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Found 14 results

  1. hi , i have a problem with sitemaps. i have 2 prestashop websites : https://www.cdsoft.co.il and https://www.serverparts.co.il in both of them i cant make good and complete sitemap. i've tried to work with 2 kinds of generators : 1 - the Google Sitemap that comes with pr...
  2. Hi everybody !! I activate webservices but that doesn't work. I will explain what i do : - Activate SSL => OK - Activate Webservice => OK - Delete .htaccess and recreate it (many times ...) - My .htaccess contains the redirect rule for webservice to api RewriteRule ^api/?(.*)$ %{ENV:REWRIT...
  3. May i know how to rewrite url? How to rewrite product page from http://shoppingononline.com/en/wedding-gowns/8-purple-wedding-gown-transparent-net.html to http://shoppingononline.com/purple-wedding-gown-transparent-net.html? How to rewrite category page from http://shoppingononline.com/en/6-...
  4. Hi I got trouble to get canonical url working in prestashop v1.5.3.1 on IIS 7.5 webserver My Setup Prestashop v (installed in folder /prestashop/ ) Webserver IIS 7.5 on win 7 IIS url rewrite add-on is installed http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite Short url act...
  5. Hello, I have a question. How do i rewrite the links i have put in a cms content. Like i have cms page named "About us" I have a link inside this page content which links to a category and i have placed like this <a href="index.php?id_category=4&controller=category">Category</a> No...
  6. hello guys is it rewrite url mode issue? all pages are showing my shop name. instead of the title i put on it. i have changed all the title of pages from seo>url
  7. Bonjour, N'obtenant pas de réponses sur la partie anglophone du forum, je tente ma chance sur la partie francophone. J'ai installé PS 1.5.3 et voulu configurer la partie SEO. Voulant supprimer le '.html' des URLs de produits, j'ai changé le schéma de ces urls via le backoffice. Cela n'a pas...
  8. Hola, Espero que me podáis ayudar porque me estoy deseperando...Tras mucho tiempo de aprendizaje, chequeando consultas de los foros, tutoriales etc. por fin tengo lista la tienda. En local funciona todo bien pero al subirla al servidor, me da error : Error del servidor.El sitio web ha detectado u...
  9. gan tolong bener ni gan web prestashop ane ancur ni gara2 q utak utik rewriting html ama user friendly url nya,, dah gitu parahnya lagi sekarang ga bisa login admin, tolong buat mastah2 presta bantuin ane dong ni web ane yang udah terlanjur ancur dekranasdagk.com
  10. Can somebody please coach me how to rewrite part of a URL? Let's say customers now access my store at www.mystore.com. The URL that displays on their browsers is rewritten to "www.mystore.com/prestashop". All subsequent pretty URLs take the same form "www.mystore.com/prestashop/image.jpg". I gue...
  11. Hola; Tanto al importar productos desde CSV como al introducirlos a mano, cuando el nombre del producto lleva algún acento, la reescritura automática que prestashop (versión 1.5) me hace en la url sigue manteniendo los acentos. Por ejemplo: Nombre: Colección 2012 URL: colección-2012 Aú...
  12. After installing Pretty URL - Remove ID's, my admin and website goes offline to 404 error. It works fine if used on a default theme, however if I try to install with a templatemonster theme, it kills both admin and site as soon as I load the file: /classes/link.php There is no way to acces...
  13. Hello I would like to remove category id from friendly url, how can i accomplish that without have to edit .htaccess file because this file is auto generator by prestashop and it will erase any instruction add manually. example: actual: http://www.storemartialarts.com/14-weapons...
  14. So when I create a product and one which its characteristics are so close and there is only one difference I chose to use the duplicate product. However when you edit what you need and save, even if you change the name of the product the url does not change in its description e.g. original:...
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