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  1. Buy it here: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/website-security-access/44413-security-pro.html Price: Only 69,99 EURO (Free support included) Cheap doesn't always mean bad. I spent more than a year on this project and I want to help as many store owners as pos...
  2. Hi all I've just signed up to Google Webmaster, but I'm getting an 'Unreachable' error message when I run a 'fetch and render' function. Hours later and I'm wondering if it could be related to my robot file, please see below... # robots.txt automaticaly generated by PrestaShop e-commerce...
  3. abady


    Hello I would like to ask, during the hardness to register in Baidu and submit my site. does using Baidu robot.txt and upload it to my root, could help Baidu spiders to find my site and grab the data to Baidu? if this could help , is there any one has the correct robot.txt code for Pres...
  4. Ultimate Math CAPTCHA / Enhanced Anti Spam Security Math and Image CAPTCHA is the best security solution that protects your Store from spam entries. An effective, easy to manage module that seamlessly integrates into contact, login, registration, password recovery, comments and newsletter forms...
  5. I think this is related to the following post: I am in the process of upgrading to try and resolve but I am currently on I have not noticed new contacts in my prestashop account but noticed them on my mailchimp account. On further review it appears that each new valid order I re...
  6. I think a robot is creating new clients on my site with different e-mail at each time but all are containing www.cutt.us/ in the client name. I try to stop this automatic creation by buying Host blocker by linea grafica. It does not work actually. Can anybody help me? How can i find the user a...
  7. Trying to login to the front-end with my account this morning, I am encountering: There is an error 1. Prove you're not a robot This is the first time I've seen this, and I get the same when trying a different login. I never had problems logging in previously, though I haven't logged in...
  8. Bonjour, Depuis quelques jours j'ai des problèmes avec ma boutique prestashop. Je ne peux plus ajouter aucun produit, car mes boutons enregistrer sont constamment en chargement. Je n'arrive pas à trouver de l'aide. Je ne sais pas quel est le problème Je ne sais pas si c'est relié, mais mon hé...
  9. Salve a tutti, ho un problema con l'indicizzazione del mio sito. Ho generato il file robots.txt in automatico da impostazioni->seo&urls. Ho scoperto che non vengo indicizzato e facendo una verifica con Visual Seo Studio mi ha restituito questo Pagine scaricate: 0 Pagine al secondo: 0 Secondi p...
  10. Bonjour, Je souhaite bloquer l'exploration de mon site à certains robots via .htaccess j'ai trouvé des listes par ex RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^BlackWidow [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Bot\ mailto:craftbot@yahoo.com [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^ChinaClaw [OR] ...........
  11. RESOLU Bonjour, Quelqu'un pourrait il m'éclairer concernant le réferencement ainsi que fichier robot.txt J'ai mis le site en ligne depuis quelques semaines, fichier robot.txt et sitemap.xml créer, le tout transmis sur google pour que le site soit indexer. lorsque je consulte mes outils...
  12. Salve, ci interessa sapere quale file e in quale cartella trovare il codice che genera in automatico il file robot.txt perchè vorremmo fare delle modifiche definitive su determinate regole e non ogni volta andare a editare e modificare quello creato tramite modulo. Sapete dove trovarlo ? grazie....
  13. Hi, I would like to find which file (php or else) generates the rules of robot.txt because there is some things that we should change permanently instead that edit it every time. Thanks ________________________________________ http://www.kissene.com/en
  14. Hello, we have realized that the file ROBOT.TXT automatically created by Prestashop completely locks out the access to our site "http://kissene.com/it/kissene" giving this message: You can not view a description because the site does not allow it. So that our site doesn't appear in Yahoo/Bing rese...
  15. Buongiorno, ci siamo accorti che il file ROBOT.TXT creato in automatico da Prestashop blocca completamente l'accesso al nostro sito " http://kissene.com/it/kissene " dando questo messaggio : Non è possibile visualizzare una descrizione perché il sito non lo consente. Non risultando quindi nelle...
  16. Bonjour, Je m'interroge afin de ne pas créer de duplicata content de ma boutique en production J'ai une boutique en production et la même boutique sur un autre serveur et autre BDD pour du test (module, migration, etc.) 1/ Est ce que mettre la boutique en mode maintenance suffit pour que Goog...
  17. Bonjour, J'ai ajouté des lignes dans robot.txt. Ne générant pas très souvent un nouveau fichier, il est probable que j'écrase le fichier par le nouveau, perdant du même coup les lignes ajoutés manuellement. C'est pourquoi je souhaiterais savoir s'il est possible d'intégrer mes lignes dans l...
  18. Hola, Desde hace unos días vengo notando que un robot de Amazon realiza múltiples conexiones en mi tienda. Puedo ver la IP conectada más de 100 veces en Estadísticas > Visitantes en linea He buscado información acerca de la IP y en google encuentro que pertenece a Amazon y...
  19. Ciao a tutti, scusate la domanda che ai più potrà sembrare idiota, ma ho un dubbio sul file robots.txt. In pratica ho installato il mio sito prestashop in una sottodirectory (es. www.pippopluto/shop) il mio dubbio riguarda la posizione del file robots.txt, infatti non sono sicuro che esso debba...
  20. Where can i find in cpanel if robots are putting items in my carts
  21. Bonjour, voila j'ai un probleme, du jours au lendemain mon robot.txt me block mes 134 url dan Webmastertools alors que je n'ai jamais modifier le fichier robot ... a quoi cela peut il etre du ? comment puis-je corriger ca ? merci
  22. Check out my new shop, for fancy new shiny tablet computers and mobile phones, and also robot parts! http://jacobsdirect.com Let me know what you think! Thanks, Tom.
  23. Hallo allen, Tijdens het testen van de shop viel mij iets In webmaster omgeving van google zie ik een melding dat er heel veel geblokkeerd is door de robot.txt Mijn vraag is of de standaard instellingen daadwerkelijk juist zijn. Is het verzenden van de sitemap afdoende om alle producten te la...
  24. Welke juiste regels moeten er in de robot.txt staan om ervoor te zorgen dat alle categorien maar nog belangrijker alle producten door de zoekmachine kan worden opgezocht. Volgens mij is dat een beetje afgeschermt. Welke regels doen dat??
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