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  1. Witam, Tłumaczę o co chodzi. Na stronie produktu jest zakładka "Szczegóły produktu", wyświetlają się tam m.in. cechy produktu, logo producenta, indeks, itp. Mam też zainstalowane moduły typu "Produkty w tej samej kategorii" i "Sprzedaż łączona". Wybieram szybki podgląd jednego z produktów...
  2. i create a module with register of 'displayProductPriceBlock' hook , then i create a function that use that hook so i can add element inside it . but it do'nt seem to work any help ?
  3. Estimados. Necesito agregar el código de referencia de producto en el modal quick view. Por lógica busque quickview.tpl pero no lo encontré ¿Qué archivo debo modificar para realizar esto? si me pueden ayudar con esto se los agradecería
  4. Hello. The problem i'm encountering is that my price is not displaying correctly after the volume discount only in the quick view. For example the original price for the product is at $12, when quantity is at 5, the price will be at $10. When I go into the product page, and chose quantity...
  5. Dear Forum members, i'm writing my first module for Prestashop and I have a couple of questions : I'm working on a displayProductAdditionalInfo hook for my module and all seems works fine. the only things is that i want to hide my module from the Quick View Modal panel of product. Can someone d...
  6. Que tal chic@s, tal vez saben si en prestashop 1.7 existe la manera de que el quick view del producto salga como parte del home page debajo del producto, desplazando los productos que se encuentren debajo, es decir que se muestre en un div o algo similar pero ya no en un modal. Similar a lo que hace...
  7. Hi. And use PS version So in product quick view I have: Author Publisher Publication date Pages But I need something like this in product quick view:
  8. In our catalog, we find an undefined tag within the quick view of each item. How do we remove this undefined tag? <img src="https://seducprod.blob.core.windows.net/0000gleam/Undefined.png" /> Sorry about the bad images link. I was not allowed to insert a images.
  9. I want to add the "product reference code" on the quick view modal. By logic look quickview.tpl but I did not find it. What file should I modify to do this? If you can help me with this, I would appreciate it
  10. I used prestashop in the past, I believe 1.5, and was happy with it, so while setting up a new shop decided to use Prestashop again. I just got 1.7 up and ready to go live (on the Classic theme), and I just noticed that I have problems with the following, and I cannot figure out how to fix them:...
  11. Hello, Mit állíthattam el? A default sablon klónozása után volt némi alakítás. Nem tudom, hogy elállítottam-e valamit, de az előnézet nem működik. Elvileg engedélyezve van. Így nem látszik a rács nézetben az összehasonlítás és a kívánságlista sem. Ha újra klónozom a default témát, akkor ott jó...
  12. Hi, I need to disable quick view in the laptop browser (in the mobile version it is disabled). We sell electronic components and quick view doesn't show much details and possible customers leave the page because they don't see the technical info we have available in the normal product page....
  13. Cordial saludo, Compre una platilla de Prestashop, funciona bien, pero al tratar de subir la calidad de la misma, y utilizando programas que revisan el seo de la pagina veo que no tengo la meta descripción de mis paginas, ni los H1, H2, los cuales son importantes para el posicionamiento en bus...
  14. I am running Prestashop with default theme and just decided to activate the QUICK VIEW functionality but when I click on the "QUICK VIEW" on any product it returns a totally blank popup window. Versão do PrestaShop URL da loja https://www.arteseideias.com.pt/ Tema gráfico usado n...
  15. Hi there! I was wondering if (and how) is possible to change the page you see when you click on any product to see it's detail. I kinda like the simple look and layout of the quick view pop up window so would like to use it instead of the classic new page. Is there a way? I read many threads about...
  16. Buongiorno di Nuovo e' possibile eliminare la quick view dai prodotti? , ovvero al passaggio del mouse sopra i prodotti nn vorrei apparisse la scritta quick view michele
  17. The problem u related to third party modules that displays pop up heads in the sides of main page. These pop ups are also reflected when we click on the quick view option of a product. Please provide a solution for removing these from quick view window. See the attached image for a perfect idea of t...
  18. Hi, Is there a way to change the Quick View Text, from "Model" to Item? and how would I get rid of the Orange block that says "WARNING: Last Item in Stock" as I only sell single items, ie Original Paintings. Thanks in advance
  19. Hey everyone! After the "features on product list" tutorial, I've been asked to write something about the quick view box as well, so there it is! http://nemops.com/quick-tip-add-product-features-prestashop-1-6-quick-view-box/#.U57ilfna6r0
  20. Hello I work on applying prestashop with magma theme, the quick view work on product categories, it displays product picture and some information. I added a module "new products" on the home page but when I click on "quick view", it displays homepage also not product. who can help me...
  21. please help me to edit quick view at the product? where i can find folder in prestashop to edit quick view ? thanks
  22. Hello forumers, a very strange issue here in Prestashop the quick access menu (which is in the very first line of the admin page) does not reflect the content of the quick_access MySQL table, even if I add more than 4 quick menu rows, delete some row, or delete all the rows. It always s...
  23. I need help with "Quick View" window's buttons. Plus and minus buttons on window have no effect on the number of items to add to cart. Instead, they scroll the background page always to the bottom. Help is much appreciated.
  24. Bonjour Je veux utiliser le module quick view du prestashop version 1.6 dans la version 1.5 Es c’est possible et comment faire ? Merci d’avance
  25. hi guys i'm newbie here and i wanna ask how to change quick view contents? e.g. i want to delete size and color options in quick view. thanks before
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