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  1. I activated the webservice to synchronize the price of a product with the program that manages the warehouse via API. With the Postman program I make a test by sending a put with this text: response 200 OK On prestashop the price is modified but all the values present in the product are ca...
  2. Hi, I found out there is a method to do stock update on multiple product with only one request. Maybe some of you already now the way but I didnt found it when I was searsching for. Solution : 1) Create a web request to "http://your.shop.url/api/stock_availables/1&display=[id,qu...
  3. Bonjour, Pour le contexte, actuellement j'arrive à PUT des informations dans ma BDD grâce à cette méthode Je n'ai aucun problème avec le GET et le PUT. Par contre j'essaie depuis plusieurs jours d'utiliser la méthode POST de l'API Prestashop avec finalement toujours la même...
  4. Bonjour, J'ai un client qui a un besoin de mettre à jour automatiquement les statuts d'expédition des commandes ainsi que l'ajout d'un numéro de tracking dans la commande, via un fichier CSV reçu par son transporteur. Lorsque j'essaie d'utiliser les webservices de Prestashop, et de faire u...
  5. Hi How can I send a PUT / POST HTTP request, without PHP? I have used PHP a heap, but now I writing for a smartphone. (Using Swift, Java and was C#). (If asked, I can show the swift code that I use.) GET is simple, you can also just put the URL in a web browser to get a response. I...
  6. Hello, I connected my ERP (not in PHP) with a Prestashop by using WEBSERVICES. I use CURL in command line to communicate with the webshop. I can send and update Categories, Manufacturers and Products. I can insert and delete images but I can't update them 😞 Here how...
  7. en la tabla ps_category_product es donde los productos se pueden vincular con distintas categorias si creo un producto (POST) este se me distribuye en muchas categorías pero si después lo edito (PUT) este se borra de las demás categorías y solo se queda en la default pero alguien...
  8. Hi, I'm trying to only add related products trough the webservice and have some difficulties. Every time I try to PUT following content to the webservice endpoint, trying to add product 7 + 10 to product 4, my products disappears in the backend. Here my body request: == PUT /api/produ...
  9. Good afternoon, I'm having issues with the webservice, I can get all of the products in JSON format but I can't send an Update (PUT) for the price of a product. Has anyone tried to use JSON for the webservice?
  10. I am building mobile application of Prestashop site using react native. I tried updating customer with 'PUT' method. My url: 'http://my.com/api/customers/?xml= xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><customer><id>70></id><firstname>Mizeva11111</firstname></customer></prestashop>'...
  11. Hello, I'm trying to update image by webservice using curl command line. To post, I do it like that : curl -F image=@mypict.jpg --user Mykey: www.mysite.com/api/images/pictures/Idprod -o response.xml To put, I do it like that : curt -X PUT -F image=@mypict.jpg --user Mykey:...
  12. Buenos días, hace poco conseguí leer un xml por medio de un webservice, modificar los valores que quería (posición) y ejecutar el webservice para modificar el producto. Pero desde ayer aunque cambia la posición del producto me salta un érror 500 y no consigo saber a que se debe. El mismo cód...
  13. Hello everyone. So, I need to update the field of "active" into a product that was already created as non active, but using the WebServices won't work. First, I tried to extract the original XML of the product, change the field and send it back with a PUT Request, but it won't accept some fi...
  14. Looks simple but I lost! I would place a simple reveal.js code into my product page but I do not know how, and where to put it <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.reveal.js"></script> I mean I uploaded the srcipt into the themes/prestashop/js folder, but how to link it correctly to sho...
  15. Hello All, I have a small script used to update the products in my shop ( . When I call the Webservice with method GET, this is working correctly. If I try to update or create , therefore to call with method POST or PUT, then I got the error 404 . I have tried to look on logs an...
  16. Hi, I am developping a Windows service Application in C#.NET that gets and updates informations from prestashop. I can get all the informations but I have a problem when i try to update orders. the error is the error 405. the peace of code is the folowing : var response =...
  17. Bonjour, J'arrive a envoyer une image avec le webservice pour une catégorie, mais pas à la modifier. Quelqu'un aurait il une solution, voici un exemple en html, qui fonctionne en ajout avec le post, mais pas avec le Put <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="PUT" action="http://maclé@m...
  18. How can i move the paymentlogoblock to just below the shopping cart? Right now the paymentlogoblock is in my right column but i would like it to be in the header.
  19. Bonjour J'ai commencé le tutoriel WebService REST et je bute sur la partie « Update ». Cette étape utilise la méthode HTTP PUT et mon serveur Apache me retourne un : 405 Method not allowed J'ai donc fait une recherche pour activer les méthodes PUT et DELETE et j'ai trouvé WebDAV que j'ai co...
  20. Hi, Prestashop Is there a way to include all sub-categories under all each parent categories? Every parent category must include all each sub-categories. I have lots of categories and sub-categories. I have: 36 pcs category A .... 674 pcs sub-category AA ........... 27 pcs sub-catego...
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