  12. hello guys, I created a sandbox account on ebay to test the ebay module in prestashop. Is it possible to test my sandbox store on local. I also have my modified prestashop store online. what should i do to test my sandbox store in the ebay module(version:1.9.1) Thanks.
  13. Bonsoir, J'ai cherché sur le forum et sur internet sans succès, c'est pourquoi je m'adresse à vous. Le contexte : - j'ai un compte développeur sous Paypal auquel je suis connecté - j'ai créé des comptes de test business et client Lorsque j'essaie de me connecter sur la sandbox avec l'u...
  14. I'm having trouble getting PayPal US to work on PrestaShop I've heard there are a lot of compatibility issues with the newest version of PrestaShop and the PayPal module. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the module and I've tried resetting the module, but it doesn't seem to work. I've e...
  15. Unfortunately I still can not synchronize with prestashop eBay. I emphasize that I am using the sandbox eBay store. I have also created categories in eBay that match those of prestashop, but I have not managed to solve the problem. Also, I think there is a problem in the specification of the objec...
  16. Hi there, Looking for some urgent help! Been struggling with an issue and we are looking to launch the site in a few days. We are trying to test out our site that we have developed on PS with Paypal Sandbox and while the payments are going through, the orders are not being created. Our pro...
  17. Hello, I'm using Paypal in sandbox mode to check my configuration but it doesn't seem to work. The order is processed by Paypal, in the account the of buyer money is deducted and merchant receives the money but Prestashop just returns the user to Order history page with item or items still i...
  18. Hi all, I am testing the payment Paypal module (3.6.6) from my workstation (Windows 7 pro - Prestashop using the Paypal Sandbox. I configure the parameters by using the "Get my Paypal credentials". When I want tu pay my cart, an error occured with the following message "Please contact t...
  19. Salut, J'utilise paypal sandbox ,la commande payé mais ni le client ni le vendeur reçoit un mail de confirmation de commande !! une idée d'où cela pourrait venir ? Merci d'avance
  20. Ciao, qualcuno ha idea come effettuare i test in sandbox nella modalità PayPal Pro? http://screencast.com/t/RxK2DPNBWDi Scavando sul portale sandbox di PayPal non riesco a configurare il mio account di prova in modo che sottoscriva l'opzione Pro. Il tutto naturalmente va con l'opzione s...
  21. Hi, I tried to use real account from Paypal ,not in sandbox mode, with my shop but I start having errors after I moved the shop to godaddy. Now I tried with Sandbox mode and after I COMPLETE the order at paypal when returning to my shop I get this error: "Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'JSMinEx...
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